La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

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Friday, August 29, 2008

It's so weird, well ok maybe not SOOOO weird, but weird ah. eEtahh ape chemistry dorang ade, for 3 faci trainings in a row, my mum ajak gi tengok-tengok katil. Since Night Cycling faci training wei and until now masih lom beli katil tu. Buat penat betol. Nanti I say I have faci training, she'll give the ah-pentingkan-kawan-lebih-dari-famili look. But macam tak penting la katil tuuh. Abe pergi pon bukannya beli... Aiyaiyai...

Okehs going out to meet NIans. Lama tak jumpa! Patut nak main badminton and pergi makan donut empire, dua2 cancel dahh... K bye.

P.S. My time for the next month has already been booked. Sampai overbooking, ada clash.. Waduhh. Bertuah nye SIP, take up so much of my Ramadhan time. *pissed off look* Aku berbual macam "SIP" tu anak haha

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