La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

15 Syaaban, Nisfu Syaaban, Gerhana Bulan  

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Before I type about anything else, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask for forgiveness from all my family and friends who're reading, for all the wrongs I'd done to you. Sekiranya terkasar bahasa. Sekiranya tergurau berlebihan. Sekiranya tersakitkan mana-mana anggota badan baik tangan atau hati dan sebagainya. Dan segala-galanya lah, baik yang sengaja dan yang tidak sengaja...

Bukannya apa, Ustaz Fathurrahman ada cakap pasal Nisfu Syaaban di mana pada malam it Allah akan mengampunkan dosa mereka yang meminta kecuali mereka yang takabbur dan mereka yang memutuskan silaturrahim... And he suggested that malam Nisfu Syaaban ni, eratkanlah silaturrahim bersama keluarga dan kawan-kawan...

I tried to find the hadith online, but didn't find the exact one. Yang I found is riwayat At-Tarmizi and Ibn Majah. Sahih ke, hasan ke tak sure pulak. But I trust Ustaz won't quote a hadith unless it is sahih/hasan/boleh dijadikan hujjah punya. Otherwise, he'd state that the hadith is da'if or maudhu' etc. Dear friends, if you have the hadith, do send to me soon :) thx.

Anyway, what an adventure today!!! I went to Biopolis Matrix building in the morning for a bioethics public forum, Afterwhich around Zohor I went to Assyakirin to support NI and SPMLS for the fund-raising.

Of which... nak publicise sikit nih!! 50% of the money we get from the jumble sale will be used to fund our iftar project with Darul Ma'wa and Chai Chee residents. Do come down to Assyakirin (alight at Lakeside and take 98) between 9am and 6pm tomorrow and help us raise the funds needed. Do bring your family and friends along! Kat Assyakirin tu there's badges booth as well as an archery booth (tadi uh, besok... insyaAllah ade!) So bawaklah duit banyak-banyak and have fun sambil beramal!

K, back on track. Around Asar I left Assyakirin and the adventurous side of me took the better of me and somehow I found myself cruising around in a bus for 2 hours!! And it didn't get me where I should be. Had to drop off at Al-Kaff for Asar prayers afterwhich cepat-cepat balik, change, Maghrib and went to Ghufran for Nisfu Syaaban :)

K that was just the summary. Wann know more? InsyaAllah siaran akan dilangsungkan esok malam kalau pemberitanya mampu hehehe.

There's really a lot to talk about. Serious issues included. Hopefully I have time tomorrow.

To end this off, just spreading the announcement. There will be gerhana bulan between 3.15 and 6.45 am this morning of which the peak will be at 5.15am. Kalau mampu, bangunlah untuk menunaikan solat sunat gerhana, sekaligus solat sunat tahajjud and solat sunat taubat... Do remember to ask Allah to ampunkan segala dosamu! Alamak tempting nye nak share what Ustaz Fathurrahman shared pasal doa and zikir, but I'm so sleepy!! InsyaAllah lain kali... Or kalau ada yang lain who attended tamanilmu last Thurs at SP bolehlah share and bagi kita link ;)

K tu je, selamat malam dan maaf zahir dan batin semua!

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