La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

Ahlan Wa Sahla Ya Ramadhan!  

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Salam to all!! Untuk menyambut Ramadhan, I've changed my playlist to Ramadhan-related songs. Enjoy!

To multiply readers, you can listen to it at my blog or at my imeem playlist.

To those still want to listen to the nasyids used to play on my blog, you can still listen to it at my imeem playlist.

And my all time favourite Ramadhan song:
Harapan Ramadhan

Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan
Kali ini penuh makna
Agar dapat kulalui
Dengan sempurna

Selangkah demi selangkah
Setahun sudah pun berlalu
Masa yang pantas berlalu
Hingga tak terasa ku berada
Di bulan Ramadhan semula

Puasa satu amalan
Sebagaimana yang diperintahNya
Moga dapat ku lenturkan
Nafsu yang selalu membelenggu diri
Tiada henti-henti

Tak ingin ku biarkan Ramadhan berlalu saja
Tuhan pimpinlah daku yang lemah
Mengharungi segalanya dengan sabar
Kita memohon pada Tuhan diberikan kekuatan
Ku merayu pada Tuhan diterima amalan

Selangkah demi selangkah...
Dengan rahmatMu oh Tuhanku...
Ku tempuh jua

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Where's the link?  

Friday, August 29, 2008

It's so weird, well ok maybe not SOOOO weird, but weird ah. eEtahh ape chemistry dorang ade, for 3 faci trainings in a row, my mum ajak gi tengok-tengok katil. Since Night Cycling faci training wei and until now masih lom beli katil tu. Buat penat betol. Nanti I say I have faci training, she'll give the ah-pentingkan-kawan-lebih-dari-famili look. But macam tak penting la katil tuuh. Abe pergi pon bukannya beli... Aiyaiyai...

Okehs going out to meet NIans. Lama tak jumpa! Patut nak main badminton and pergi makan donut empire, dua2 cancel dahh... K bye.

P.S. My time for the next month has already been booked. Sampai overbooking, ada clash.. Waduhh. Bertuah nye SIP, take up so much of my Ramadhan time. *pissed off look* Aku berbual macam "SIP" tu anak haha

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Mummy, it's O-V-E-R!!  

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Well well well, I passed the 500 posts mark oredi! This blog is here since 2005, the first post being on 10th July 2005. More than 3 years here dahh. Total of 4 blogskins I think. And this current one is since like beginning of this year I think. Lama eh. In my previous blog I had 127 posts, the first post being on 16th Oct 2003. Fuyooh, I'd been blogging for the past 5 years... I wasn't kidding when I said what's special about me is I'm a full-time blogger during TP orientation haha. But nah, that's nothing special lah actually...

Read a few of my archives from sec sch days. When I read my entry, I can even remember the dream I had that I blogged about lol. Oh and one of the entries stated my results for madrasah psle. My sirah and lughoh were great! Hehe, until now I enjoy these. Best best. Tapi dah lma tak belajar Arab. Apa kata Fityan/NI adakan class Arab free? Hehe. Unfortunately I doubt i have the time to attend.

OH. Dah 2 paragraph past, I forgot to say: EXAMS ARE OVER!!! Not satisfied with how I fared, still feel the guilt now, but I'm relieved they're over. Nak risau2 pon buatpe. No use crying over a split milk right? Huhu~ Tapi memang macam nak nangis ah.

On the other hand, I can't wait to start my post-exam activities!! Before SIP starts on 8th.

Waah it's 1.02am oredi??? I got work to do!! Go sleep first uh. Nites~ Updates insyaAllah another day...

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Something just went through my head and it goes something like this...


Wahhahah, doinks, I hadn't been studying. Last paper, lastttttttt....

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Love to take photos? Why not get it judged?

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Whoo hoo!  

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I've got sooo many interesting stories and experiences and feelings and inspirations and whatnots to share! But I gotta keep myself off this space for now. Online just to check projects stuff (and of cos the frequent blogs hehehe) so can't be sitting here blogging all night long.

But kan don't ask me to tell in person, my storytelling skill sucks verbally. I think kalau baca cam boleh visualize gitu hehe. (suddenly lagu aladdin ngah main dalam otak)

ONE more paper to go and two wonderful Ramadhan projects (and they're only wonderful cos of the wonderful people! trust me, easy-to-work-with ppl makes your life sooo much easier)

Late nights + lack of sleep + a whole day of travelling arond Sg + exam period = craziness (seriously, this is the best time for you to catch me in a crazeeeee mood, eh, but depends oso ar..)

I feel that I spent my day well today. Macam entah, I feel I touched some people's lives. I hope I really did. :D

And I got inspired yet again... By Dr Danial. Gosh, I feel good nanananananana hehe.

K dah, cukup lah tu.

Toodles! Pray for my success in exam! And may you succeed in yours (if not, in whatever you're doing now lah, asalkan baik)

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Let this be a reminder to me and you. Thanks sis Mahirah for sharing on multiply =)

Happy studying everyone!

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Just for the record, yesterday was 20082008. Cool huh? But I was too busy to catch the 20:08 hr and blog so takperlahh. Tahun depan insyaAllah ade 20092009.

Anyway, LAST was downright horrible. Klah my fault never stdy finish, but seriously I see no point la in studying LAST. It's such a dry subject. And torturous too, for both animals AND humans. I think I tortured my mouse last Friday during LAST prac test. Trembling like what sehh tangan. Kesian mouse tu. He (I think) was such a lovely. I hope yesterday was the last of LAST. I hope I won't be getting my first supp paper in my whole 3 years, gosh.

Next is RTecB (this Fri) and BPT (next Wed). Both of which I'm actually keen to study. I just need some discipline and a bit more focus. And NO irritaions. I'm so easily irritated. Yesterday was worst. Every little movement/word feels like a mouse squeaking in my ears. I was so frustrated with myself lagi. Aiyo.

Looking forward to end of exams. Sorta. I dunno lah. Ngah bingung, ngah pening, ngah tak tau ape dah. Penat lah. I just feel that everything that's happening now is so unimportant in my life that I'm so lazy to layan.

I really really wanna delve into the world of Harry Potter...

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Marhaban Bid Dhaifil Habib!  

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

*click on poster to enlarge


*click on poster to enlarge
grab the forms from MDG office now!
only 30 spots available!
visit our fityan blog at

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I want...  

I just gotta do this.

After exams I would,

Read ALL 7 HP books again
Bake/cook/make a mess with Ad
Ask Siti out
Watch HP (somehow I'd get the vcds/dvds)
Do Sejarah Perundangan Islam tugasan
Watch Tuesdays with Morrie
Write to Sylvia
Throw all notes you know i would never do that haha
Eat donut empire *munch munch* I want my sillymon!!
Play badminton
Play swing and climb spiderweb if can
Write stories if I have time
Do some artsy stuff if I feel like it
Shopppp with my mum when she's feeling rich!!
Eat instant noodles
Then I'd do my other responsibilities heheheh :D

Marliyana, please go study NOW. You just finished 5 pages! And the paper is TOMORROW 1Oam wokayy...

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Dyed Shirt  

Time time exam gini, I will always use up my highlighters. The weird thing is that I also end up with dyed shirts!

Random sehh...

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15 Syaaban, Nisfu Syaaban, Gerhana Bulan  

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Before I type about anything else, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask for forgiveness from all my family and friends who're reading, for all the wrongs I'd done to you. Sekiranya terkasar bahasa. Sekiranya tergurau berlebihan. Sekiranya tersakitkan mana-mana anggota badan baik tangan atau hati dan sebagainya. Dan segala-galanya lah, baik yang sengaja dan yang tidak sengaja...

Bukannya apa, Ustaz Fathurrahman ada cakap pasal Nisfu Syaaban di mana pada malam it Allah akan mengampunkan dosa mereka yang meminta kecuali mereka yang takabbur dan mereka yang memutuskan silaturrahim... And he suggested that malam Nisfu Syaaban ni, eratkanlah silaturrahim bersama keluarga dan kawan-kawan...

I tried to find the hadith online, but didn't find the exact one. Yang I found is riwayat At-Tarmizi and Ibn Majah. Sahih ke, hasan ke tak sure pulak. But I trust Ustaz won't quote a hadith unless it is sahih/hasan/boleh dijadikan hujjah punya. Otherwise, he'd state that the hadith is da'if or maudhu' etc. Dear friends, if you have the hadith, do send to me soon :) thx.

Anyway, what an adventure today!!! I went to Biopolis Matrix building in the morning for a bioethics public forum, Afterwhich around Zohor I went to Assyakirin to support NI and SPMLS for the fund-raising.

Of which... nak publicise sikit nih!! 50% of the money we get from the jumble sale will be used to fund our iftar project with Darul Ma'wa and Chai Chee residents. Do come down to Assyakirin (alight at Lakeside and take 98) between 9am and 6pm tomorrow and help us raise the funds needed. Do bring your family and friends along! Kat Assyakirin tu there's badges booth as well as an archery booth (tadi uh, besok... insyaAllah ade!) So bawaklah duit banyak-banyak and have fun sambil beramal!

K, back on track. Around Asar I left Assyakirin and the adventurous side of me took the better of me and somehow I found myself cruising around in a bus for 2 hours!! And it didn't get me where I should be. Had to drop off at Al-Kaff for Asar prayers afterwhich cepat-cepat balik, change, Maghrib and went to Ghufran for Nisfu Syaaban :)

K that was just the summary. Wann know more? InsyaAllah siaran akan dilangsungkan esok malam kalau pemberitanya mampu hehehe.

There's really a lot to talk about. Serious issues included. Hopefully I have time tomorrow.

To end this off, just spreading the announcement. There will be gerhana bulan between 3.15 and 6.45 am this morning of which the peak will be at 5.15am. Kalau mampu, bangunlah untuk menunaikan solat sunat gerhana, sekaligus solat sunat tahajjud and solat sunat taubat... Do remember to ask Allah to ampunkan segala dosamu! Alamak tempting nye nak share what Ustaz Fathurrahman shared pasal doa and zikir, but I'm so sleepy!! InsyaAllah lain kali... Or kalau ada yang lain who attended tamanilmu last Thurs at SP bolehlah share and bagi kita link ;)

K tu je, selamat malam dan maaf zahir dan batin semua!

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Ya Qalbi  

Friday, August 15, 2008

There's alot I need to reflect on, and maner lagi nak turn to bila time nak reflect reflect ni kalau bukan kat blog kita.

Been sighing more than normal this week. Actually takde banyak benda sangat la this week, but entah. I guess I'm going through a personal rough patch internally.

Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu anhu, sesungguhnya Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam telah bersabda : “Barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, maka hendaklah ia berkata baik atau diam, barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, maka hendaklah ia memuliakan tetangga dan barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, maka hendaklah ia memuliakan tamunya”. [Bukhari no. 6018, Muslim no. 47]

Actually, I feel that I'm quieter this week. Macam... more reserved, or... entahlah, I can't really put it into words gitu...

"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan;
"Kami telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya
kami telah menguji org2 yg sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah
mengetahui org2 yg benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui org2 yg dusta."
-Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3

Sebenarnya aku terasa amat letih sekali. Ingin sahaja aku memasuki sebuah gua dan tinggal di dalamnya buat seketika. Ingin sekali berjauhan dari dunia, dari manusia. Kedua ini seolah-olah telah mengaburkan pandanganku. Dengan internet, dengan hp dan sebagainya.

Nak kata marah, tak jugak. Sedih, pon tak jugak. Kecewa? Mungkin. Yang benar, air mata telah mengalir dan terasa kekosongan didalam jiwa.

Apapun, aku terpaksa menghadapi kenyataan. Aku tidak boleh lari kemana-mana selain maju kehadapan. Tidak boleh mengundur. Tidak boleh berhenti.

Aku tertanya-tanya: Adakah ini semua hanya ujian buat diriku? Atau mungkin peringatan yang berharga?


"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yg beriman." - Surah Al-Imran ayat 139

I think I'm not a people person lah. Lebih suka bersendirian. Lebih suka melayan perasaan. Hai... No wonder I'm more attracted to research work. Duduk sorang-sorang pikir, berbual sendiri semua. Bila tangan bergerak melakukan tugas, mulut bergerak menghibur diri kemudian fikiran melayang memasuki lain dimensi -

Di mana tiada orang lain di situ
selain diriku.
Jikalau dibanyanginya sekarang, tempatnya indah.
Terdapat banyak pepohon,
baik yang rendah mahupun yang tinggi.
Terdapat juga kupu-kupu yang mewarnai kehijauan sekeliling
dengan warna-warninya sayap mereka.
Menembusi dedaun hijau pohon-pohon yang tinggi
adalah pancaran matahari yang menerangi kawasan.
Dan kedengaran merdunya suara burung-burung
yang berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain
yang bahasanya tak mungkin aku fahami
namun menjadi lagu buat diriku.
Diriku sendiri boleh didapati berehat di bawah pohon yang rendang,
berbaju kuning terang
menunggu saat malam mendatang.

I miss roleplaying. I miss reading fantasy stories. Where the impossible is possible. And things come alive.

Last lap. TE term test on Tues. LAST term test and prac written test on Wed. RTechB sem exam on Fri. BPT sem exam on next next Wed. Then one week break which will be capped off with RYCamp. Followed by SIP the following Mon. Do pray for me...

I need that energy bounce back. I'd been releasing my energy to others, but it seems that the energy just dissipates before reaching others or gets absorbed by them instead of getting bounced back to me for me to bounce it back to them back or to other people. I'm left energy-less. And with what little energy I have left, I don't know if I wanna risk releasing any of it to the people around me again. What if it doesn't get bounced back to me again? What will I be left with? What will I be without energy? Speechless? Motionless?

Titisan people would understand the analogy above. I have no idea how else to explain this. It's not about giving and taking tau. It's about erm.. what eh? Response? Erm, not sure if that it right.

Actually initially this entry is supposed to be about how dreadful LAST prac was and also how interesting the dinner with Kak Maryam and Liyana was. But I guess that's for me to keep for now. I had to let out the above first. Hoping to feel better. I dunno. Still feels empty. At least the tears have stopped.

Anyway, two of my sisters aren't feeling well. Do make du'as for them may they get well soon.

Before I end, a comfort and reminder to myself: "ya qalbi, la tahzan ya qalb" (O heart, don't be sad o heart.) HAVE FAITH. Allah is sufficient for me .There is no God but He. I have placed my trust in Him, He is Lord of the Majestic Throne. - wish to live by this, but hadn't been successful. But it does bring some comfort sometimes.

Who you see may just be who I want you to see me as. At the same time, it may just be you who misjudge me. Perhaps, because you don't know me. The fault lies with both parties - you and me.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Takde kerja lain gali archives hehehe... and found the analysis. The results INTP was from Psycho class last sem. I think yea I'm very much like this. Especially the one I bold the whole paragraph. If I know what I'm talking about, my voice will be loud and clear. If not, cakap nyamuk agaknya je dengar haha.

INTP - The Thinker

Logical, original, creative thinkers. Can become very excited about theories and ideas. Exceptionally capable and driven to turn theories into clear understandings. Highly value knowledge, competence and logic. Quiet and reserved, hard to get to know well. Individualistic, having no interest in leading or following others.

Portrait of an INTP - Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving

(Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Intuition)

As an INTP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in primarily via your intuition.

INTPs live in the world of theoretical possibilities. They see everything in terms of how it could be improved, or what it could be turned into. They live primarily inside their own minds, having the ability to analyze difficult problems, identify patterns, and come up with logical explanations. They seek clarity in everything, and are therefore driven to build knowledge. They are the "absent-minded professors", who highly value intelligence and the ability to apply logic to theories to find solutions. They typically are so strongly driven to turn problems into logical explanations, that they live much of their lives within their own heads, and may not place as much importance or value on the external world. Their natural drive to turn theories into concrete understanding may turn into a feeling of personal responsibility to solve theoretical problems, and help society move towards a higher understanding.

INTPs value knowledge above all else. Their minds are constantly working to generate new theories, or to prove or disprove existing theories. They approach problems and theories with enthusiasm and skepticism, ignoring existing rules and opinions and defining their own approach to the resolution. They seek patterns and logical explanations for anything that interests them. They're usually extremely bright, and able to be objectively critical in their analysis. They love new ideas, and become very excited over abstractions and theories. They love to discuss these concepts with others. They may seem "dreamy" and distant to others, because they spend a lot of time inside their minds musing over theories. They hate to work on routine things - they would much prefer to build complex theoretical solutions, and leave the implementation of the system to others. They are intensely interested in theory, and will put forth tremendous amounts of time and energy into finding a solution to a problem with has piqued their interest.

INTPs do not like to lead or control people. They're very tolerant and flexible in most situations, unless one of their firmly held beliefs has been violated or challenged, in which case they may take a very rigid stance. The INTP is likely to be very shy when it comes to meeting new people. On the other hand, the INTP is very self-confident and gregarious around people they know well, or when discussing theories which they fully understand.

The INTP has no understanding or value for decisions made on the basis of personal subjectivity or feelings. They strive constantly to achieve logical conclusions to problems, and don't understand the importance or relevance of applying subjective emotional considerations to decisions. For this reason, INTPs are usually not in-tune with how people are feeling, and are not naturally well-equiped to meet the emotional needs of others.

The INTP may have a problem with self-aggrandizement and social rebellion, which will interfere with their creative potential. Since their Feeling side is their least developed trait, the INTP may have difficulty giving the warmth and support that is sometimes necessary in intimate relationships. If the INTP doesn't realize the value of attending to other people's feelings, he or she may become overly critical and sarcastic with others. If the INTP is not able to find a place for themself which supports the use of their strongest abilities, they may become generally negative and cynical. If the INTP has not developed their Sensing side sufficiently, they may become unaware of their environment, and exhibit weakness in performing maintenance-type tasks, such as bill-paying and dressing appropriately.

For the INTP, it is extremely important that ideas and facts are expressed correctly and succinctly. They are likely to express themselves in what they believe to be absolute truths. Sometimes, their well thought-out understanding of an idea is not easily understandable by others, but the INTP is not naturally likely to tailor the truth so as to explain it in an understandable way to others. The INTP may be prone to abandoning a project once they have figured it out, moving on to the next thing. It's important that the INTP place importance on expressing their developed theories in understandable ways. In the end, an amazing discovery means nothing if you are the only person who understands it.

The INTP is usually very independent, unconventional, and original. They are not likely to place much value on traditional goals such as popularity and security. They usually have complex characters, and may tend to be restless and temperamental. They are strongly ingenious, and have unconventional thought patterns which allows them to analyze ideas in new ways. Consequently, a lot of scientific breakthroughs in the world have been made by the INTP.

The INTP is at his best when he can work on his theories independently. When given an environment which supports his creative genius and possible eccentricity, the INTP can accomplish truly remarkable things. These are the pioneers of new thoughts in our society.

Jungian functional preference ordering:

Dominant: Introverted Thinking

Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition

Tertiary: Introverted Sensing

Inferior: Extraverted Feeling

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Chit Chat  

Kenapalah agaknya time time genting cam ginilah banyak je temptation to do something else other than study. Aisehhman... Tak disciplined betol. Tak resilient, tak cemerlang lahh! Boo hoo...

I'm turning nocturnal! 3 days I stay up late, with last night I didn't sleep at all. Gosh! Keep me away from my lappie!! Padahal balik tu bilang diri, ok kejap je, nak check mail je but well... Haiz... Apa nak jadi?

Had trophy again yesterday. My turn to belanje Ad and Shahirah pulak. Hehe. Macam main senoman lah pulak but it wasn't intentional. Started off purely as a belanje. Haha can't remember what Ad janji me but just that if she's wrong, she'd belanje me ice-cream hahah. And well turn out she was wrong so yah! But I had crunchy ice-cream, not trophy. Masih belom rasa kenikmatan kecoklatan trophy tuh hehe. Second time, we were joking for Shahirah to blanje us then she betol2 belanje, and that was the first time I tasted trophy. Sedapppp!

Nestle should pa me for advertising their ice-cream... OR provide me with a box of trophy ice-cream! Hehehe, bukan nak makan sorang lahh, muak jugak lol.

Anyway had an upclose and personal chit chat session with Dr Yaacob Ibrahim along with other MSes at Mendaki. A relax relax session. We talked while we ate roti kirai wokayy. Hmm, kalau nak diperkatakan, banyak tuh. Lain kali kott I share. But just one thing, after the session kan, cam rasa motivated nak belajar and do well in school. Padahal the session nak katakan takde kena mengena with motivating us who attended to strive harder in our studies pon. Just that.. entah. Cam I just feel that by doing well in my studies, I will be contributing to the Malay community lar. Small as it is, cam rasa ada jugak contribute. Change the view of others that all Malays are lazy and will not do well in school. Prove them wrong! Another angle to look at it is that by doing well in my studies, I can be a good role model to the younger ones to tell them that it's possible to do well in studies! And indirectly, I'm saying it's perfectly alright to dream big. Asalkan tak jadi mst jenin eh. Dream big and work towards it, insyaAWllah boleh. Think positive people!

Alamak dunno why I'm itching everywhere! Gtg!

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I got tagged for the first time (I think). By Mahirah. Haha, tags are fun to read, no fun to do. Well, ok larh, we'll see how it goes.

1. last person to tag you is...

2. your first impression of him or her...
approachable. lol, of all the night cycling facis, i was inclined to talk to her.

3. the most memorable thing he/she has done for u...
photocopied notes from an event she went which i missed, padahal time tu like stil kenal-kenal gitu je tau. thx sis! appreciate it :D

4. the most memorable thing he or she has said to u...
tak ingat la, but the last thing she said to me was she was at the bus stop waiting for taxi last fri haha

5. if he/she become ur lover u will...
rosak seh

6. if he/she become ur lover, things he/she need to improve on...
no no, don't you get it, we can't be lovers, na ah

7. if he/she become ur enemy, u will...
find out why (i'm serious)

8. if he/she became ur enemy, the reason will be...
erm.. erm.. erm.. no idea, if we ever become enemies, remind me to ask you eh (hope not!)

9. the most desired thing u wanna do for him/her now...
give a big wide smile to her :D

10. ur overall impression of him/her...
nice, proactive, works hard towards becoming a better Muslimah everyday!

11. how do u think ppl around u will feel abt u...
slalu je bz!

12. the character u love of urself is
just do it attitude. anything is possible if i work towards it.

13. the character u hate of urself is...
lazy. currently.

14. the most ideal person u wanna be is...
as ideal a Muslimah as possible just like mahirah said!

15. for the ppl that care and like u, say something to them...
may allah bless u :)

pass this quiz down to 10 ppl that u wish to noe how they feel abt u

(ok thathis is hard eh)

1. Adawiyah

2. Kak Maryam

3. Raudah

4. Liyana Fityan

5. Kak Rufi

6. Dian

7. Fatimah

8. Shamsydar

9. Zee

10. Zakiah

16. who is no.6 having a relationship with?
With NI. Muahaha

17. is no.9 male or female?
female kan zee?

18. if no. 7 and 10 tgt will it be a good thing?
Fatimah and Zakiah? ermz...

19. wat is no. 2 studying abt?

20. when was the last time u had a chat wif no.3?
we had a meeting on thurs, does that count?

21. wat kinda band does no.8 like?
tak tau ah, sry beb

22. does no.1 hav siblings?
Yep one younger brother named __________ aged __ schooling at ________ lol

23. will u woo no.3?
cayang, you want me to woo you tak? hahas

24. how abt no.7?
i'm already dating her every Mon, Tues and Thurs!

25. is no.4 single?
she's never single lol, too many dates with girlfriends as far as i see!

26. wat is the surname of no.5?
alamak. just know that her longer name is rufihaza

27. wats the hobby of no.4?
lari dari kucing, lol just kidding

28. does no.5 and no.9 get along?
i'm not sure they even know each other

29. where is no.2 studying at?

30. talk something casually abt no.1?
i call her ad for short, something unique about her is she has hazel eyes... can i write an essay instead? she's told me so many stories, i can probably write her a biography lol, including when she removed braces or passed tp etc etc

31. hav u tried developing feelings for no. 8?
geli aku imagine lol

32. where does no.9 live?
nearby haha, tampines

33. wat colour does no.4 like?
alamak tak sure ah

34. are no.5 and no.1 best friends?
NO. no 1 is MY best friend. lol. I don't think Kak Rufi and Ad has ever met

35. does no.7 like no.2?
from my observation, i think so ;)

36. how did u get to noe no.2?
can't remember where i first met kak maryam, but probably NI retreat last year... then we hit it off well after I joined NI comm last year and we have same lecture...

37. does no.1 hav any pets?

38. is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?

Yay dabis!

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Harry Potter  

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I JUST saw the HP trailer and some of the footages. Aww man, I'm so not gonna miss HP & the Half-Blood Prince movie! No matter how much worst it gets over the years (I gotta saw sorcerer's stone is still the best la), I still so wanna catch it even if it means I gotta watch it alone (which is so sian and slenger, duhh!)

I'm gonna read the book once exams are over (if I can, I sooo have no life of my own) I can't remember the story much already! Last time you can ask me ANYTHING about HP, and i can prolly answer.

Miss those times waiting for the next series to be out... I only own 3 HP books. Bought the 5th one early. My bro surprised me by giving me the 6th one as a present. and then I went to buy the 4th one haha.

And I miss playing the HP games! I think I like 1 and 2. Can't remember whether I played the 3rd one. But I know the 4th one sucks. The 5th one is out, I think but I neither have $$$ to buy the game nor a Xbox to play it in. -_- I used to own a Xbox...

And of course, I miss RP-ing... HEX and VH hahah those were the days...

Which reminds me of my other RPs and my fellow RPers... Nina, Heath, Illusen all... I can't remember if it's their real names haha. Don't think so lah. Oh RP-ing can make people pretty close. When I heard one of my fellow RPer died (in RL of course), I just felt sad...

Eheh sampai ke sini pulak haha.

To watch HP 6 trailer, visit the official website.

I can't wait for November!!!

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Bersatu Suara  

Saturday, August 09, 2008

I like listening to dikir barat. Just realised that lately haha. The dikir barat during the interval at the NPMSS talk last Friday was nice. Suara juaranya sedap but I can't hear properly what the whole gang were shouting. Managed to get bits here and there. It's about remaja uh. Good lyrics :) If I can I upload what I recorded okeh?

For now, enjoy PST during Pentas Akar Aku. Sungguh sehati sejiwa, suara pon bersatu!

And PST during Khatulistiwa 07.. Very energetic and synchronised :)

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I think kan.. I am addicted to internet...


Anyway, just got home from bro Hafiz H's nikah and sanding. Best best!! Alhamdulillah dah selamat dah... Haha he only had to recite the penerimaan nikah once. Power2 :D Before the nikah itself, the Ustaz was like giving reminders to bro Hafiz. Aku yang dengar je rasa waduhhh banyak betol tanggungjawab, pengantin sendiri apa rasa agaknya eh?

Met alot of people I know at the majlis. The Perdaus people - Madrasah, Saff, RR'07, Climb IGM... And NI too of course :D Met new people too! Two sisters from TP (previous batches though) as well as my cousin's cousin (whom I so tak kenal, I have no idea how she recognise me).

Me, Liyana and K.Maryam!

Sis Rufi on furthest right of pic.

And that's Sis Aishah, the sister who took Marketing at TP years back, she's one of the founders at the previous TPMS tau, with her anak sedare who is sooo cute and friendly.

Kk.. To bro Hafiz & sis Haryani (the groom and bride), semoga berkekalan sepanjang hayat dan diberkati perjuangan bro n sis berdua senantiasa... Selamat Pengantin Baru!! Tahniah tahniah :D

Hmm... wonder who's next? YOU maybe? (Hah, sape yang terasa tu dialah tu kott hehehe)

Actually I really wonder who's next antara mereka-mereka yang berdiri di belakang tu. *Jeng jeng jeng* Mungkin mereka yang tak habis2 cakap pasal kahwin kahwin kahwin. Or mungkin jugak yang diam diam lepu, ada udang di sebalik batu! Alamak peribahasa tak pass ah.

Masjid Al-amin...

Semangat patriotic!

090808... apalagi kan on 9th Aug kalau tak lain tak bukan hari jadi Sg! Happy birthday Singapore!!! Dah pon 43... Alhamdulillah... And going strong eh! Wishing all the best to Singapore with continued peace and harmony :D

Ni nak cakap sikit... Semalam on the way home in MRT ada nampak this chinese-looking pakcik. Bukannya apa... It just occured to me: Kalau pakcik ni tak pakai songkok, I wouldn't know he's a Muslim. And that goes for people around us too! Without the songkok/tudung, people won't know you're a Muslim or not. I don't mean that everyone who wears songkok or tudung is a PRACTISING Muslim or not, tu bukan aku punya pasal, tu antara dia ngan Tuhan ah. But it's like I see someone wearing songkok/tudung, I know I share something in common with this person: we share the same religion, faith, belief. He/she is my brother/sister in Islam :D Kan kan kan? Reminds me of an iftar session I attended last year at Perdaus. They talked about Muslim identity... There was a question posted: How do we identify that a policeman is a policeman? Or a postman is a postman? Or a nurse is a nurse? How about a Muslim?

ON ANOTHER NOTE... Is a policeman not a policeman when not in his uniform? Postman? Nurse? How about teachers and students? How do you know who is what? As a Muslim, your attitude and your amalan should show that you're a Muslim too. Not just by your clothes. Because...

Islam is a way of life. Show that you're a Muslim in everything you do. The way you dress. The way you speak. The way you greet. Etc etc...

That's all from me for today. InsyaAllah will be back at the same channel, different day and time.

Haha, NI should start a radio station eh k.Maryam? Mus?

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Happy Youthy  

Thursday, August 07, 2008

I just saw the poster at Ghufran tadi, sekali dapat dalam e-mail. Ni betol kena gi ni hehe. But seriously, I wanna go! Kalau boleh, all 3 skali. Kalau takble... Then yang kat Ghufran nye jelah. Fityanees, korang must go okeh. NI-ans and other friends, you guys are more than welcome! Datang tau jangan tak datang!

Woo hoo!~ No school tomorrow! No RTecB lab, no TE tut, no LAST lab also!!! I loike! My plans for tomorrow... Go take Hep b jab at 10am, then maybe go Jurong my cousin tunang or maybe I should stay at home and finish up ALL the piling tasks... At night I'll go NP for the Youth talk. Hmm.. I'm considering going there early to bug Tsu and Anisah lol. But not just that larh, I wanna explore NP pulak. SP dah sampai, NYP dah sampai, SIM dah sampai. NP pulak uh. Then RP next amaciam? (Wish I could be there for PPP... If there's a restage please inform me and hopefully it falls on a date that I'm free!) Then we NTU and NUS ok tak? Sape nak ikut? ;)

Waah... Walked in the rain twice today. Once with Fatimah from TP to ghufran and the other one on my way home somewhere near the library area to my block. Half-drenched okeh... Tapi best arh lol. Padahal after crossing the road, I could have chosen to walk in the shelter, instead I walked in the rain hehehe.

Oh btw, I had Trophy ice-cream today! Yummeh! So all my 3 cravings fulfilled! Chrysanthemum tea on Sunday, Mcspicy burger on Monday and trophy today, thursday! And I finally had a bottle of Chrysanthemum tea ah. Pe nye ITAS ntah... Tak tau stock up Chrysanthemum tea. Bukan dorang tak tau, hari2 Marliyana cari! (Hehe, memang tak tau pon ah)

Hmm... I think I'd been having lotsa fun lately. Reflections ada berkurangan sikit. Maybe that's what the rain was for... Sampai dua kali kena mandi hujan beb.

I'm craving Ghufran's nasi sambal goreng. The last time I ate it was weeks ago waaaah! Can't even remember which week seh.

K lah dah mula mengarut. Looking forward to a wondeerful weekend! And I do hope I can finish my tasks yang ada dah long overdue ni!!

Oh, I dunno why I'm really into youth talks, forums, workshops, classes, camps, activities etc these days. Hehe.

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Got loads going on in my mind... Well more than the usual school stuff and event projects...

Things like, "Maybe we can start a Ramadhan campaign in Singapore like posting up posters encouraging MUSLIMS to respect Ramadhan, to not eat/drink/smoke/dress scantily/mix around freely for boys and girls etc instead of posters about zakat only" or, "Maybe MUIS should openly declare that Muslim men/women do not shake hands with the opposite gender and make this known to the public just like how people learn that you should remove your footwear outside a Malay/Muslims house" and "How can someone declare themselves Muslim when they do not observe even the basic obligations like prayer and fast" or "Let's gather a few friends and go around 'teguring' Muslims bil hikmah of course to dress more appropriately like for guys not to wear shorts and girls not to wear clothings that hardly covers anything" or "So really frustrating to hear fellow artistes saying things like, Allah sahaja yang berhak menilai seseorang as I doubt they really MEAN what they say" and "Takde rasa malu langsung ke ape orang-orang Melayu/muslim kita ni??" and "Kenapa mesti pakai 'Malay/Muslim' padahal ada Melayu yang bukan Muslim dan banyak juga Melayu yang hanya Muslim pada nama" and macam-macam lah!

Where do I get these ideas? Ada from people more knowledgable than me, ada from peers, ada from myself... Seriously, I feel SOMETHING has got to be done and I'd be glad to be part of a group of agents of change to better akhlak orang-orang Malay/Muslim kita! Slowly lah eh... Let's start with my badges "Akhlak Mulia Semua Orang Suka" kk? My "Jom Jadi Baik" badge hilang :( *sniff sniff* Oh ramai yang tanya, "You not enough brooches arh?" NOPE. Please eh my house is like full of brooches cos my mum makes brooches and sells them... But I CHOSE to wear the badges.

Anywaykan... Temasek Poly won PPP for the 3rd year in a row! Fu yoh, all 3 years I'm in TP I got to 'witness' TP win PPP tau tau hehe. Congrats my babies! So proud of all of you! Wish I was there to watch your winning piece and to witness your moment of joy. Unfortunately... I can't. I can't even be there for your debriefing this Wednesday... so sorry babies-ku... Go Titisan!!! (and Nadi haha!)

Gonna start a new module for DPI, Asas Psikologi beb, hmm~ Gonna miss Ust Fathurrahman... he really teaches well. Makes we wanna study and read more and more hehe.

Oh I finally got to drink Chrysanthemum tea this morning tapi kotak kecik je... and eat Mcspicy baru ni tapi dah sejuk dahh... Trophy next?

Symposium at NYP.

More pics at my multiply.
With comments by MUS.
symposium was boring nak mampz...
For the I dunno how time, I slept in a lecture haha.
Naik kebiasaan eh!

Been visiting new places. Entered SP clubrooms. Went NYP. Went Darul Ma'wa and received a tour around. First time masuk main female toilet at Darul Aman. Had yummeh chicken murtabak at some Indian stall near Masjid Kassim. Went SIM. Wonder where's next ;)

Err, k got loads of things to accomplish and super ngantok oredi tau!! Can't wait to graduate! It really doesn't seem so far off! It feels like yesterday that I brought home Tsu's water bottle after camp xplore haha.

Oh forgot to state appreciations and wishes... Thx Ad for your battery! Thx Nyzah and Farhan for belanja-ing me! Happy belated birthday Dian Farhana and Nurul Nyzah!

Great to meet Farzana again just now. Sry babe kalau macam 'sombong' hehe. Oh and Syafi, glad to have you in the team. surprisingly you're the one making the jokes!!

K dah. Meeting NI-ans tmr, whee~

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Saturday, August 02, 2008

You wouldn’t ever wanna find yourself facing a pissed off/frustrated/angry Marliyana. Tantrum seriously rabak, kalah singa. If you ever face a situation like that, you have a few choices. 1) Cari pasal (strongly not encouraged). 2. Cuba tenangkan keadaan (tengok camne, 50-50 effectiveness). 3. Diam dan dengarkan je. 3. Belanja Marliyana makan esp. McSpicy burger and/or Chrysanthemum tea and/or Trophy chocolate ice-cream and/or a certain kind of sushi (halal nye of cos! I’m very particular..) 4. Angkat kaki jalan sua! Of course, no. 3 is the most preferable, though sometimes no. 4 work best.

Why am I suddenly talking about this? Well, no... I’m not writing about the 10 random things about me tu (though I believe by the end of this post, you’ll find out 10 random things about me) but rather, I had a rather difficult day today.
Had meeting all the way at SIM HQ this morning. Had to take the MRT and the train ride was like 1 solid hour... I’d been walking alot the past few days (since Monday, had meeting every single day and tambahan, last night si 2 brothers tu pi ajak me and nyzah jalan cikit punye jauh pulak) and I have a recurring Achilles tendonitis where my tendon area gets inflamed and swells up and you just feel erm... pain. Normally it’s only one leg, but this morning rasa both legs ooOOOoo... So bila kena stand half the journey tub le rasa ah lenguh dia. But nasib Alhamdulillah pastu ada seats.
Pastu kan.. Meeting pulak waduhh took a long time. I mean, bukan salahkan dorang. It was necessary uh. There was seriously alot to be covered, to discuss and finalise. Cuma... Masalahnya ialah I didn’t forsee that. I thought limit2 2pm habis, I can solat zohor at SIM then enjoy the rest of the day with my mum (memandangkan usrah terpaksa dicancel... ) So i janji with my mum la petang lepas meeting nak keluar sesame.

Sekali tu meeting habis lambat, abe my mum call.. and the conservation went somewhat like this...

Mum: Kau dahbis lom?

Me: Belum.

Mum: Dari pagi tadi?? Sampai sekarang tak habis lagi??

Me: Aah.

Mum: Kalah menteri nye meeting. (no, she was not joking around, it was a sarcastic remark)

Me: Memang pun. (Wasn’t my intention to reply sarcastically back eh! But what went through my mind was, ada betol dia sehh, meeting ni kitorang macam menteri2 ngah nak come up with a government plan!)

Mum: Apa2 ah kau. *click*

Aku pantangggggg orang letak phone tak cakap bye. Tapi ngan my mum dah biasa ah actually, she never says bye ah. But still, the way the conversation ended macam tak kena gitu kan? Just makes you feel guilty and bad... Sedihx tau tu. Ngah dilemma kat luar meeting room tu jugak. Memandangkan we’re still in the middle of the meeting and my bag kat dalam and I sit sikit punye dalam, I can’t possibly just go in get my bag and go off. Nak cakap apa pon tak tau. So I sat back in my chair and continued with the discussion.

Before that memang aku duduk kat kerusi tu pon memang gelisah semacam. Kejap2 change seating position. Attention span pendek ah. I need a break every 50mins haha. So lepas phone call tu lagilah my mind was seriously elsewhere la. Bila nak habis? Cammane nak cabut ni? Mama marah ke? Ni kalau nak solat kat mana eh? Sempat ke kalau I rush back to Tampines ni? Kira pergi kira balik. Apa yang di-discuss-kan pon sungguh tak boleh concentrate. I was sitting there out of courtesy. Sry people... So... bila di-announce ada short break, apa lagi? campak barang2 dalam beg, anglat beg, salam2, chaloo...

Pat luar SIM terus call my mum. Aiseh she sounded ok je. She was merungut-ing to me pasal the carnival my dad suruh my mum gi is salah timing. Supposed to start at 6pm not 1-6pm. Pe dahh my dad ni. Pissed off jap pat my dad...But cikit je. Dah biasa gini.

Yang lebih me-pissed off kan is when I reached Tampines, I call, my mum pat rumah! -__- Okla okla.. Gedebak-gedebuk I decided to go home first. Ble rest sikit.
Turns out I only got around 15 mins rest. At around 5pm, lepas solat sume, kluar balik... Gi cari kasut as promised and got myself 3 new pairs of socks and a super cheapo watch and a prezzie for Nyzah, so now I’ve got less than $50 to get a book and a new dress (or something...). And after that kena gi carnival tu. I superrrrrrrr ngantok tau. A Saturday with no rest at all is not comsidered a Saturday at all to me! So starting je dah pissed off. Tapi takpe, convince myself k jap je tak lama... teman la my mum kejap. At least till my bro sampai...

Turns out the food only served at 8.30pm. What the! And my bro pulak lambat. And my mum pulak kena gi tolong2 cos got her CC friends there. Abe aku sorang2 ah! Dongong seh... I never bring any paper or pen to scribble stuff at all! Or even money! Boring gila! So I started sms-ing Ad. But kan, dah ah aku sorang, my mum muncul2 hilang... Ade this Indian man yang go around with a snake to entertain audience!
ENTERTAIN???? A snake is SO NOT ENTERTAINING at all. Nor is it pleasant. Nor is it appealing. Ok, ever since my uncle forced me to touch a snake (of which the first time I pinched it before I got around to ‘petting’ it) time kecik2, I had a phobia for snakes. Pernah my brother and cousin kejar me around Toys ‘R’ Us with toy snakes, kalau tak silap sampai I cry seh. And time dulu kat TMS, kan sebelah hutan kan, kalau dengar pasal snake je macam dengar pasal hantu! So bila nampak kelibat snake on a man’s shoulder je aku dah panic. I shouldn’t be there! ALONE!!! You know sometimes you’re so pissed off you’re like near to breaking point oredi? Know that feeling? That was what I was feeling before I saw the snake. And after I saw the snake, seriously arr nak nangis tauu!! tried to distract myself, but then I decided I would rather keep a lookout for it to make sure that it is NOWHERE within 5m from me. Ade once or twice I lost the man and the snake, panic look around me for them until I find them again. Urgh!

Then comes the next part... after the boredom (and not to mention a waste of a precious 1hr!!), my mum asked me to go Ghufran Maghrib first. I’m more than glad to ah!

Ni cerita masih panjang from the end. Patik akan sambung pada hari lain di saluran yang sama. My eyes very the pedih oredi.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! I’ve got so many things to do tmr tau, nak nangis lagi!!!! No kidding. I really really pissed off at having wasted 3 hours with no purpose!!!!!!!! Geram tawuuuk!

Lama seh I type this. Dah berapa banyak time lagi wasted. Seriously arh time is very precious tau... Emas yang sangat berharga!!! Bila hilang, takde yang boleh mengganti, takde yang boleh memutarkan kembali waktu..

I have my previous tugasan2 and I have to research a bit about the new tugasan (so kalau nak tukar topic by tmr) - my aim to finish by tmr aftnn ACTUALLY. And I have 3 meeting minutes to type out, 1 is overdue. Got RTecB assignment by reference list by tmr nite. Got to read through my RtecB notes to teach Yuva and Kaya3 on Monday and Tues morn. Got 5 ice-breakers/games to think up of by Mon nite, neatly typed out and printed. Got TE lit review to do by Tues. Got CSAS interview to prepare for plus the portfolio and also RTecB written prac quiz (total of 10 practicals if I'm not mistaken) to study for by Wednesday. Meeting like everyday. Argh! Sape yang akan tolong aku buat ni sume. Takde k. Ni sume aku. Bukan beban. Ni sume normal. And tanggungjawab ni sume akan aku tanggung sebaik mungkin. But I need understanding ok can? K bye.

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