Picture Updates
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Finally managed to upload photos from my cam. Woo hoo! Finally I have Bluetooth! So pathetic right.. So looooong then get bluetooth haha.
Hari Raya Korban '07. That's me, Huda & Huda! Haha, I'm not kidding.
Juz as the saying goes, there's a child deep down in all of us!
Classic.. The Disney Princesses, in my opinion, is the best work Disney has put up.
Satu kiblat menyatukan semua umat Islam. =)
Hehe, more Disney! Btw, I did that bracelet. Nice eh?
Took this while waiting for my grandma to enter the gate. Wish I could go with her... I so wanna take a plane. And definitely I even more so wanna visit Mekah and Madinah!
On the bus with Si Hui and Siti on our way home from 4R class chalet. Siti wanted to stay longer but I dragged her home lol. Well, I had MBio on the next day la dey!
Everyone who came to the class chalet. Not all, but still quite a handful there! Missed them sooo much! How I wish everyone had come. Oh btw, Joel looks different oOoOohhh... Hahaz
Who else if not Siti and me! Similar smiles don't you think?
Clockwise from left: Siti, me, Val, Marcus, Kenneth, Shermaine and Emily (in front)
That's my black cat btw. Malice the malicious!Ad, Jamie and me in school after AMic paper if I'm not mistaken. Wait till I upload the videos hehe.
Macam emas maner haha! It's actually my mum's set of orange brooches. Oh yeah, she has loooaads of brooches. I think my collection only covers her set of blue brooches, which is her least I think.
And that's my mum! She was trying to hide behind me to look smaller lol.
First trying out my hp cam functions. This is negative.
And this is sepia. Love this.Aaah... The tranquil...
THE END. Opps, I think I did some mistakes with the captions n positions of the pics. Shall edit another day larh haha. I'm sleeeeeeepy....