Saturday, December 15, 2007
I've changed. To me it's gradual. To my friends whom I've not met for quite sometime, it's drastic.
It's true what one goes through shapes what a person is like. Whether a person is good or bad, is one way or another influenced by people and the surrounding around him/her.
I still wonder whether this change that I'm experiencing is for better or for worse. For now, it seems a bit of a mix. I dunno. I'm still at this stage of trying to discover myself.
It's nearing the end of this year. And since term tests ended, I'm on a 'reflection' mode. What have I done this year??
I think the changes started one fine week last December. KRC4 taught me a lot of things and slowly, I begin to change, for the better.
However, as time goes by, I start to experiment on things. And I got busy with responsibilities entasked to me. And I keep on changing, this time round it's a mixture of good and bad. From what I see, I'm having some problems trying to filter out the bad. Looks like I have to change the pore size of this filter.
It is often than not, easier said than done. Change for the worse is easy. Change for the better require a lot of will-power and courage and encouragement. (Juz noticed how close 'courage' is to 'encouragement').
June was a challenging time. there was a lot of decisions to be made. Some of which, I made wrongly and I suffered the side effects. The correct ones kept me going. But for most of the time, I was confused.
It hasn't been easy. I believe there's something behind all of it. I've yet to see it.
I have two weeks. Two weeks till 2007 leaves us behind, never to come back again. Two weeks to change to someone better. To brace myself for what comes knocking on my door next year. (I remember what Mr Tan used to say, "Are you ready for the opportunity when it comes knocking on your door?" My 19th year standing on Allah's land. 'Mardhatillah'... is what I'm looking for. What will 2008 hold for me? Will I survive 2008? Before that, wil I survive for these last two weeks of 2007? Is two weeks enough? HOW do I change?
No wonder I'd been getting a headache lately...