YIC & NOP power!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hahakz, guess I did enjoy it. A bit lonely at first cause everyone seemed to have this partner to talk and laugh with while I joined different different groups and ended up with the solo me. Whatever la, I'm used to this sole figure thing anyway...
Ok, let's start from morning. Reached Ghufran a bit later than the stipulated 9am (Fahmi called my house and hp), but basically I was the fourth in my group to arrive. My group was the one which was sent to help with the mass community service at Istighfar by the way. At first I thought, what seh ten of us suddenly got dumped at Istighfar while the rest play games and clean Ghufran together-gether. But then I realised they were going to clean toilets, nevermind Istighfar better.
We (me, Atikah, Ewanny, Aqilah, Diyanah, Faris, Abdillah, Husni, Harun and Fahmi being the head) left for Istighfar rather late but no problem, some of the Istighfar volunteers came even later. Had a briefing when we reached. We from Ghufran and ten others from Istighfar were supposed to be facilitators! Like woah... What was I to say to the house owners. Needed to remember s
o many things, give the habuan Ramadhan, give the food supplies, give the FIC invitation, get back reply to invitation, help clean the house (my house oso I never help clean lol) and talk to the owners and find out what caused them to ask for help for sharing. So much responsibility!
But just as I was getting used to the idea of being faci, Ust Suffiyan say there's not enough female volunteers and after Zohor prayers, we were reshuffled. Three of the girls from Ghufran were put into the Istighfar groups under Istighfar facis while two others would go to all five houses allocated initially to the Ghufran girls with Ust Suffiyan via car. At first, I was put in the latter group but Atikah wasn't comfortable with the Istighfar girls and so asked to change with me. I don't know what made me agree but I did. I was with Huda (faci) and Amalina, allocated to a house in walking distance but since Diyanah's group needed to take bus and she doesn't have ez-link and I do, I changed again. My group consisted of Syafikah (faci) from Maarif and I forgot the other girl's name from Pasir Ris Crest. We were to go to Puan Johana's house at Blk 164 Tampines.
I tell you, the bag of rice grains and condensed milk was so heavy lah. Fasting somemore, astaghfirullah. First we took the wrong staircase, then when we fnally found the right address, the owner we're looking for had rented the house and wasn't living there!! What the... Patience, face the challenges with petience. It is afterall Ramadhan Youth CHALLENGE right?
In the end we just gave out the three porridges we brought, two to non-muslims, one to a Malay Muslim. The Malay Muslim we gave the porridge to was this old nenek with a cat and know what she asked? "Duit takder?" (translation: no money?) I wanted to roll on the floor and laugh out loud there and then lah! So straightforward this grandma HAHA.
After that we just went back to Istighfar, upon instruction from the mosque of course, via car! The girl's (the one whose name I forgot, I'm so sorry girl!) parents fetched us at Tampines and sent us back to Istighfar, mwahaha. Thank you! The mother actually sat I looked small for my age haha, that's cause I was sitting down, in the car under this pile of styrofoam bowls. You should see me standing outside, I think I actually gained weight this month, ish.
Back at Istighfar, helped out a bit with the porridge packing but soon my fingers felt painful, either burned by the steaming porridge or blissed (erm... from the word blister) by the heavy food stuff I volunteered to carry, and I went to toilet. I thought we'd stay for Asar prayers at Istighfar, then have tilawathon there before going back to Ghufran but Faris said Fahmi and Aqilah already back at Ghufran and wanted us there immediately. We took a taxi back to Ghufran with Harun paying, thank you guy. Along the way Faris was like fuming and muttering profanities lah ok. There was kecoh-ness then in short. It was all a misunderstanding and miscommunication lah actually. I think it was more or less solved, with the help of Mokhsein at Ghufran but Faris wasn't with the group when we went for Street Dakwah and Night of Power, I don't know and don't wanna know.
After Asar prayers at Ghufran, (wah... I missed praying berjemaah...), I joined the Tilawathon shortly before going out to welcome the Istighfar people. There was a long wait in between and I really didn't know what to do. Walked here, walked there,sat down here, sat down there, talked to this person, talked to that person. In other words, I was bored but I didn't wanna listen to the motivational talk cause if I go in, it'd be rude to go back out when the Istighfar people arrive right.
The welcome was kinda cute, lol. The guys on one side, the girls on the other at the entrance. When the Istighfar people arrived, the guys salam the guys, the girls salam the girls, obviously. Like, eh style seh haha whatever lah Marl. After that, all of us went to listen to the motivational talk before break-fast.
The rest was rather uneventful until Street Dakwah. My group was assigned to the Malay Village in Geylang to give out the Ramadhan messages. That was another challenge... Quite many people refused to accept the cards, thinking that they're donation cards or something. I guess I'd do the same thing if I were them... But now I realise, next time when people say something, LISTEN then reply. After seeing the people refuse the cards, it made me feel ashamed of myself for doing the same thing they did all the time to others. Haiz... A lesson learnt here.
By the way, for the first time the whole day, I bonded with Fahmi. He's like this little brother I'd never had haha. Had fun making fun of this near deaf person Ewanny had to visit earlier and feeling guilty right now, hehe, and of how Ust Ahmad drank while walking and we said that the next time an Ust pointed to us that we can't drink while walking, we can say, "But we say Ust Ahmad doing it!" Hahakz, whatever lah. The first joke lasted longer, it fact it last the whole night till the next morning. Fahmi made the joke again while we were waiting for the bus and I couldn't help but laugh at it, sorry lah!
On the bus to Assyakirin, Harun handed out drinks he'd bought to everyone on the bus. Felt guilty for scolding him half the day earlier. Got tired of his friendly chats lah. Thanks for the drinks Harun, haven't had the chance to say it earlier...
At Assyakirin, the boys went to the basement while the girls went to the second floor for supper: curry beef/mutton with french loaves. Kinda nice, but couldn't finish it nevertheless. Fatayaats from Ghufran (and two Widad from Istighfar) were the noisiest and fun-est bunch of people. Kak Aisyah naughty naughty revealed Nadia and Liyana's mistakes, and it was so funny!! Then got this video camera come into the auditorium we were in and Fatayaats were like crazily waving each time the camera passed us haha! At last it was like 1.30am already and time to sleep. Some of the girls in the auditorium, and a few Fatayaats as well I have to admit, were rather irritating, still takling quite loudly while others were trying to sleep. I tossed and turned so many times before finally falling asleep. But just about an hour later, I woke up due to the cold and couldn't get back to sleep so I went outside to sit around for awhile before bathing and getting ready for Qiyamullail.
It was my second Qiyamullail ever, the first being when I was pri 6 at Ghufran, and I was really glad I got it, eventhough I missed one of the prayers. So happy! It just gives you this really good feeling that you achieved it you know.
After Qiyam, we had our sahur before Subuh prayers. We had nasi lemak for sahur, it would have been so nice it the rice had been cooked proprely. Oh well, I was hungry so I did finish more than half of the pack afterall haha.
After Subuh preyers, there was a short debriefing about Street Dakwah. What Kak Aisyah said was really true. What we did is nothing compared to what Rasulullah s.a.w. did last time and what we went through is nothing compared to what he s.a.w. went through. I couldn't agree more. Rasulullah s.a.w. was truly a patient man...
While waiting for the bus after that, some of the girls played bunga api!! Haha, childish right, but looks so fun! I wanted to join in, but so sleepy lah I tell you. Besides, Fahmi and I were retelling the jokes and it was more fun than getting a picture of myself, with that big acne sprouting above my lips while playing with bunga api. Some girls from another mosque who went past us actually said, "Who plays bunga api in front of masjid?" I replied, "For fun what." Haha, they must actually be jealous to see Fatayaats from Ghufran having non-stop fun. Haiz, it's the fasting month and here I am feeling angry towards those girls. But really lah, keep your comments to yourself can or not?!
On the way back to Guhfran, the Fatayaats got a bus to ourselves, woo hoo! One person two seats hahaha. The ride was rather nice, I fell asleep. I was feeling rather... I don't know how to say. But something happened on the bus that made me feel this emptiness in my heart, grrr... What lah... Things should have started well and ended well on this such good event but I was feeling angry every once in awhile during the whole event know... Cobaan....
Wah, I write so long already, 20 paragraphs know! I wanna go sleep lah. Today's the 24th Ramadhan, woo hoo!!! This year's Ramadhan is definitely the best so far, but I know there's a lot of room for improvements. Insyallah, if I reach the next Ramadhan, it'd be an even better one, hopefully one without so much loneliness and anger... Amin. Hadn't gone out with friends at all, except once with Ad to help her, twice with Fatayaats and the rest with family or I was at home/Ghufran.
P.S. Won't be going out a few days now. My Achilles Tendonitis recurred and besides, gotta help my mum make kueh raya!