Family-In-Charge and Ramadhan
Monday, October 23, 2006
It was really really great. A busy day indeed but I loike heheh. Won't go much into details, too many to mention larh.
Farz, just wanna say it's great spending a day with you. Very enjoyable indeed! I'm glad that you trust me enough to confide in me and I'm so sorry if I have nothing much to offer other than a listening ear (two actually) yarr. You're a better counsellor than me that I dunno how to counsel you larh hahaz.
Anyway, did you know that it feels so good to have people say thanks to you in the form of a smile? It is wonderful! Try doing some community service sometime and see how you feel when you get that smile from the people. If you don't get a smile though, don't get discouraged. Please don't. Try again another time and perhaps you will get it and you will truly understand the spirit of service. I really enjoyed giving out the porridges to the neighbours of Darul Ghufran mosque.
Summing all up, it's been really great being part of Darul Ghufran, being given the opportunity to offer a helping hand, especially this Ramadhan.
Since today's the last day of Ramadhan and I'd most likely on't be online for a couple of days, allow me to wish all Muslims a Selamat Hari Raya minal aidil wal faizin! Ku susun sepuluh jari meminta maaf atas segala kesilapanku yang telah lalu (dan kalau boleh yang akan datang juga!), terkasar bahasa ke, terkasar laku ke, apa2 ajalah yang telah menyakitkan hati awak2 semua yang sedang membaca blogku yang tak seberapa ni ye? And to all non-Muslims, enjoy the public holiday! Everyone take care ya!
It's kinda saddening to see Ramadhan ending. So far, this Ramadhan is the best Ramadhan I've had so far. Insyallah, if I get to see more Ramadhan, they'd be better than this year's. Ramadhan adalah bulan yang ditetapkan untuk umat Islam. Bulan inilah syaitan dan sesetegah jin dibelenggu dan nafsu kita dijaga pada siang hari. Aku bersyukur padaMu ya Allah kerana telah memberiku taufik dan hidayahMu untuk memanfaatkan Ramadhan ini dengan sebaik-baiknya.
I really wish I can go on and on but it's 7.30 already and I need to get ready for my first day of my second semester. School starts at 9!!!