More reminders!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Whenever we are down or facing a problem, always think that there are people out there doing much worse. We just have to be patient and insyaAllah everything will be okay. And when we are blessed with something good, don't be too happy cos some people are not so fortunate. Simply put, BE POSITIVE AND KEEP OTHERS IN MIND AS WELL :)
-Ihsan, NI daily reminder, 14 Feb 2010, 10.28am
What bears in your thought Allah knows. What bears in your heart He knows. So remember my fellow friends, always think of good things
"Allahumma yassir walaa tu'assir, wa tammim bil khair" Ya Allah, please ease my work and do not make it harder. And please let it be well in the end...
-Huda, NI daily reminder, 13 Feb 2010, 11.41am
-NI daily reminder, 12 Feb 2010, 10.35am
Character cannot be developed in ease & quiet. Only through trial & suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired & success achieved - Helen Keller. So don't be afraid to take in challenges that life throws. They just keep making you a better & stronger person :)
-Azimah, NI daily reminder, 11 Feb 2010, 8.12am
Whenever you give your word, say the truth. Seek help in patience and prayer. Pray to Allah and be confident of a response. And speak good to people. Pay attention to Allah and He will pay attention to you. Be content with what Allah has given you and you will be the richest of people. Do not become angry and paradise will be yours. Cheer people up, do not put them off. and fear Allah wherever you may be.
-Diyana, NI daily reminder, 10 Feb 2010, 1.07pm