National Service?
Monday, February 11, 2008
Ok, I juz had a very weird dream. Ade ke aku mimpi aku kat dalam army?? LOL. I'm not alone, there's like a hall full of girls also lah. Merepek tau. The dream started with an 'Army Daze'-like scene and ended with me in a hall full of sejadahs and sleeping bags lol. I wonder what in the world was I thinking about before I sleep??!!
Anyway, watched Jula-Juli on Sensasi just now. Cute seh cerita... Some of the old films are so much better han suria dramas. Maybe suria could try remaking some of the old films?
Oh, and watching with my parents right, they'd see this actress or that actor and start telling me whose parents they are, whose child they are, how many times they got married, what other shows they'd played in... Ewah... Haha betol sey...
Last but not least, it's so nice to have a loooong break... I have no classes today!! I can't wait for this sem to end. Just 1 week of school with lectures, some tutorials and NO labs. Another week of study break and psst I only have 2 subjects to study for. And then exam week. Wa laa, school'd be out! I can't imagine work life with no breaks to look forward to haha.