Lost + Confused = Depressed
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I think one reason why I'm involving myself in so many activities is because I'm trying to find an answer. Answer to what exactly even I am not so sure though... Haha, I dunno larh... Just that recently, I find that everything I'm doing/involving in is just so pointless. Even school. Yes, even school, unfortunately...
I'm trying to motivate myself. At times it works. At other times, the only word to express the result is: depressed. Sheesh, I never imagined I can feel this way or that anything could make me feel this way.
I just feel lost and confused and lost + confused = depressed, sorta... You wouldn't wanna face it ever. It makes things you do feel sucky and makes you feel sucky yourself.
I still smile and I still laugh (even to tears sometimes), but it lasts for awhile only. And I sigh and complain more. Not good, not good...
Anyway, went to kpr just now, there was fun and laughter and knowledge (and book prizes yum yum haha) but the best takeaway I get would probably be a question asked by our facilitator bro Helmi, "How has Fityan improved yourself? In terms of akhlak and all..." Hmm, good question. I even thought about it on my way home... And I realise, Fityan has done a lot in trying to improve me and in a way, it has been successful, but there is a LOT more for me to improve. Lot lot more. I surely hope that whatever I do/get involved in makes me a better person.
Random: I have a tendency to think about stuff while I walk alone, and lately I've been walking alone alot. No wonder I've been talking to myself aloud more... The thing is, when I get home to blog about what I was thinking, I forgot about it.
Oh, just to add, McDonald's mudpie tastes nice though the name does remind you (or me, for that matter) of a pen filled with mud complete with pigs rolling on it. Can't they give a better name????
There's something I forgot to say... Selamat Pengantin Baru Kak Min! Grand wedding you have :) Oh and happy birthday to you too!
Nikah 18/01/08
Sanding 19/01/08
Such a sweeeeeet picture!
Me & my mum with the bride and groom. I'm as tall as my mum ;P
Time boring boring... Trust me it's really so boring to hear makcik2 gossip... (It's gossip really, no kidding) This is my favourite flower anyway... Ginvera flower. Naza nye pasal lah nie haha. I wonder if it's Kak Min's fav as well cos not only izzit on every table, it was also at the pelamin! Look at the makcik behind. Haha, caught in the act seh.