Friday, November 09, 2007
Oh my, TGIF! Thank God it's Friday!!!! And thank God there's no Titisan trg tonight!!! Lol, sry peeps, I'm juz so exhausted wokay...
But had fun ealier, walaupon sorang macam budak bodoh. I walked around TM and CS after Asar. My plan was to look for a bag (I was actually planning to buy this $19 waterproof bag and $49.90 Fila butterfly bag) but after walking around my eyes caught on more things than my pocket can fork out lol.
So initially I still wanted those 2 bags, just that the $19 was already $20, but after all those walkings, I saw another bag $29.90, a Fila shoe $39.90, 3 dresses $10, $15 and $25, Ozozo wallet $36, MYUK bag $36, MYUK wallet $29/$36 and MYUK small shange pouch $7.90. Oh God, all those totalled up to more than $150!! No no, I can't afford all that! Even after raya... So, mother to the rescue!!! I know I'm gonna hate having her to stop me buying what I don't need, but I had to ok. So in the end I just bought the Fila shoe, a bag that wsn't even in my list of wanted bags (the $29.90 one was just right but I think it was pig skin, and I touched it!!!) and the MYUK small change pouch. I'm so in need new tops and bottoms ok. And I'm still eyeing the $20 bag and the Ozozo/MYUK wallet alright. Dang, hari raya is gonna be over soon! haha, I sound so bad right? But pls eh, I don't go raya just for the money. Prove is, the following pics. Pics of great memories spent with my friends and we didn't get no money in moooooost of the houses. We even forked out money k. :) So next up, as promised: the long-awaited pics (or shall I say memories?)...
Here are pics of Titisan Jalan Raya '07 dated 4th Nov, Fityan Gema Ghufran Perjumpaan Hari Raya '07 dated 3rd Nov and below are pics of NI Jalan Raya '07 dated 27th Oct. Enjoy! Anyway, malas ar nak caption, so tengok pics je cukup la eh.