La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

Of Hope & Allah's Will  

Saturday, January 31, 2009

My mum, my eldest brother and I had breakfast together this morning when my brother asked about my GPA and about applying to uni. I told him uh and he just shoo his head indicating, "No hope"...

Gosh that's evil eh... Then he ask me NTU/NUS (he was from NTU), I said I'm trying both uh. Then he ask NUS got what course, so I replied Biological Sciences, and he shook his head again.

Very evil.

Lucky my dad had finished eating and left the dining table already. If not, waah...

But I shall just try la yea? TP invited a NTU representative (head of Biological Sciences or something like that) during the post-SIP briefing talk yesterday, and someone asked what is probably on the mind of anyone with GPA < 3.5, "How do we know if we can enter the course?" or "What is the cut-off point to enter the course?"

Her reply was, "Oh I shall give you a very easy answer. We do not state any cut-off points to enter any course in NTU as it is subjective to the batch applying. What I suggest is for you to just go ahead and apply. If your grades fall just slightly below the cut-off point for the batch, at least you can appeal and we can see what we can do, but if you don't try at all, you definitely have no chances of entering."

True true. Except for the part about "easy answer" lol. Some of us might have found it hard to take haha.

So yea, I shall just try. It does hampers my hopes that my GPA is below 3.5 and that the uni calculates using 80% poly first 5 semester results and 20% o level results. O levels is my dark past, can't I just chuck it away!

But yea, I shall still try anyway. Belom try belom tau!

Anyway I've got something to share. My SIP report was due yesterday. And uhm... I couldn't finish it by 5pm no matter how fast I typed. At 5pm ++ I finished it but it was 3800 words. I had to cut down to 2500 words! So edit-edit, do table of contents, and I saw the printing shop close infront of my very eyes... :(

It was nearly 7, so I quickly finished up what I have and went to pray Asar afterwhich I went to the library. The Xerox printing shop at Design was closed already too and so I had no choice but to print black & white at the library. It happened that the printer is jammed and after fixing it, I printed out the main contents, it was nearly 8 already.

Then I realised that I've yet to do my acknowledgements page and the table of contents was not saved in my usb! And that usb uh, once you unplugged, it will take forever to update. while it updates, you can't use it. So as I wait, the time ticks away till it was already 8 plus. I had to Maghrib, so no choice shut down everything and lugged everything to the musollah (my laptop plus adapter is superrrr heavy ok, but no way am I leaving it behind anywhere).

When I returned to the library at around 8.30, the library was about to close already. I thought still can as it says the library closes at 9. Just print abit only what. But then turns out at 8.40, just as I settled in to print (well you need to sign in etc), just as I clicked print for one of the parts, a pop-up appeared saying that the system will shut down in 12 sec. 12 sec la seh! I quickly turned around to the printing comp only to realise someone had shut it down already! And when I switched it on back, the pop up appeared and just switched off in that few seconds of which I didn't even have time to sign in and click print.

And so I left the library with an incomplete set of report, unbound and in black and white feeling so hungry (didn't eat since 8am, luckily I had a heavy breakfast) and so hopeless. Wanted to cry, but I think I was beyond tears already. I just tried assuring myself that insyaAllah there's a hikmah.

I walked to AS and I actually tried the knob of the printing room, who knows they forgot to lock. Hah, that was just fat hope. Sat on the bench and just stared at my papers wondering what should I do next. Really had no idea. I was already planning what to do next, come back tmr (today) and print out properly with colour, bind and hand in.

At that very moment, Ain and Suhailah came out of the lift door, probably after prayers at AS lvl 7. They came, we salam-ed and they asked what was I doing there (well you see, I was almost never seen in TP for the past 5 months, and besides it was nearly 9pm on a Friday!), what's that in my hands etc. And so pours out the story. Little did I expect, they are my saviours that Allah sent, destined to help me in my most hopeless state.

Initially Suhailah suggested binding at a photo shop across TP. Ok not so near. It's like across the TP bridge, across the huge field and across the small road... Slowly hope filled me. A little. Cos even if I had the report bound, it's still incomplete.

When I asked Suhailah if the shop can print from thumbdrive also, she said not sure. But then, she and Ain realised that I could print at the Biz comp lab! Gosh, their lab closes at 9.45 ehk! And no worries about paper as Suhailah has some and her friend has some as well! And and if we're quick, there's another lab downstairs which has coloured printer!

It sounded so good to be true! As I followed them to Biz, I couldn't stop thanking Allah. The words I ever blogged came back to me. "Dan di saat kamu membutuhNya, tentu sekali Dia akan membantumu". Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengasih Maha Penyayang. Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim. I truly felt His touch of love then. I think if I had memorized Surah Ar-Rahman, I would have recited it in my heart.

Ain and Suhailah even gave me a doughnut to eat. Gosh, it should be me buying some food for them to thank them seh. Suhailah was so kind as to accompany me downstairs and help me print out the coloured pages (and the colour printer takes very long) while I printed out the acknowledgement, table of contents and appendix.

I certainly used up alot of Suhailah's papers and time. I dunno how to repay her and Ain at all, except to pray that Allah will berkati mereka, memberi mereka rahmat-Nya serta murahkan rezeki mereka. Amin...

The next challenge was to find the photo shop to bind the papers. All the way to the photo shop that Suhailah had directed me to, I prayed and prayed that it's still open. Afterall it was nearly 10pm!

Turns out that it was closed.

Feeling lost and having no idea what to do, I circled the area for another shop. If there's no photo shop, perhaps there'd be a shop selling a file that I can file my report in. Turns out there were none. All the shops were closed or closing (and not selling any binding service or any files).

Once again, losing hope, I decided to just go back to TP, staple the pages and leave Mr Kok a note saying the printing shop had closed...

It turns out that Allah is helping me all the way! On the way back (another route from where I came), I saw a board saying 'Photo Copy'. It didn't look like a photo shop at all. There were bathroom stuffs there! So I thought the shop had closed. Nevertheless I tried my luck. Who knows?

And I testify that Allah is the Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful. I did not stop praying.

Yes it was a shop selling bathroom items. There were toilet seats lined against one wall. But opposite that was a photocopier machine. And when I asked, the answer said yes she does binding too! The feeling was indescribable! As I chatted with the aunties, I asked her if she normally closes late and she said no, just that yesterday she was waiting for her husband to come.

That sentence she said has just made me more of a believer. Allah is the best planner of all things. And He will answer your prayers.

So finally, I was able to print out the coloured pages of my report and the leftover pages I hadn't print AND to bind it as well! Alhamdulillah syukur!

I have an article I found from a blog that I'd like to share. It's in Malay though..

Penawar Jiwa Yang Lesu

Kadang-kala, dalam keghairahan mencari redha Allah, jiwa kadang-kadang lesu tak bermaya. Apabila ujian satu demi satu diberiNya hati mula keluh kesah. Lagi kuat ujian lagi mula tersasar kita. Mengapa ya?

Jangan dibiarkan sahabatku saudaraku fillah yg kucukup kasihi keranaNya. Gembirakanlah hatimu, ranapkan tahzanmu, garapkan keyakinanmu kepada janji Yg Maha Menunaikan janji, Allah Tuhan Sekalian Alam, Dialah Pencipta, Dialah Pentadbir, Dialah Penguasa dan Dialah Pemelihara.Ikhlaskan hatimu dalam menerima agamaNya..Kerana Dia cukup mengasihi hambaNya yg benar-benar ikhlas dlm memperhambakan dirimu kepadaNya.

Redhalah dengan ujian yg diberi kepadaMu.Bersabarlah dengan ujian Tuhanmu,kerana janjiNya kepadamu terlalu banyak andai kau bersabar.

a) Allah tidak menyia-nyiakan kebaikanmu dalam kesabaranmu“ Dan bersabarlah kerana Allah tidak menyia-nyiakan pahala orang yang berbuat kebaikan” Al Hud: 115

b)Balasan syurga kepada as sabiruun“Dan Dia memberikan balasan kepada mereka atas kesabaran mereka dengan syurga dan pakaian sutera” Al Insan: 12

c) Keselamatan ke atas mereka“Keselamatan ke atas kesabaran kamu maka alangkah baiknya tempat kesudahan itu” ar ra’du: 24

Maka bergembira dan bersabarlah. Raikanlah dugaan itu. Malah, dalam kelelahan meredah kepayahan akhirnya pasti berjumpa dengan kesenangan. Itulah janji Allah.

“……Allah tidak memikulkan beban kepada seseorang melainkan sekadar apa yang diberikan oleh Allah kepadanya, Kelak Allah akan memberikan kelapangan sesudah kesempitan” At Talaq:7

Sedarlah dirimu, ujian itu adalah yang terbaik buat dirimu..Maka janganlah lesu, janganlah goyah.. kerana kita tidak tahu, mungkin itu yang terbaik buat kita..

“…Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu sedangkan itu baik bagi kamu, dan padahal itu baik bagi kamu sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui. Allah mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui” Al baqarah: 216

Janganlah lesu saudaraku fillah.. Kerana kita ada Allah, dan Dialah sebaik-baik Penolong. Allah lah jua yang akan membantumu dengan sebenar-benar bantuan dariNya.

“Allah akan memberi pimpinan kepada mereka dan memperbaiki keadaan mereka, dan memasukkan mereka ke dalam syurga yang telah diperkenalkanNya kepada mereka. ‘Hai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika kamu menolong Allah, nescaya Dia akan menolong kamu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu” Muhammad:5-7

Maka sahabatku, usahlah bersedih lag.Janganlah lesu dan layu dibiarkan terus membara.Kembalikanlah semangat juangmu utk keredhaan Allah? Apakah hatimu masih tidak gembira dengan janji Allah, yang tidak mampu utk kunukilkan semuanya dalam laman maya ini.

Berwudhu’, dan solatlah, dan berzikirlah, krn hanya dengan itu hatimu kan tenang, resah kan kian kabur, masalahmu kan diselesaikan..

“Maka aku katakan kepada mereka ‘Mohonlah ampun kepada Tuhan kalian, sesungguhnya Dia Maha Pengampu, nescaya Dia akan menurunkan hujan yang lebat kepada kalian” Nuh: 10-11

Akhirul kalam , moga dirimu kan sentiasa diberi ketenagan dan kekuatan, dengan janji Allah yang Maha Agung..Moga janjiNya menggembirakan hatimu…Insya Allah.


This is my current desktop pic anyway...

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