La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Saturday, January 31, 2009


I just read the Indicative Grade Profile issued by NUS. Last year, the GPA of students accepted into Life Sciences, lowest of 90th percentile is 3.65.

Now the only hope I have is that to reason out why last year's intake was so. Dragon babies from the poly intake. Either that or the batch are just super geniuses.

Do I still stand a chance?

I shall just try.

According to the Indicative Grade Profile, the lowest GPA recorded was 3.02 Nursing. But I don't wanna be a nurse! Nurses in Sg can't wear hijab and must wear those short tight uniforms :(

The 2nd lowest is 3.26 Civil Engineering. My brother's degree. -_-

My GPA is even lesser than that ehk. Because of that one and only D+ I got for LAST.

Looks like I have to consider the other plans I have in place. Plans B to K if I'm not mistaken. Alot eh? Yea, I'll wanna be prepared this time. Unlike after O's...

Whatever it is, tawakkal la eh. Usaha dah, doa pon dah.

InsyaAllah whatever happens ade hikmahnya. He knows best. He is therefore the best planner. I believe this. Especially after what happened yesterday.

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Dermatographic urticaria  

Do you know what is it? Or have you heard of Skin Writing?

Dermatographic urticaria (also known as dermographism, dermatographism or "skin writing") is a skin disorder seen in 4–5% of the population and is one of the most common types of urticaria, in which the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked or rubbed with a dull object

he symptoms are thought to be caused by mast cells in the surface of the skin releasing histamines without the presence of antigens, due to the presence of a weak membrane surrounding the mast cells. The histamines released cause the skin to swell in the affected areas.

This weak membrane easily and rapidly breaks down under physical pressure causing an allergic-like reaction, generally a red wheal (welt) to appear on the skin. It can often be confused with an allergic reaction to the object causing a scratch, when in fact it is the act of being scratched that causes a wheal to appear. These wheals are a subset of urticaria (hives) that appear within minutes, accompanied by a sensation of burning, and itchiness. The first outbreak of urticaria can lead to others on body parts not directly stimulated, scraped or scratched. In a normal case the swelling will reduce itself with no treatment within 15-30 minutes, but in extreme cases, itchy red wheals may last anywhere from a few hours to days.


Check it out!

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Of Hope & Allah's Will  

My mum, my eldest brother and I had breakfast together this morning when my brother asked about my GPA and about applying to uni. I told him uh and he just shoo his head indicating, "No hope"...

Gosh that's evil eh... Then he ask me NTU/NUS (he was from NTU), I said I'm trying both uh. Then he ask NUS got what course, so I replied Biological Sciences, and he shook his head again.

Very evil.

Lucky my dad had finished eating and left the dining table already. If not, waah...

But I shall just try la yea? TP invited a NTU representative (head of Biological Sciences or something like that) during the post-SIP briefing talk yesterday, and someone asked what is probably on the mind of anyone with GPA < 3.5, "How do we know if we can enter the course?" or "What is the cut-off point to enter the course?"

Her reply was, "Oh I shall give you a very easy answer. We do not state any cut-off points to enter any course in NTU as it is subjective to the batch applying. What I suggest is for you to just go ahead and apply. If your grades fall just slightly below the cut-off point for the batch, at least you can appeal and we can see what we can do, but if you don't try at all, you definitely have no chances of entering."

True true. Except for the part about "easy answer" lol. Some of us might have found it hard to take haha.

So yea, I shall just try. It does hampers my hopes that my GPA is below 3.5 and that the uni calculates using 80% poly first 5 semester results and 20% o level results. O levels is my dark past, can't I just chuck it away!

But yea, I shall still try anyway. Belom try belom tau!

Anyway I've got something to share. My SIP report was due yesterday. And uhm... I couldn't finish it by 5pm no matter how fast I typed. At 5pm ++ I finished it but it was 3800 words. I had to cut down to 2500 words! So edit-edit, do table of contents, and I saw the printing shop close infront of my very eyes... :(

It was nearly 7, so I quickly finished up what I have and went to pray Asar afterwhich I went to the library. The Xerox printing shop at Design was closed already too and so I had no choice but to print black & white at the library. It happened that the printer is jammed and after fixing it, I printed out the main contents, it was nearly 8 already.

Then I realised that I've yet to do my acknowledgements page and the table of contents was not saved in my usb! And that usb uh, once you unplugged, it will take forever to update. while it updates, you can't use it. So as I wait, the time ticks away till it was already 8 plus. I had to Maghrib, so no choice shut down everything and lugged everything to the musollah (my laptop plus adapter is superrrr heavy ok, but no way am I leaving it behind anywhere).

When I returned to the library at around 8.30, the library was about to close already. I thought still can as it says the library closes at 9. Just print abit only what. But then turns out at 8.40, just as I settled in to print (well you need to sign in etc), just as I clicked print for one of the parts, a pop-up appeared saying that the system will shut down in 12 sec. 12 sec la seh! I quickly turned around to the printing comp only to realise someone had shut it down already! And when I switched it on back, the pop up appeared and just switched off in that few seconds of which I didn't even have time to sign in and click print.

And so I left the library with an incomplete set of report, unbound and in black and white feeling so hungry (didn't eat since 8am, luckily I had a heavy breakfast) and so hopeless. Wanted to cry, but I think I was beyond tears already. I just tried assuring myself that insyaAllah there's a hikmah.

I walked to AS and I actually tried the knob of the printing room, who knows they forgot to lock. Hah, that was just fat hope. Sat on the bench and just stared at my papers wondering what should I do next. Really had no idea. I was already planning what to do next, come back tmr (today) and print out properly with colour, bind and hand in.

At that very moment, Ain and Suhailah came out of the lift door, probably after prayers at AS lvl 7. They came, we salam-ed and they asked what was I doing there (well you see, I was almost never seen in TP for the past 5 months, and besides it was nearly 9pm on a Friday!), what's that in my hands etc. And so pours out the story. Little did I expect, they are my saviours that Allah sent, destined to help me in my most hopeless state.

Initially Suhailah suggested binding at a photo shop across TP. Ok not so near. It's like across the TP bridge, across the huge field and across the small road... Slowly hope filled me. A little. Cos even if I had the report bound, it's still incomplete.

When I asked Suhailah if the shop can print from thumbdrive also, she said not sure. But then, she and Ain realised that I could print at the Biz comp lab! Gosh, their lab closes at 9.45 ehk! And no worries about paper as Suhailah has some and her friend has some as well! And and if we're quick, there's another lab downstairs which has coloured printer!

It sounded so good to be true! As I followed them to Biz, I couldn't stop thanking Allah. The words I ever blogged came back to me. "Dan di saat kamu membutuhNya, tentu sekali Dia akan membantumu". Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengasih Maha Penyayang. Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim. I truly felt His touch of love then. I think if I had memorized Surah Ar-Rahman, I would have recited it in my heart.

Ain and Suhailah even gave me a doughnut to eat. Gosh, it should be me buying some food for them to thank them seh. Suhailah was so kind as to accompany me downstairs and help me print out the coloured pages (and the colour printer takes very long) while I printed out the acknowledgement, table of contents and appendix.

I certainly used up alot of Suhailah's papers and time. I dunno how to repay her and Ain at all, except to pray that Allah will berkati mereka, memberi mereka rahmat-Nya serta murahkan rezeki mereka. Amin...

The next challenge was to find the photo shop to bind the papers. All the way to the photo shop that Suhailah had directed me to, I prayed and prayed that it's still open. Afterall it was nearly 10pm!

Turns out that it was closed.

Feeling lost and having no idea what to do, I circled the area for another shop. If there's no photo shop, perhaps there'd be a shop selling a file that I can file my report in. Turns out there were none. All the shops were closed or closing (and not selling any binding service or any files).

Once again, losing hope, I decided to just go back to TP, staple the pages and leave Mr Kok a note saying the printing shop had closed...

It turns out that Allah is helping me all the way! On the way back (another route from where I came), I saw a board saying 'Photo Copy'. It didn't look like a photo shop at all. There were bathroom stuffs there! So I thought the shop had closed. Nevertheless I tried my luck. Who knows?

And I testify that Allah is the Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful. I did not stop praying.

Yes it was a shop selling bathroom items. There were toilet seats lined against one wall. But opposite that was a photocopier machine. And when I asked, the answer said yes she does binding too! The feeling was indescribable! As I chatted with the aunties, I asked her if she normally closes late and she said no, just that yesterday she was waiting for her husband to come.

That sentence she said has just made me more of a believer. Allah is the best planner of all things. And He will answer your prayers.

So finally, I was able to print out the coloured pages of my report and the leftover pages I hadn't print AND to bind it as well! Alhamdulillah syukur!

I have an article I found from a blog that I'd like to share. It's in Malay though..

Penawar Jiwa Yang Lesu

Kadang-kala, dalam keghairahan mencari redha Allah, jiwa kadang-kadang lesu tak bermaya. Apabila ujian satu demi satu diberiNya hati mula keluh kesah. Lagi kuat ujian lagi mula tersasar kita. Mengapa ya?

Jangan dibiarkan sahabatku saudaraku fillah yg kucukup kasihi keranaNya. Gembirakanlah hatimu, ranapkan tahzanmu, garapkan keyakinanmu kepada janji Yg Maha Menunaikan janji, Allah Tuhan Sekalian Alam, Dialah Pencipta, Dialah Pentadbir, Dialah Penguasa dan Dialah Pemelihara.Ikhlaskan hatimu dalam menerima agamaNya..Kerana Dia cukup mengasihi hambaNya yg benar-benar ikhlas dlm memperhambakan dirimu kepadaNya.

Redhalah dengan ujian yg diberi kepadaMu.Bersabarlah dengan ujian Tuhanmu,kerana janjiNya kepadamu terlalu banyak andai kau bersabar.

a) Allah tidak menyia-nyiakan kebaikanmu dalam kesabaranmu“ Dan bersabarlah kerana Allah tidak menyia-nyiakan pahala orang yang berbuat kebaikan” Al Hud: 115

b)Balasan syurga kepada as sabiruun“Dan Dia memberikan balasan kepada mereka atas kesabaran mereka dengan syurga dan pakaian sutera” Al Insan: 12

c) Keselamatan ke atas mereka“Keselamatan ke atas kesabaran kamu maka alangkah baiknya tempat kesudahan itu” ar ra’du: 24

Maka bergembira dan bersabarlah. Raikanlah dugaan itu. Malah, dalam kelelahan meredah kepayahan akhirnya pasti berjumpa dengan kesenangan. Itulah janji Allah.

“……Allah tidak memikulkan beban kepada seseorang melainkan sekadar apa yang diberikan oleh Allah kepadanya, Kelak Allah akan memberikan kelapangan sesudah kesempitan” At Talaq:7

Sedarlah dirimu, ujian itu adalah yang terbaik buat dirimu..Maka janganlah lesu, janganlah goyah.. kerana kita tidak tahu, mungkin itu yang terbaik buat kita..

“…Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu sedangkan itu baik bagi kamu, dan padahal itu baik bagi kamu sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui. Allah mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui” Al baqarah: 216

Janganlah lesu saudaraku fillah.. Kerana kita ada Allah, dan Dialah sebaik-baik Penolong. Allah lah jua yang akan membantumu dengan sebenar-benar bantuan dariNya.

“Allah akan memberi pimpinan kepada mereka dan memperbaiki keadaan mereka, dan memasukkan mereka ke dalam syurga yang telah diperkenalkanNya kepada mereka. ‘Hai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika kamu menolong Allah, nescaya Dia akan menolong kamu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu” Muhammad:5-7

Maka sahabatku, usahlah bersedih lag.Janganlah lesu dan layu dibiarkan terus membara.Kembalikanlah semangat juangmu utk keredhaan Allah? Apakah hatimu masih tidak gembira dengan janji Allah, yang tidak mampu utk kunukilkan semuanya dalam laman maya ini.

Berwudhu’, dan solatlah, dan berzikirlah, krn hanya dengan itu hatimu kan tenang, resah kan kian kabur, masalahmu kan diselesaikan..

“Maka aku katakan kepada mereka ‘Mohonlah ampun kepada Tuhan kalian, sesungguhnya Dia Maha Pengampu, nescaya Dia akan menurunkan hujan yang lebat kepada kalian” Nuh: 10-11

Akhirul kalam , moga dirimu kan sentiasa diberi ketenagan dan kekuatan, dengan janji Allah yang Maha Agung..Moga janjiNya menggembirakan hatimu…Insya Allah.


This is my current desktop pic anyway...

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special 3D animation experience  

TP, IM Innovations develop

Imagine watching 3D animation without having to wear those cumbersome special glasses.

Temasek Polytechnic (TP), together with IM Innovations, has jointly developed the expertise to convert, create and transform standard 3D animation into 3D autostereoscopic experiences.

What this means is that audiences can now watch objects come to life in their full brilliance and literally experience characters jump out of the television screen.

The technology works by allowing the right and left eye to perceive the same things slightly differently, thereby producing three-dimensional effects without the need for special glasses.

Dr Tan Hock Soon, manager, Interactive Digital Centre ASIA, said that their role is, firstly, to let the public know about the technology. Secondly, they would like to train their students and professionals so that they know how to create autostereo content on their own.

Cool or what!

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Some Science Songs: Enjoy!  

Friday, January 30, 2009

I never thought there's songs like these! I thought the "It's Your Genome After all" parody was just a joke, a rare one. Apparently, I'm mistaken. My fav is the 2nd one. Enjoy!

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Graduating students – please update your contact details by end Feb to receive your graduation package."

Uwahh, ade graduation package ah... While you freshies get your enrollment package, I'll be receiving my graduation package soon insyaAllah!!

Oh cool!

And 1st Feb is when application to local uni for poly students open, whee~ Pray for me yea! I do wanna go for further studies, insyaAllah.

To think again, most of my friends are already in uni now after A levels results last year. If I enter uni, they'll be in yr 2, and I'll still be a freshie huhu~

But it's ok. Poly is where I belonged anyway. JC is like a big black cloud which covers the bright star in me.

Ouhs, Najmul Islam! Star (light) of Islam!!

Wahh, suddenly the name has a whole new meaning to me!

Najmul Islam! May you shine always, chewahh

Ok, before graduation, I have to submit my reports, so yeah, back to reports -_-

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Blogging is De-stress-ifying  

I blogged so many2 heh yesterday? Mwahahaha, that was de-stress-ifying lol.

Moving on the SIP report... Due tmr!! *gulps* But this one insyaAllah ble breeze through. I've got my materials ready, just need to crap and crap and crap till I reach 2500 words.

I shall imagine I'm blogging, in a semi-formal tone. =D

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I gave up.

I gave up wanting to submit a perfect report and getting a perfect shining 'A'.

I just hope to finish a substantial one IN TIME.

E-mail to my mentor:

Thanks for the offer to help me go through and edit my report. I promised to send it by yesterday, but I've yet to finish it even by today.

Sorry if I kept you waiting. I understand you have your thesis to complete as well.

I'll send the complete report when I finish it. If you have some time to spare, I hope you can still help me glance through it and tell me what's not good. Even if it's not in time for the submission on 2nd Feb (of which I will submit what I have), at least I hope to learn from any mistakes in this report so I won't repeat it for future reports because I know writing reports is my weakness.

Thank you once again.

But you know, what I meant by 'substantial' is the best within my limits, insyaAllah. As perfect as I can, even if it's not perfect. Perfectionists, hah.

I'd rather submit a perfect report late than a meagre one in time. But I'm ot risking my 8 credit units *gasps*.

So I shall continue trying and burn the midnight oil and pray for help (like an extended submission date, hehe, which actually would just torture my friends who prefer to get things over and done with by the way) and leave up to Him to decide what's best for me.

What's important is...

I'm loving iluvislam's designs =D

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Been dreaming  

I dreamt that I screwed up a camp that I'll be involved in in June. No one turned up! And when I looked at the list of participants who registered, there were only around 10.

There's a slight difference between the real camp that insyaAllah will be held in June and the one in my dream. In my dream, we were going to Spain. Cool or what?

But still, that was like a nightmare. Bangun teruus istighfar haha.


Continue report...

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I found it!  

Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillahi rabb al-amin!!!

I found my results! I found my results!

Yes... At 5+ am in the wee morning.

It wasn't even lost in the first place. Not misplaced. It's amongst my stacks of results, just that I didn't see it haha.

Dan bila kamu membutuhNya, tentu sekali Dia akan membantumu.

I'm so happy.

Anyone wanna go to a big empty field and run around freely? Hehe.

Next week insyaAllah I'd be dreaming of that. Instead of dreaming of evil reports eating up my mind and sanity.

I feel like singing to It's Your Genome Afterall aka It's a Small World Afterall haha

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I'm still awake! I'm still awake!

K that's a lie, I fell asleep 1-4am. Power nap greatly needed after I had no day naps for 2 days and sleeping at 3am yesterday.

I'm almost finishing my results page. ONLY.

Going on Materials Method next.

I think I'm e-mailing my mentor thanking her for her kindness in offering to help me edit my report amidst her own thesis (she's seen how horrible I write so yeah, and as a senior of TP, she probably feels it her duty to at least help me get an A, even if it seems impossible) telling her I won't be able to let her see my report afterall before submission.

Cos I'm still far from finishing!

But at least I'm moving constantly.

Ok, with constant breaks to blog and etc.

No, I can't be a writer. I'll spend years to finish just one book, and probably would tae my whole lifetime trying to find someone to publish my book, cos it'd probably be too horrible the writing haha.

K back to work.

Oh hello panda. Eye-bags.

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Precisely this  

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

is what I look forward to...

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

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Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

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Ok I'd taken a very long break... And I feel guilty.

But lemme just post these:

Idea from Dian..

1. Patient to the eye doctor: "Whenever I drink coffee, I have this sharp, excruciating pain."
"Try to remember to remove the spoon from the cup before drinking."

2. "Are you an organ donor?"
"No, but I once gave an old piano to the Salvation Army."

3. Did you hear about the baby born in the high tech delivery room? It was cordless!

4. What's the difference between a general practitioner and a specialist?
One treats what you have, the other thinks you have what he treats.

5. A guy walks into work, and both of his ears are all bandaged up. The boss says, "What happened to your ears?"
He says, "Yesterday I was ironing a shirt when the phone rang and shhh! I accidentally answered the iron."
The boss says, "Well, that explains one ear, but what happened to your other ear?"
He says, "Well, jeez, I had to call the doctor!"

6. It's Your Genome (After All)
(Sung to the Tune of "It's A Small World")

There are just four bases in DNA.
There is G and T, and there's C and A.
And their sequence in genes
Forms our guts, lungs, and spleens
From our genome after all.

It's your genome after all,
It's our genome after all,
It's our genome after all,
We've great gobs of genes.

If your ACA turns to ACT
There's a world of problems
For you and me.
For the bases won't hold,
And the protein won't fold,
From your genome after all.

Its A Small World - disney song

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I dream  

In my mind
I can climb
All the mountains that surround me
My spirit's there, where eagles dare to fly

In my heart
There's a spark
That can light the world around me
An open door, where I am sure dreams are

Doesn't matter if I win
Or the colour of my skin
Cause this race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind
And be strong
When my heart just wants to give in
I dream, I can be
The hero that's in me
When I dream, I dream

There's a time, In your life
When the odds are so against you
There's no defeat if all you keep is pride
First or last, Slow or fast
There's a dignity that makes you
Keep driving on, when world's have come apart

Doesn't matter rich or poor
Or the things you've done before
Cause the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind
And be strong
When my heart just wants to give in
I dream, I can be
The hero that's in me
I dream

I dream!
Of the moment
That forever will be golden
When the torch is passed
Only dreams will last
That are shared by everyone

I dream
I can run
Like the wind
And be strong
When my heart just wants to give in
I dream, I can be
The hero that's in me
When I dream, I dream

And then I wake up and hafta face my MP report. "Oh so that was just a dream..."

The quote at TLL...

All men dream, but unequally. Those that dream at night in the dusty recesses of their minds awake the next day to find that their dreams were just vanity. But those who dream during the day with their eyes wide open are dangerous men; they act out their dreams to make them reality. by Thomas Edward Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia

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Update on MP report  

I lost two sets of western blot results! Or maybe it's one set but containing results for two experiments, waah!

Even if I decide to leave it out of my report, I'd need to put it in my logbook.


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Don't Work  

I tell you ar... ONCE you start working, that's it, you have to work your whole life.

My mum is cutting my allowance (to the same allowance I received during my internship WHILE bringing lunch from home everyday). Why? Because I once worked.

Makes sense? Maybe.

So, I tell you, I NEED A JOB.

After 10th Feb that is. Found one, but hardly can cover much of my expense. It's more of an experiential learning. Macam misi NI gitu loh: 2) To nurture and develop individuals into better Muslims through experiential learning. InsyaAllah. Haha.

If I don't get any job by mid-March, after all the camps stuff... I'm applying to TLL as lab tech.

If that's where I'm meant to be ya Allah, then don't let me find any job yet. Otherwise, if there's something better for me, do lead me to it soon.

Btw sisters! Who's free after asar to Maghrib everyday? ok maybe except Thurs as there's NI sisters' circle 6-7pm. The rest of the days? Wanna meet up at Ghufran and read 1 maqra' of the Qur'an together? Reply me soon yea? And if you can find a sister who's able to correct our tajwid etc, that's even better.

I have 2 sisters in mind who can check our reading, but I've yet to approach them.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ok yea so I'm improving in certain areas. Alot actually, alhamdulillah. I'm doing some things that I've never done before. Good beneficial ones (insyaAllah) lar.

BUT, there's a problem. I can't seem to do my report. No progress... I wanna cry, wekkkkk!!!

I'm trying, I'm trying.

Been reading articles and notes and all but I can't seem to absorb the alien language!!

Tell me how much you can understand from the paragraph below:

Piwis are a germline-specific subclass of the Argonaute family of RNA interference (RNAi) effector proteins that are associated with a recently discovered group of small RNAs (piRNAs). Recent studies in Drosophila and zebrafish directly implicate Piwi proteins in piRNA biogenesis to maintain transposon silencing in the germline genome (Brennecke et al., 2007, Gunawardane et al., 2007 and Houwing et al., 2007). This function may be conserved in mice as loss of Miwi2, a mouse Piwi homolog, leads to germline stem cell and meiotic defects correlated with increased transposon activity (Carmell et al., 2007).

It's alien I tell you.

And to understand their language, I tell you, I need to morph into an alien first. So don't be surprise if you meet an alien wearing tudung one of these days.

It could jolly well be me.

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The Likes of Stress (ok no)  

Monday, January 26, 2009

I like the way things are now. My room is more or less cleaner though it seems that there's so many MP/SIP stuffs! At least I'm finally using the study table haha. Last Fri I used to write my logbook and today I decided to move my lappy on the study table.

Random: My dad stopped smoking! Alhamdulillah!

On a darker note (darker kepe haha), I hadn't progressed much at all for my report. And I'm stressed at not doing it. No motivation at all! Why?! I dunno!

Can someone accompany out tmr to do my report? I don't want to go alone 'cause I don't wanna bring my lappy into the toilet when it's time to take wudhu'. Teman pls... You can do whatever you want, study, read book, play game, sleep, talk on phone, doodle, take photos, make video, whatever it's your wish.

Oh, where is there an internet connection and a plug for me to plug in my lappy?

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Mancari Teman ke Syurga  

Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang.

Teman yang baik adalah anugerah yang tidak ternilai daripada Allah. Teman yang baik penunjuk jalan, penguat langkah dan azam, pendamping yang akan selalu mengingatkan untuk bersungguh-sungguh berusaha membuat bekal negeri abadi. Manusia yang lemah seperti kita tentunya memerlukan teman, untuk berkongsi suka dan duka, untuk mengingatkan kala terleka, untuk menemani kala beramal ibadat agar lebih bersungguh-sungguh, demi bersama meraih syurgaNya. Seorang Nabi Allah, Nabi Musa AS pun memerlukan teman lantas baginda berdoa kepada Allah agar mengurniakan teman penguat langkah, teman ke syurga.

"Dan jadikanlah untukku seorang pembantu dari keluargaku, iaitu (Harun), saudaraku, teguhkanlah kekuatanku dengan (adanya) dia, dan jadikanlah dia teman dalam urusanku, agar kami banyak bertasbih kepadaMu, dan banyak mengingatiMu, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melihat Keadaan kami" (20:29-35)

Kisah Nabi Musa memohon teman dari Allah untuk membantu menguatkannya membuktikan betapa kita sebagai manusia sangat memerlukan teman untuk menemani dalam urusan hidup seharian dan juga untuk sama-sama beribadat kepada Allah. Bukankah seorang anak Adam itu akan lebih bersungguh-sungguh mengejar redhaNya dan meningkatkan segala amal apabila mempunyai teman yang seiring dan sejalan?

Saidina Umar mengatakan, "Tiada satu kebaikan pun yang dianugerahkan kepada seorang hamba sesudah Islam, selain saudaranya yang soleh. Apabila seseorang di antara kamu merasakan sentuhan kasih sayang dari saudaranya, maka hendaklah ia berpegang kepadanya" Malah, Saidina Umar meminta kita 'berpegang kepadanya', iaitu bermakna tidak melepaskan dan menghargai teman tersebut kerana kita sebenarnya dianugerahkan kebaikan yang sangat besar apabila dikurniakan teman yang soleh.

Namun, berusahakah kita untuk menjadi teman ke syurga kala mencari teman ke syurga? Jadikah kita sahabat yang baik yang sentiasa mengajak teman kita kepada kebaikan, yang sentiasa mengingatkan teman kita akan janji-janji Allah, yang menunjukkan kepada teman kita qudwah yang baik? MENJADI TEMAN KE SYURGA Menjadi teman ke syurga dan mencari teman ke syurga, segalanya hanya berlaku apabila asasnya didasari taqwa yang kuat. Taqwa kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar taqwa, dengan ketaqwaan yang layak bagiNya.

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertaqwalah kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar taqwa kepadaNya" (3:102)

Ayat ini mengisyaratkan kepada kita untuk membiarkan hati kita berusaha keras mencapai taqwa menurut batas kemampuan yang ada pada dirinya. Setiap kali ia mendekat kepada Allah dengan ketaqwaan maka akan terbukalah hatinya untuk berusaha mencapai kedudukan yang lebih tinggi dari apa yang telah dicapainya, dan merindukan darjat yang ada di atas apa yang telah diraihnya lalu selalu memandang ke arah kedudukan yang lebih tinggi lagi.

Muhammad Ahmad Rasyid mengatakan "ketinggian itu hanya boleh diraih dengan kelelahan", memberitahu kepada kita bahawa kita perlu berusaha bersungguh-sungguh utk mendapat darjat ketinggian taqwa di sisi Allah. Apa kaitan taqwa dan teman ke syurga? Taqwa dalam diri sahaja yang akan mendorong seseorang mencari teman ke syurga, menemaninya dalam kehidupan siang harinya, mendampinginya dalam ibadah malamnya. Dan seseorang yang benar-benar meletakkan taqwanya kepada Allah sahaja akan bersungguh-sungguh (sehingga kelelahan tetapi) terus ingin meningkatkan darjatnya di sisi Allah dan dia benar-benar memerlukan teman untuk menguatkan urusan siang dan malamnya, sebagai hamba, dan khalifah. Ciri taqwa ini akan menjadikan dirinya sendiri adalah seorang teman ke syurga, lantas dia layak untuk mendapat teman ke syurga yang hanya didapati melalui anugerah dari Allah. Teman yang akan sentiasa mengingatkan, tatkala kelelahan, akan janji yang menjadi asas perhubungan ini, asasnya hanya kerana Allah, lantas itu kita menjadi "menjadi teman ke syurga".

Kita bertemu atas kesungguhan dan ikrar kita pada jalan Allah, dan perpisahan kita pun hanyalah kerana Allah juga kerana walau apapun matlamat kita hanya satu, meraih syurgaNya. "Didiklah diri kamu kepada cinta pada Allah, bermula pada diri kamu. Tingkatkan penghayatan diri kamu pada cinta pada Allah, berusaha membaiki dan meningkatkan diri kamu menjadi hamba Allah yang lebih taat, nescaya kamu akan menjadi teman ke syurga dan Allah akan mengurniakanmu teman ke syurga."

Marilah sejenak kita mengambil pengajaran dari Hadith Qudsi, dari Allah, Pencipta dan Pemilik kasih sayang dan cinta, yang menitipkan kasih sayang antara hati-hati, yang mengekalkan ikatan antaranya, yang memperteguhkan janji ikrar mereka untuk menjadi 'teman ke syurga', mencari redhaNya yang Esa, Pemberi Segalanya, Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. "CintaKu mesti bagi orang-orang yang saling mencintai kerana Aku, CintaKu mesti bagi orang-orang yang saling bersilaturahim kerana Aku, CintaKu mesti mesti bagi orang yang saling menasihati kerana AKu, CintaKu mesti bagi orang-orang yang saling mengunjungi kerana Aku, CintaKu mesti bagi orang-orang yang saling memberi kerana Aku" (Hadith Qudsi) Lihatlah betapa Allah menjanjikan cintaNya yang Maha Agung kepada "teman ke syurga". Besarnya kemuliaan Allah janjikan kepada mereka yang mendasari perhubungan kerana sama-sama mahu mengejar redhaNya, menjadi teman ke syurga lantas dikurniakan teman ke syurga.

Ayuh, perbaiki diri !

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Street Donation Drive -Gaza  

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Khairu invited you to "Street Donation Drive :: Gaza Relief ::" on Sunday, February 8 at 9:00am.

Khairu says, "Salaam all,

Join us in our effort to assist in the relief efforts in Gaza. We aim to raise about $20,000 with your support. Support us with your presence on the 8th January 2009 and, for now, by spreading the word around.

Thank you,

Khairu Rejal".

Event: Street Donation Drive :: Gaza Relief ::
What: Fundraiser
Host: Saff-Perdaus
Start Time: Sunday, February 8 at 9:00am
End Time: Sunday, February 8 at 9:00pm
Where: Singapore!

Visit for more details and to direct any queries or interest to join in this cause.

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Oh I learnt something new today from watching "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" on Star World lol.

Now I know what cotton gin is (it sounded like a type of alcoholic drink lol but no it's a machine that removes seeds from cotton) and how much a hectometer represents (100!).

Yesterday morning when I browsed channels, I came across two channels showing really beautiful landscapes, the one with the blue sky touching the green grass in a vast area with mountains adorning the backdrop. And I just went, "That's His creation, how beautiful..."

See TV is not so bad hehe, if you know what to watch and what not to. For parents, I feel that it is doubly important to emphasize this plus why some shows are unsuitable for viewing.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

P.S. You can roll over each bar to read a short note on each

You're a thinker

Your cautiousness, appreciation of functionality, and imagination combine to make you a THINKER. (hmm... I guess so)

You have a vivid capacity for imagery that allows you to see beyond your present circumstances. (yup, sometimes, and these imageries help me get out of alot of difficult depressing situations)

You like to be sure of yourself before voicing your opinion. (yes, I do mostly)

A lot of your time is spent at home, or with the people you care about. (yes, if there's nothing, you'll find me at home the whole day)

Although you may dream often, you're very aware of how things work, and you value things that work well.

You take comfort in the familiar, and value predictability—and others value those things in you. (though I don't mind trying new things sometimes)

Accordingly, you prefer a set routine, and although you often imagine how things can be different, you're hesitant to take risks to change things. (but these days i seem to need to change my plans last min, I put more trust in where my feet brings me than where my mind and heart directs)

Sometimes you doubt whether you have the ability to face certain challenges, but your practical focus helps you solve most problems. (doubtful uhuh)

Because of this, you tend to be more reactive than proactive, thinking thoroughly about the challenges that you face. (yes I think/plan so much but don't do anything, and that's bad uh)

You have a broad-based, theoretical understanding of the world that allows you to understand its workings.

If you want to be different:

Try indulging your imagination a bit more by experiencing new and different things. (insyaAllah I would!!)

Have a little more faith in your capacity to do things—turn your thoughts into actions! (haha insyaAllah I'll try la k)

how you relate to others
You are Faithful

Your trust in others, respect for tradition, and caring nature make you FAITHFUL.

Maintaining a few intimate relationships is more important to you than knowing a lot of people, and you share a lot with your close friends. (not so true)

Those who have managed to get close to you value your camaraderie, and they know that they can trust you with anything; you're a good listener. (it's for you to judge)

While you can usually see several sides of an argument, you often have a strong opinion as to which side is correct—the order of things is usually clear to you. (mostly, but more often than not I won't say my opinion)

Your perspective on the world is based on careful observation, and you know a lot about how people feel in—and react to—many situations.

Your exploration of others' feelings has led you to believe that although people generally act appropriately, having clear social rules is very important to a functional society. (yep, that's why we have law what)

Time alone for reflection is important to you—you are introspective and aware of your own feelings. (YES!! I need that reflection time)

Faithful is as faithful does—you expect those with whom you are close to be loyal to you, and you take betrayal of your trust very seriously. (seriously yes. if u're nice to me, insyaAllah I'll try to be doubly nice to u hehe)

If you want to be different:

Some of the alternate perspectives that you understand may have more value than you give them credit for—keep in mind that right and wrong aren't always so clear-cut. (haha the grey areas between blc and white huh?)

While you are able to reap the benefits of your time alone, and may see interacting with a lot of people as more tiring than exciting, remember that there is a lot to be learned from experiencing things and not just reflecting on them. (well, you have to experience something and reflect on it la kan)

That was rather fun! Hehe.

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Hearts Entwined  

I love my dear sisters, ALL of you!!

I feel closer to Allah in your company, for our discussions are filled with mentions of Him, reminders of Him, tales of His mercy and tales of His wrath. When we part, I feel lost again and cannot wait for the next time we shall meet up to be reminded more of Him. We come together for Him and we part too for Him, insyaAllah, in the hope He'll bring us together again soon enough.

MasyaAllah, I feel our hearts have entwined in a single love for Him.

The feeling is plain beautiful. And that's just how I like things. Simple yet elegant/beautiful :)

Take care my dear sisters. May peace be upon you... May Allah bless you and whatever you do...

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just finished reading some of sis Hida's posts. FYI, she's in Syria currently.

Apart from her, Kak Khadijah, Kak Syazwani, Sholeha and Ustzh Sakinah are also studying overseas.

I wonder what it'd be like for me. I wonder if I'm willing to sacrifice so much for ilm like they do. I wonder if I'd ever get an opportunity like that. Bahasa arab asas pon tak pass hah Marl...

Oh well...

I dunno... I just feel too comfortable in Sg now, and I want to venture out.

In Sg, my life's more or less a routine and there's so many distractions from Him! I so want to do something solely for the love for Him... I don't think I'd done any :( sadly...

Oh well, let's berjuang apa adanya for now la yea?

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Tmr is...  

One more day to end of SIP *GASPS!*

Aaahhhhh!! Reports!!

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Nyawa2 ikan  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nyawa2 ikan directly means fish lives, but I don't mean that way lar.

Nyawa2 ikan is a Malay proverb that can mean something like 'struggling' ah.

And that's exactly how I'm feeling.

3 days left *gasp!*

K, confirm ah I'm not going Gombak...

It's k, insyaAllah ada hikmah (there's a reason behind this). InsyaAllah too, there'll be a next time.

Two more weeks to freedom!!!

In the meantime, I'm head over heels feeling like a fish thrown on shore.

There's two kinds of stress. I experienced one of them last week... It's the kind of stress where you have no appetite to eat at all and have stomachache 24/7 from worry.

This week, I'm experiencing the other type. The one where you wanna eat and eat and eat, and whenever you stop munching, you think it's time to sleep. ZzZzZzzz...

I have yet to finish my MP report! And I haven't started my SIP report!

And because I'm not munching right now, I feel very sleepy. And because I feel very sleepy, I'm too lazy to reach for my cookies. -_-

I can't wait! I can't wait!

I shall soon start what I'd been wanting to for a long time... Practical lessons for car and arabic class. InsyaAllah... After SIP.

Ad, Seoul Garden on 10th Feb amacam?

I wanna try new things soon, insyaAllah. Wowhee~!

And I've got loads of interesting books to read!

And insyaAllah finally I shall start some of my personal projects that I'd been planning. There's quite alot actually. I'd probably be busier after SIP! Lol.

For now, it shall be gloom and doom... But I'll pull out of this, right? InsyaAllah I'll pass this just fine.

Been contemplating... NUS, NTU, NIE? InsyaAllah any of them is fine. I'm hungry to learn new stuff on Science. I actually feel compelled to try new things like linguistics or physics you know. But I shall not risk it la eh.


I'm like addicted to Suci. Padahal I don't approve what I watch. Ape nih peluk2?? Ape ni pegang2?? ape nih cinta pergi cinta balik?? Haiz... But sweet uh cerita dier. So what if you're not rich and beautiful, your heart is what matters. Awww...

Been having interesting and fruitful discussions with Hui Yi on train ride home (of course there's news of how others are doing in SIP etc in between haha). And to think, 20 weeks ago I thought I wouldn't get along with her. Turns out she's a great friend to have, and a good company on long journey home. Oh, the journey doesn't feel so long anymore. I'm getting used to it.

My mum is asking me to find a job for after SIP. Any vacancies anyone?

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I Fear  

Sunday, January 18, 2009

يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لِمَ تَقُولُونَ مَا لَا تَفۡعَلُونَ (٢)
ڪَبُرَ مَقۡتًا عِندَ ٱللَّهِ أَن تَقُولُواْ مَا لَا تَفۡعَلُونَ (٣)

2. O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do?
3. Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that which you do not do.
{Surah As-Saff 61: 2-3}

Lately I'd been saying that I'd do things, but end up not doing. Yes, my promises are always accompanied by "InsyaAllah". However, while saying so, my heart is always heavy as I feel that I would eventually not carry them out, in my knowledge or no (meaning I'd forgotten). And because of this, I feel such a hypocrite.

Should I have said 'no'? Maybe. Just that, I do not seem to be able to.

Responsibilities... They're so heavy. Too heavy sometimes, I fear they might drag me down into hellfire. Allahuma ajirna min an-nar...

InsyaAllah I'll start fulfilling my promises after this SIP ordeal is over. Right now, I have promised my LO that I wouldn't hand in my reports late. And I shall try very very hard not to. This is my FYP afterall! Of course I'd want the best grades to pull my GPA as high as possible. I'd already screwed up my MP proposal, BIG time. I wish to make up for it...

Do forgive me if the best excuse I can give is "Sorry I have to finish my report", when the facts stand that I do not finish them even after days and days past up till today.

But I do not wish to blame others if I were to finish the reports late. If there's any to blame, let it be myself. I know I can't hold grudges against myself or hate myself for anything (for long).

It's safer this way, even if all you see is a HUGE lame excuse.

Everyone's busy, yes. I apologise that I am not able to manage my time effectively.

I seek understanding. Thank you.

I'm not angry. No, noone said anything to me to make me feel this way. But I myself feel guilty at how little I've contributed. And I'm sad because of this. At the same time, I fear.

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Sisters, this is for YOU  

I have no idea what the song says for the first part though. The second part are verses from the Qur'an with it's translation reflected on screen.


For those of you out there facing hardships of any kind, this video is for you. It is a reminder to myself and to all. Allah knows best.


For those of you who are feeling sad, la tahzan, la tahzan. Watch this and thank Allah for the blessings He bestowed upon us.


What am I doing here blogging? Ahhh... That's a very good question. Toodles!

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I'm seeing hope, and that is exactly what I need.

Hope for what? To have time to finish my reports and logbooks and what not.

I'm waiting reply from my mentor. She's a really helpful and understanding mentor. But I always cringe upon hearing her footsteps (her heels are very audible, and I've learned to identify footsteps sound in the lab to know who's approaching, cool or what?) or whenever I'm supposed to face her. Reason being... She has such a confident and formal aura around her while I always feel insecure and lost yet playful in the lab hehe.

I see hope to of going Gombak, but I dunno, I dunno...

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Last stretch  

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hai not asleep yet at this time? MP report ar?

Haha, planning to... I was to engrossed watching Indonesian sinetron on youtube hehe. 2-3hrs seh.

I plan not to sleep today. Or just sleep 1hr or so maybe.

Ya Zhi motivated me, eventhough she didn't exactly do or say anything motivational in particular haha. Nevertheless, thx.

On to report! I want to finish it by this weekend. So next Monday can let my mentor see.

This is the last stretch, and I plan to stretch myself until I'm no longer stretchable, can?

After this, I'm so gonna spend days at home lying around doing nothing, haha, maybe. Or I'll be doing everything I'd always wanted to try. I'm so gonna love my post-SIP moments.

Pray for me yea?

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Rahmatan lil Alamin (Blessings-To-All)  

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The Rahmatan lil Alamin (Blessings-To-All) Committee established by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) will coordinate a special fund-raising effort in aid of the affected victims of the on-going conflict in the Palestinian territory of Gaza, in which many innocent civilian lives have been lost due to the ensuing violence.

2. The Rahmatan lil Alamin Fund will be collected through :

i) donation boxes placed at all 69 mosques starting today, Saturday, 10 January 2009. The boxes will be marked "Special Collection For Humanitarian Relief Effort in Gaza”.

ii) Donation in cash, by cheque as well as online. The cheque should be made payable to “MUIS” with the words “Humanitarian Relief Effort in Gaza” written on its back. The cash and cheques can be delivered to the Muis Headquarters at No 1, Lorong 6, Toa Payoh, Singapore 319376. Online contributions can be made through the Muis' E-services (Donation) website. For further clarification, you may also contact Muis at 6359 1199 during officer hours.

3. In addition to the above effort, the Harmony Centre is also collaborating with other faith organizations to raise donations to support this humanitarian cause. More information on this will be issued later.

4. In the meantime, the Singapore Muslim community prays that the parties to the conflict seriously work toward a cessation of violence and be given the courage and compassion to resolve their conflict by peaceful means. We pray that peace and harmony return swiftly to the lives and citizens of Gaza.

5. Muis would like to express its deepest sympathy for the victims of the conflict and their families. We hope our small contribution will, in a small way, ease the lives and help to alleviate the sufferings of all the victims of the conflict.

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Hah Ini Dia!  

Sweet kan... i know ;)

Pic taken during Ghufran Tathmin Al-Mibarrat. My mum is in Muslimah, but she not active sangat uh. Tolong mana yang mampu... :)

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My Little Pony  

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Alia used to call me that, haha.

Anyway, I watched Flicka on Star Movies a while earlier (just the climax and ending only). And I've got two videos to share:

My Little Girl (A dad's love huh?)

Watch this or this also nice. They're the same song.

Dream A Dream


Btw, while watching tv, I read some of the articles in the Sunday Times my dad was reading. There's one which says that MacDonald's and Starbucks deny that they support Israel by helping Israel economically through their earnings.

This is the reason I didn't forward the sms I received about boycotting Macdonald's and Starbucks. I didn't know for sure if they are supporting Israel so, let's put it this way: I didn't want to 'fitnah'. I'm not sure what's fitnah in English is sorry.

Now who's right and who's wrong, I can't be too sure. The sms may be the truth, may also be blank rumours. Or maybe yes Macdonalds and starbucks in Israel are helping the country economically, but not MacDonalds and starbucks in sg... At the same time, the media may just be giving false news (no I'm not implying the sg newspaper can't be trusted but who nows, there is a possibility MacDonalds and Starbucks lie, though it is unlikely...), which I surely hope it doesn't.

Reminds me of the article in TODAY (I think) stating that Israel goes out to the media world to show that they're just being defensive not offensive, as well as the article stating that Israel banned any reporters to enter Gaza to report from there (aka to report the truth). Smart eh. After plan A to get the media around the world to side them backfires, it goes to Plan B to prevent any media reporting any news except Israel media.

I'd been talking alot about Israel eh?

Anyway, the attacks have yet to end. So please, do pray for the Palestinians. Doa itu senjata mukmin. Supplication is the believers' weapon.

Muslims, I urge you to pray for them after our prayers and/or recite doa qunut nazilah in the last rakaat of each fardhu prayer or at least the Subuh prayer and/or pray solat hajat to ask for help for the Palestinians.


I want to ride a horse. NOT at zoo one.

Btw, who watches Suci on Sensasi? Hehe

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Your Word is "Peace"

You see life as precious, and you wish everyone was safe, happy, and taken care of.

Social justice, human rights, and peace for all nations are all important to you.

While you can't stop war, you try to be as calm and compassionate as possible in your everyday life.

You promote harmony and cooperation. You're always willing to meet someone a little more than halfway.

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ONE month more  

ONE month to freedom. Hah!

ngah jihad jugak nih tau... but in much much smaller scale la gitu kan...

Before freedom comes hardship :(

13 days to end of SIP meaning needing to show my mentor whtever I have done for report
20 days to post SIP briefing and submission of SIP report (have yet to start not even cover page) and SIP logbook (alhamdulillah it's complete as of today, two more weeks to fill in...)
23 days to submission of MP report (I'm cracking my head over this right now aka yes yes I'm working on it) and MP workbook (still very very far behind uh oh)
30 days to MP poster presentation (not a single thing done in preparation for it)

Now it has come down to days, do pray for me yea?

So nervous. So panicky. So... At least not so depressed as 4-5 days ago. I'm rather motivated now.

Working on results part currently as I can't seem to not look at the introduction without wanting to scream gah!

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Doa Qunut Nazilah  


Qunut ertinya membaca doa kerana sesuatu bala bencana supaya kita dilindungi Allah dari bahaya.


Qunut Nazilah boleh dibaca pada setiap solat fardhu: Zohor, Asar, Maghrib, Isyak dan Subuh. Ia dibaca pada rakaat terakhir selepas bangun dari Ruku’ untuk ‘Itidal, iaitu selepas membaca
سَمِعَ اللَّهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَهُ ، رَبَّنَا وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ.

Doa dibaca ketika berdiri untuk I’tidal. Ada tiga cara membaca doa tersebut. Imam boleh memilih salah satu dari cara-cara berikut:

1. Membaca doa Qunut sepertimana yang biasa dibaca ketika solat Subuh.

2. Membaca doa Qunut Nazilah sahaja sepertimana yang di dalam lampiran

3. Membaca doa Qunut subuh dan diikuti dengan doa Qunut Nazilah .

• Jika para Imam tidak menghafal Qunut Nazilah yang dilampirkan, bolehlah membaca doa qunut sepertimana dalam solat subuh. Kemudian doa nazilah ini boleh dibaca selepas solat.

• Imam hendaklah meberitahu para jemaah bahawa qunut akan dibaca di dalam solat agar mereka meng-aminkan bersama doa tersebut.

Disediakan oleh
Pejabat Mufti
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura
2 Ogos 2006

“ Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kami bermohon pertolongan Mu, kami meminta ampun kepada Mu, kami memohon petunjuk dari Mu, kami beriman kepada Mu, kami berserah kepada Mu dan kami memuji Mu dengan segala kebaikan, kami mensyukuri dan tidak mengkufuri Mu, kami melepaskan diri daripada sesiapa yang durhaka kepada Mu.

Ya Allah, Engkau yang kami sembah dan kepada Engkau kami bersalat dan sujud, dan kepada Engkau jualah kami datang bergegas, kami mengharap rahmat Mu dan kami takut akan azab Mu kerana azab Mu yang sebenar akan menyusul mereka yang kufur

Ya Allah, Muliakanlah Islam dan masyarakat Islam. Hentikanlah segala macam kezaliman dan permusuham, Bantulah saudara-saudara kami di mana sahaja mereka berada. Angkatlah dari mereka kesusahan, bala, peperangan dan permusuhan.

Ya Allah, selamatkanlah kami dari segala keburukan dan janganlah Engkau jadikan kami tempat turunnya bencana, hindarkanlah kami dari segala bala kerana tidak sesiapa yang dapat menghindarkannya melainkan Engkau, ya Allah.”

I am unable to put up the doa in Arabic, do click on this link to download the MS words document.

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Khutbah: Palestin Memanggil Kamu Pulang Kepada Islam  

Sidang Jumaat yang dirahmati Allah,
Sekali lagi, umat Islam sedunia dihidangkan dengan pusingan seterusnya kekejaman regim Zionis ke atas umat Islam dan manusia di bumi Palestin. Kekejaman yang melampaui batas fikiran manusia, yang tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah untuk mengiyakan apa yang diamarankan oleh al-Quran, tentang fasad besar-besaran pusingan kedua yang dicetuskan oleh kaum Yahudi ini..

Firman Allah SWT:

"Dan telah Kami nyatakan kepada Bani Israil di dalam Kitab itu: "Sesungguhnya kamu akan melakukan kerosakan di bumi (Palestin) dua kali, dan sesungguhnya kamu akan berlaku sombong angkuh dengan melampau" [al-Israa' 17: 4]

Para ahli Tafsir kontemporari menyetujui bahawa kerosakan pertama yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang Yahudi ini adalah semasa mastautin mereka di bumi Yathrib. Mereka menguasai politik, ekonomi dan sosial di kota tersebut, bongkak dengan impian mereka bahawa Nabi akhir zaman akan diutuskan sekali lagi daripada keturunan mereka, dan seterusnya memanfaatkan kebodohan kaum Aus dan Khazraj lalu melaga-lagakan dua kelompok kaum Arab ini hingga berperang sesama sendiri, mencecah suatu tempoh yang amat panjang.
Kerosakan pertama ini mencapai kemuncaknya, apabila mereka secara rasmi menolak Kenabian Rasul akhir zaman, tatkala tibanya Muhammad bin Abdullah ke kota Yathrib di dalam peristiwa Hijrah. Meleset sekali impian mereka, bahawa Allah telah menetapkan bahawa kaum yang banyak membunuh Nabi dan Rasul ini hilang kebanggaan buta mereka, apabila penutup segala Nabi dan Rasul, diutuskan daripada kaum Arab berketurunan Ismail `alayhi al-Salaam, iaitulah Junjungan Mulia Nabi Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam.
Firman Allah SWT:

"Maka apabila sampai masa janji (membalas kederhakaan kamu) kali yang pertama dari dua (kederhakaan) itu, Kami datangkan kepada kamu hamba-hamba Kami yang kuat gagah dan amat keras serangannya lalu mereka menjelajah di segala ceruk rantau (untuk menyerang dan mengusir kamu); dan (sebenarnya peristiwa itu) adalah satu janji yang benar-benar berlaku" [al-Israa' 17: 5]

Sidang Jumaat, rahimakumullah…
Misi menghadapi kaum Yahudi yang tidak pernah jemu menyebarkan kerosakan di muka bumi biar pun telah diberi peluang berkali-kali oleh Rasulullah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, disempurnakan oleh umat Islam dengan pengusiran mereka dari bumi Khaybar pada bulan Muharram tahun ke-7H.
Semenjak itu, kaum Yahudi hidup berpeleseran dan sukar diterima di mana-mana sahaja penempatan di muka bumi, di bawah mana-mana kuasa pemerintah, disebabkan oleh perilaku mereka sendiri yang tidak henti-henti mencetuskan fasad di muka bumi.
Namun, di sepanjang sejarah itu, kuasa pemerintah Islam jugalah, dengan keluasan rahmat dan toleransinya menghulurkan bantuan bersyarat kepada kaum Yahudi, termasuklah semasa mereka berdepan dengan pembunuhan beramai-ramai di bumi Andalus pada 1492 oleh kuasa Kristian. Kerajaan Islam Turki Othmaniyyah mempelawa mereka untuk mendapat perlindungan duduk di bawah pemerintah Islam, tetapi Yahudi tetap Yahudi, mereka menjadi duri dalam daging hingga akhirnya berperanan sebagai kelompok terpenting yang menjadi punca kepada kejatuhan kerajaan Turki Othmaniyyah. Yahudi Donme yang hidup talam dua muka, menjadi lubang kebocoran bagi negara Islam terakhir itu, hingga legasi Islam ribuan tahun, tamat secara rasminya pada tahun 1924.
Sidang Jumaat sekalian,
Kejatuhan kerajaan Islam terakhir itulah, titik utama kepada terlepasnya bumi Palestin dari wilayah Islam. Sehingga kini, bumi Palestin itu terus bermandi darah, setiap anak yang dilahirkan, adalah seperti sudah tersurat bahawa mereka bakal menjadi mangsa kekejaman penjajah Zionis yang terus menerus membelakangkan kemanusiaan, menghancurkan apa dan siapa sahaja yang menghalang cita-cita mereka untuk menegakkan negara Zionis dari tebing Furat ke Sungai Nil.
Itulah 'sumbangan' Yahudi.
Kerosakan demi kerosakan.
Dan Allah SWT telah menetapkan, bahawa kitalah pada hari ini yang berdepan dengan kerosakan besar-besaran pusingan kedua, sebagaimana yang telah dicatatkan di dalam ayat yang saya bacakan tadi.
Jamaah kaum Muslimin sekalian,
Apakah tindakan kita? Apakah cukup dengan hanya menggelengkan kepala, menanti isu ini pudar daripada siaran media selepas seminggu dua, dan kemudian menggelengkan kepala lagi untuk pusingan yang seterusnya?
Sesungguhnya, kita mempunyai 3 bentuk tindakan yang menanti perlaksanaan.
Tindakan pertama, adalah dengan MENGECAM.

Kita boleh dan perlu untuk membuat kecaman. Membantah dan menyuarakan penentangan kita terhadap kekejaman Yahudi di bumi Palestin. Sama ada kecaman itu dibuat dalam bentuk demonstrasi, ucapan, khutbah dan penulisan, kecaman mesti diteruskan.
Kecaman ini boleh menjustifikasikan sokongan dan kebersamaan kita dengan saudara-saudara seagama di bumi Palestin. Ia juga menjadi bukti terhadap kepedulian kita. Ia menjadi tanda bahawa kita bukan terdiri dari kelompok manusia yang disebutkan oleh Allah dengan perumpamaan buruk sebagai BINATANG TERNAK.
Firman Allah SWT:

"Dan Sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk neraka Jahanam banyak dari jin dan manusia yang mempunyai hati (tetapi) tidak mahu memahami dengannya (ayat-ayat Allah), dan yang mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak mahu melihat dengannya (bukti keesaan Allah) dan yang mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak mahu mendengar dengannya (ajaran dan nasihat); mereka itu seperti binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi; mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai" [al-A'raaf 7: 179]

Binatang ternak tidak pernah peduli kepada pisau yang sedang diasah untuk menyembelihnya. Binatang ternak hanya memerhatikan rumput dengan penuh nafsu terhadap perutnya. Binatang ternak adalah perumpamaan kepada manusia yang diberi mata tidak melihat, diberi telinga tidak mendengar. Apa yang mereka pedulikan hanyalah lima rukun hidup iaitu MAKAN, MINUM, KERJA, REHAT dan KAHWIN.
Semoga dengan kecaman dan bantahan yang dibuat, menjadi saksi di hadapan Allah, bahawa kita adalah manusia, bukan binatang yang tidak punya rasa peduli dan peka.
Namun kecaman bukanlah tindakan yang terbaik oleh seorang mukmin.
Rasulullah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam telah bersabda:

Daripada Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri radhiyallahu `anhu beliau berkata: aku mendengar Rasulullah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam pernah bersabda: Sesiapa dari kalangan kamu yang melihat kemungkaran, maka hendaklah dia mengubahnya dengan tangannya. Andai tiada kemampuan untuk berbuat demikian, maka hendalah dia mengubahnya dengan lisannya. Dan jika beliau tidak mampu untuk berbuat begitu, maka hendaklah (dikecam) dengan hatinya. Dan demikian itu adalah selemah-lemah iman [Hadith riwayat Muslim]

Arahan Nabi Muhammad sallalaahu `alayhi wa sallam terhadap tindakan kita mencegah kemungkaran, bukan sekadar mengingkarinya dengan hati, atau menegahnya dengan lisan, tetapi bertindak dengan tangan untuk MENGUBAH keadaan. Tindak balas kita mestilah ada upaya untuk mengubah keadaan, dan kecaman masih jauh dari mampu mencetuskan perubahan itu.
Sidang Jumaat rahimakumullaah,
Tindakan kedua yang mesti kita lakukan untuk bertindak terhadap kekejaman Yahudi di bumi Palestin adalah selepas MENGECAM adalah MENCEGAH.
Mencegah boleh berlaku dalam beberapa bentuk.
Cegahan pertama adalah pada usaha mengelakkan diri untuk menjadi mangsa kepada kemungkaran itu. Ia mungkin boleh diertikan sebagai tindakan untuk berhijrah meninggalkan tempat di mana kemungkaran itu berlaku.
Ia mungkin berupaya menyelamatkan diri kita buat sementara, tetapi ia tidak akan dapat menamatkan kemungkaran itu daripada terus menerus berleluasa. Dan segala puji bagi Allah, saudara kita di bumi Palestin tidak bertindak melarikan diri. Jika mereka tidak punya semangat yang kuat untuk mempertahankan diri dan maruah Islam, sudah pasti mereka bertempiaran lari menjadi pelarian di bumi asing.
Namun Allah anugerahkan bumi itu dengan manusia yang kental jiwa. Mereka terus bertahan. Biar pun hanya dengan lastik dan batu, berundur tidak sekali-kali! Sama ada menang, atau syahid fi sabillah.
Mencegah yang kedua pula, boleh diertikan dengan tindakan kita mengekang diri daripada menjadi sebahagian daripada kemungkaran itu. Kita harus bertindak untuk menghalang diri daripada menjadi sebahagian daripada kekuatan regim Yahudi di bumi Palestin. Dan tindakan ini boleh dijustifikasikan dengan kempen boikot.
Secara individu, kita boleh menyekat diri daripada menggunakan barangan dan perkhidmatan syarikat-syarikat yang menyumbang kepada kekuatan ekonomi regim Yahudi Zionis itu.
Firman Allah SWT berkenaan dengan hal ini:

"Kemudian, Kami kembalikan kepada kamu (Yahudi) kekuasaan untuk mengalahkan mereka, dan Kami perpanjangkan kepada kamu dengan banyaknya harta kekayaan dan anak pinak, serta Kami jadikan kamu kaum yang lebih ramai pasukannya" [Al-Israa' 17: 6]

Di era kerosakan kedua oleh kaum Yahudi ini, Allah SWT menjelaskan bahawa kekuatan mereka adalah hasil yang diperpanjangkan kepada mereka berupa harta kekayaan dan sumber tenaga manusia. Ayat ini amat jelas menunjukkan kepada kita, bahawa regim Yahudi Zionis hari ini menjadi kuat hasil sokongan luar yang mereka terima.
Sokongan itu tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah daripada negara Polis Dunia iaitu Amerika Syarikat.
Laporan http://www.ifameric menjelaskan bahawa regim Zionis yang menjajah bumi Palestin menerima bantuan di antara 10 ke 15 juta US Dollar sehari daripada Amerika Syarikat. Jumlah ini mengatasi jumlah keseluruhan bantuan Amerika Syarikat kepada negara-negara Amerika Latin, Sub Sahara Afrika dan Carribean.
Kekuatan utama rejim Zionis di Palestin adalah sokongan Amerika Syarikat. Negara kuasa besar dunia itu berupaya memanipulasi kewangannya sendiri untuk memberikan sokongan dan bantuan kepada rejim Zionis hasil kombinasi beberapa pihak, khususnya media di Amerika Syarikat yang tidak melapor, melapor secara simplistik, atau memberikan laporan yang salah, untuk mengawal kefahaman penduduk Amerika Syarikat tentang isu Palestin.
Maka tindakan memboikot barangan yang menyumbang kepada kekuatan ini, tindakan menghentikan penggunakan matawang Dollar Amerika Syarikat adalah tindakan mencegah yang boleh memberikan kesan kepada hal ini, jika umat Islam dan seluruh warga manusia yang prihatin bersatu padu menjayakannya.
Sidang Jumaat sekalian,
Walau bagaimana pun, tindakan mengecam dan mencegah masih belum mencapai standard yang ditetapkan oleh Nabi Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam kepada kita. Bahawa kemungkaran mesti menerima tindak balas yang bersifat MENGUBAH.
Perubahan itulah yang mesti diperhatikan oleh kita semua.

Apakah kekalahan demi kekalahan yang menimpa umat Islam selama ini berlaku tanpa sebab?
Apakah kejatuhan kuasa Islam hanya disebabkan oleh faktor luar?
Sesungguhnya mencela kaum Yahudi yang melakukan kerosakan, tidak lebih daripada sekadar kata pepatah Melayu, SEPERTI MARAHKAN ANJING MENYALAK BUKIT. Yahudi dan kerosakan sudah sinonim, maka janganlah kita sekadar marahkan Yahudi, sebaliknya cerminlah diri kita, apakah yang sedang berlaku kepada umat Islam sendiri?
Kaum Muslimin rahimakumullaah,
Menjawab soalan ini, saya teringat kepada apa yang telah diungkapkan oleh Abu al-Hasan Ali al-Nadawi di dalam bukunya Ila al-Islam Min Jadeed (Kembali Semula Kepada Islam). Di bawah tajuk "Antara Ilusi dan Realiti"� (Bayna al-Soorah wa al-Haqiqah)�, al-Nadwi telah memberikan suatu analogi yang sangat baik untuk difikirkan bersama.
Al-Nadwi membayangkan bagaimana seorang pemimpin hebat yang telah mati, dikenang oleh pengikutnya dengan membina sebuah patung yang besar dan amat menyerupai rupa pemimpin itu semasa hayatnya. Tetapi pada suatu hari, seekor burung datang bertenggek di atas hidung "pemimpin"tersebut dan melepaskan najisnya. Patung yang besar dan gagah itu tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa terhadap burung yang kecil itu, walaupun di kaki patung itu terpahat nama seorang pemimpin yang semasa hidupnya digeruni kawan dan lawan.
Mengapakah keadaan itu boleh berlaku? Mengapakah pemimpin yang hebat itu terhina hanya oleh perilaku seekor burung yang kecil?
Al-Nadawi mengulas analogi ini dengan mengemukakan konsep ilusi versus realiti.
Patung itu walaupun besar, gagah dan hebat, malah mewakili peribadi seorang pemimpin yang agung semasa hidupnya, adalah hanya "seorang patung". Ia hanya sebuah gambaran. Sebuah ilusi. Manakala burung tersebut, walaupun kecil dari segi saiznya, ia adalah burung yang hidup. Burung itu walaupun kecil, namun ia adalah realiti.
Sunnatullah telah menetapkan bahawa realiti sentiasa mengalahkan ilusi.
Beginilah perihalnya kita ketika berhadapan dengan musuh.
Jika kita membuka lembaran al-Quran dan mengkaji tentang Yahudi, maka kita akan dapati bahawa keterangan al-Quran tentang karakter Yahudi amat selaras. Kelakuan penakut mereka yang hanya membolehkan mereka menyerang di sebalik tembok, sifat takabbur, dendam kesumat terhadap orang-orang yang beriman, semuanya menepati realiti. Maka orang-orang Yahudi hari ini adalah orang Yahudi sejati. Pertembungan kita dengan Yahudi adalah pertembungan kita dengan sebuah realiti.
Jika kita membaca al-Quran dan meneliti ayat-ayat tentang Nasrani, kita akan dapati bahawa orang-orang Kristian hari ini amat menepati watak mereka seperti yang digambarkan oleh al-Quran. Maka orang-orang Kristian hari ini adalah orang Nasrani sejati. Mereka adalah realiti. Pertembungan kita terhadap mereka adalah pertembungan kita dengan sebuah realiti.
Namun, jika kita amati keterangan al-Quran tentang ciri-ciri orang Islam dan Mukmin, apakah hasil pengamatan kita itu?
Al-Quran menjelaskan bahawa orang-orang Mukmin itu bersaudara. Al-Quran juga menjelaskan bahawa orang Mukmin itu saling menjadi pembantu kepada Mukmin yang lain. Orang Mukmin bersatu padu berpegang dengan tali Allah, mereka tidak berpecah belah ketika mendirikan agama, mereka pengasih sesama mereka dan keras terhadap Kuffar dan pelbagai lagi senarai ciri Mukmin yang diterangkan oleh al-Quran.
Namun, perhatikanlah realiti umat Islam hari ini. Berapakah jarak di antara diri idaman mereka seperti yang digambarkan al-Quran, dengan diri sebenar mereka di dalam realiti kehidupan?

Muslim ilusi berdepan dengan Nasrani realiti.
Muslim ilusi berdepan dengan Yahudi realiti.
Realiti sentiasa mengalahkan ilusi.

Ramainya kita hanyalah sebuah ilusi. Hakikatnya kita sedikit, dan jumlah itu semakin sedikit apabila saudara-saudara kita berbondong-bondong murtad meninggalkan kita.
Kayanya kita hanyalah sebuah ilusi. Hakikatnya kita miskin. Kita miskin jiwa, miskin daya juang dan kemiskinan itu semakin miskin apabila saudara-saudara kita tidak mampu mengawal jual beli harta mereka sendiri yang selama ini mengkayakan musuh..
Cerdiknya kita hanyalah sebuah ilusi. Hakikatnya kita bodoh. Kita masih dibelenggu oleh persoalan-persoalan yang bodoh dan tidak langsung menghasilkan sebarang hasil. Kebodohan kita menjadi semakin bodoh apabila kita tenggelam dalam tajuk-tajuk debat sesama kita yang langsung tidak menggambarkan yang kita sedang berada di medan perang.
Bersatunya kita hanyalah sebuah ilusi. Hakikatnya kita berpecah. Hati-hati kita terlalu mudah untuk diungkaikan ikatannya. Penyakit hati kita sangat menjijikkan. Berpecah belah hanya kerana secawan kopi. Pecah belah rumahtangga, pecah belah jiran tetangga, pecah belah masyarakat sedesa, pecah belah antara negara, perpecahan kita dari hujung daun hingga ke akar umbi.
Ya, jika al-Quran yang menjadi pengukurnya, maka Yahudi di Palestin itu adalah realiti. Nasrani di Rumah Putih itu adalah realiti. Namun umat Islam yang mengelilingi Rumah Hitam di Masjidil Haram itu hanyalah ilusi. Dan ilusi akan terus dikalahkan oleh realiti.
Selagi kita tidak berusaha untuk membentuk diri menjadi Mukmin sejati, selagi itulah kita tidak akan diizinkan oleh Allah untuk melihat pembebasan Palestin dan Masjidil Aqsa.
Tragedi di Gaza adalah seruan Allah untuk kita kembali kepada Islam.
Islam yang tulen.
Ibu bapa didiklah anak menjadi Muslim, jangan dibiarkan mereka menjadi Yahudi, Nasrani atau Majusi.
Kenalkan kepada anak-anak kita apa itu Islam dan apa itu Jahiliyyah. Fahamkan mereka siapa Yahudi dan Nasrani dan mengapa mereka dikutuk Allah. Ajarlah anak-anak mencintai kebenaran, keadilan dan memusuhi kezaliman. Agar dengan jiwa tulen seorang putera Muslim dan puteri Muslimah, Yahudi tulen akan dikalahkan oleh Muslim tulen.

"Dan jika kamu kembali, maka Kami pula akan kembali .." [al-Israa' 17: 8]

Kembalilah kepada Allah, agar Allah kembali kepada kita dengan bantuan dan kemenangan!

ABU SAIF @ www.saifulislam. com
Surau (Jumaat) al-Munir, Sri Kembangan
12 Muharram 1430H / 9 Januari 2009

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I miss my old favourite songs, and therefore I shall change my imeem player back. To those of you non-Muslim friends who visit these blog, you can pause the player if you don't feel comfortable. Afterall, I too would do the same if I'm not comfortable with your songs :)

The previous song I put was:

Loire - Andrey Cechelero


I wonder what's happening in Gaza. I'd been getting daily 'doses' of news bits from TODAY on the way to work. And I haven't read any newspaper today, so yeah...

I hope the Palestinians get a bit of relieve with the 3hr daily ceasefire...

Anyway, there was an article in Berita Harian a few days ago about 'understanding' why the Jews of Israel do what they do. It goes all the way back to a period before the WWII. Jews slowly lost their rights as humans, living in Germany. And during the WWII, thousands were tortured and killed for no reason except for the belief they believe in (right?). It was NOT by Muslims btw, it was by the Germans, in case you're wondering... Anyway, that holocaust, that genocide, that massacre, as it is said in the article, affects the Jews greatly (of course it would). It is said that when Hamas sent rockets flying into Israel, the Jews probably feel threatened and decided to relatiate.

However, why do they want to retaliate by killing more than 700 Palestinian CIVILIANS, I have no idea. Especially since these too are the Palestinians who had to give part to their land for the Jews from German to live it. (right?) These are the Palestinians who gave them a chance to live, and here they are killing them.

Reminds me of a peribahasa, "bagai melepaskan anjing tersepit". :I

What we see today is a Jewish extremism act. My point is, just as there are Islamic extremists/militants, there are Jewish extremist/militants, Christian extremist/militants and other kinds of extremists/millitants (I'm thinking of Tamil Tigers etc). These extremists/militants most probably become extremists/militants because they themselves or their fellow 'brothers and sisters' or ancestors had had to face oppression in one way or another.

And the aftermath of this Israel attacks on Gaza, I'm afraid, may just give rise to the world seeing more Islamic extremists/militants. (there was an article in TODAY I think which mentioned this) They saw violence, all they saw was violence and they shall grow up to embrace violence as part of their lives... I'm just saying that if after this, we see more Islamic extremists/militants coming from Palestine, don't blame the Islamic teachings...


Just wanna share what was shared with me... What is aqidah?

3 translations of Surah Al-Baqarah (2): 177

Yusuf Ali:
It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in God and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-fearing.

T.U. Hilali-M. Khan:
It is not Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, and each and every act of obedience to Allâh, etc.) that you turn your faces towards east and (or) west (in prayers); but Al-Birr is (the quality of) the one who believes in Allâh, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, the Prophets and gives his wealth, in spite of love for it, to the kinsfolk, to the orphans, and to Al-Masâkin (the poor), and to the wayfarer, and to those who ask, and to set slaves free, performs As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and gives the Zakât, and who fulfill their covenant when they make it, and who are As-Sâbirin (the patient ones, etc.) in extreme poverty and ailment (disease) and at the time of fighting (during the battles). Such are the people of the truth and they are AlMuttaqûn (pious - see V.2:2).

M. Pickthall:
It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the prophets; and giveth wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, and to set slaves free; and observeth proper worship and payeth the poor-due. And those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient in tribulation and adversity and time of stress. Such are they who are sincere. Such are the God-fearing.

Taken from here.

As I've mentioned earlier, English (or Malay too for that matter) cannot cover the Arabic words fully. Arabic words are rich with meaning and one English translation do not truly give justice to the real meaning of alot of Qur'anic verses...

Anyway, do visit The online library looks interesting. And there was one book recommended to me: "To be a Muslim" by Fathi Yakkan.


The Tafsir of Surat Al-Ikhlas (Chapter - 112)
Which was revealed in Makkah
The Reason for the Revelation of this Surah and its Virtues

Imam Ahmad recorded from Ubayy bin Ka`b that the idolaters said to the Prophet, "O Muhammad! Tell us the lineage of your Lord.'' So Allah revealed(Say: "He is Allah, One. Allah He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to

Similar was recorded by At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Jarir and they added in their narration that he said,"(As-Samad) is One Who does not give birth, nor was He born, because there is nothing that is born except that it will die, and there is nothing that dies except that it leaves behind inheritance, and indeed Allah does not die and He does not leave behind any inheritance.(And there is none comparable to Him.) This means that there is none similar to Him, none equal to Him and there is nothing at all like Him.''

Ibn Abi Hatim also recorded it and At-Tirmidhi mentioned
it as a Mursal narration. Then At-Tirmidhi said, "And this is the most correct.''

A Hadith on its Virtues

Al-Bukhari reported from `Amrah bint `Abdur-Rahman, who used to stay in the apartment of `A'ishah,the wife of the Prophet, that `A'ishah said, "The Prophet sent a man as the commander of a war expedition and he used to lead his companions in prayer with recitation (of the Qur'an). And he would complete his recitation with the recitation of `Say: He is Allah, One.' So when they returned they mentioned that to the Prophet and he said,(Ask him why does he do that.) So they asked him and he said, `Because it is the description of Ar-Rahman and I love to recite it. So the Prophet said,(Inform him that Allah the Most High loves him.)'' This is how Al-Bukhari recorded this Hadith in his Book of Tawhid. Muslim and An-Nasa'i also recorded it.

In his Book of Salah, Al-Bukhari recorded that Anas said, "A man from the Ansar used to lead the people in prayer in the Masjid of Quba'. Whenever he began a Surah in the recitation of the prayer that he was leading them, he would start by reciting `Say: He is Allah, One' until he completed the entire Surah. Then he would recite another Surah along with it (after it). And used to do this in every Rak`ah. So his companions spoke to him about this saying; `Verily, you begin the prayer with this Surah. Then you think that it is not sufficient for you unless you recite another Surah as well. So you should either recite it or leave it and recite another Surah instead.' The man replied, `I will not leave it off. If you want me to continue leading you(in prayer), I will do this; and if you all do not like it, I will leave you (i.e., I will stop leading you).' They used to consider him to be of the best of them to lead them in prayer and they did not want anyone else to lead them other than him. So, when the Prophet came they informed him of this information
and he said,(O so-and-so! What prevents you from doing what your companions are commanding you to do, and what makes you adhere to the recitation of this Surah in every Rak`ah) The man said, `Verily, I love it.' The Prophet replied,(Your love of it will cause you to enter Paradise.) This was recorded by Al-Bukhari, with a
disconnected chain, but in a manner indicating his approval.

A Hadith that mentions this Surah is equivalent to a Third of the Qur'an

Al-Bukhari recorded from Abu Sa`id that a man heard another man reciting(Say: "He is Allah, One.'') and he was repeating over and over. So when morning came, the man went
to the Prophet and mentioned that to him, and it was as though he was belittling it. The Prophet said,(By He in Whose Hand is my soul, verily it is equivalent to a third of the Qur'an.) Abu Dawud and An-Nasa'i also recorded it.

Another Hadith Al-Bukhari recorded from Abu Sa`id, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah said to his Companions,(Is one of you not able to recite a third of the Qur'an in a single night) This was something that was difficult for them and they said, "Which of us is able to do that, O Messenger of Allah'' So he replied,("Allah is the One, As-Samad'' is a third of the Qur'an.) Al-Bukhari was alone in recording this Hadith.

There's more. You can read it here.

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Thursday, January 08, 2009

No I'm not referring to the thingy you 'put' some money in every month, if you work certain kinds of jobs, and when you are old, you get it back...

I'm referring to a speech I heard 3-4 years ago at TMS (Temasek Sec larh). It was a valedictorian speech if I'm not mistaken. Lemme try find an excerpt of it from my old blog...

Found it. It's the 2nd last post in my old blog dated somewhere in July 2005. But I didn't write much about it.

It was an advice by Wilson, one of those smart seniors uh... He mentioned about CPF.
CPF to do well in school and in life. An advice I'd been holding to for a very long time... It is a formula to success, no matter what izzit you wanna succeed in.

Right this minute though, I shall change it abit hehe. I'm doing CPF now.
Ok, not much of focusing here eh, since I'm blogging instead of doing work opps~

Hadn't been having my usual appetite these 2 days. Very very worried about my report. I think of it while doing everything - while eating, while drinking, while sleeping, while working, while travelling etc etc. My mentor sat down with me this afternoon to talk to me about the meagre draft I sent her. Somehow her guidance helpes ease abit of the tightness in my stomach since I read her e-mail reply. I'm eating better too, yet not well enough still. I won't have any peace till this ordeal is finally over. My mentor said that I'd have to work on the report EVERYDAY, and I've yet to do anything today... :( If she knows about my progress (or rather my non-progression) in SIP report, MP workbook and poster, she'll be even more disappointed in me, which makes me more disappointed in myself...

My family's not feeling well. Dad coughing probably cos of smoking, "hah tu lah degil kan. kan sekarang sape susah??". Brother's voice like rocker probably cos of smoke too and not sleeping at night playing online game gaia. Eldest bro, cough too plus wounds on his leg, looks like he got eaten by rats, no kidding, eww~ Mother coughing too either from the smoke from the men in the family, or from 'eating' ice-milo hmph haha. Me alhamdulillah okok. The wounds from TWO accidents at NUS are ok, sting abit if I press too hard probably. Rather stressed, which contributes to headaches and constipation etc geez...

Anyway, something to share! Sorry it's in Malay...
"Perangilah orang-orang musyrik dengan harta, diri, dan lidah kalian." (riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud dan Nasa'i, sanad sahih) Lidah... Hmm, you thinking what I'm thinking? ;)

Ok that's all for today... Been listening to the complete qur'an recitation by shaikh mishary rashid on imeem. How I wish I understand the beautiful language of His words...

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