La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jangan lupa bergantung kepada ALLAH dalam setiap kerja kita.
Nanti kita sombong apabila berjaya.
Kalau gagal kecewa pula.

Jangan terlalu susah hati dengan urusan dunia.
Akhirat itu lebih utama
dan hidup di sana lebih lama dan kekal selamanya.

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Perihal bantal  

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hahahaahhaahahaha came across this:

5) Tidur tanpa Bantal
Mereka memiliki sifat percaya diri yang sangat
Kadangkala sifat percaya diri ini akhirnya akan
membawa kepada
sifat ego.

6) Tidak punya bantal

Kasihan betul... pergi kedai belilah satu!!

Wanna read more?
Ok, super random.

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Muslim Youth Pledge  

Was blog-hopping tadi (was doing some work actually) and came across Bro Khairu's blog on

The Muslim Youth Pledge

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
We bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.
We acknowledge that the purpose of our lives is none but to worship Allah
And our intended role on this earth is as His Khalifah.
Thus, we, the Muslim Youth of Today,
Do hereby pledge that we will strive to do all we can to uphold this responsibility
And make this world a better place for all creations.
We believe there is hope for the future
And we seek Allah’s guidance in realising that hope!

Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!

Semangat berkobar-kobar after I read that! Imagine reciting this everyday like the Singapore Pledge! Woah.. Korang-korang... Apa kata we begin meetings/events with this? I thought of having something like this for Night Cycling launching, but was cancelled uh...

(Unfortunately sometimes youths are misunderstood as being aggressive... :()

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Needle in a haystack  

I had a great laugh reading some of the smses in my inbox. It's so full of junk! Maklumlah hp memory space besar kan, tak delete smses pon masih banyak space hehe. I've got messages dating all the way back from February and I hardly deleted any message I received haha. Sony Ericsson rox.

Actually I was trying to find one particular sms somewhere from late march and it turns out to be like finding a needle in a haystack!

But fun haha. My inbox reflects my moods through the past months. I'd been surprised, pestered, paitaoed, dulled, pissed, excited, bored and a lot larh! All the requests, favours, reminders, jokes, objections, rejections, replies...

The most hateful messages are those that pester me and paitao/reject my request for a favour. Oh, and messages that have one letter like 'k' or one word. Waste my sms only...

My inbox is like my diary lol. Maybe because I'm more of an sms person than a call person larh...

Kaes, back to work...

Feeling happy go lucky today. Though BPT was such a bore. That lecturer is another sleeping pill seh... Right Ad?

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Adults & KRC  

I'm so sick of hearing about the Kem Perkasa incident. Grr... What is wrong with adults???

And I'm dragged into the picture...

Soon, I'm gonna be adults, will I be just like that?

Poster taken from Fityan blog. The pics are of past KRC. GEREK I tell you... =D

Btw, KRC is official! 13-16 June at Pulau Redang, Terengganu! I heard Pulau Redang has a vibrant marine life! Ad!!! Convince your parents to let you come along!! We've heard so much about coral reefs and all from Dickson. Here's a chance for us to see! I'm not sure larh, kitorang akan ada snorkeling/diving tu sume ke tak... Kalau takde, kita dua cabut camp gi sendiri amacam? Hehehehe macam paham.

To fellow KRC4 peeps (esp. my dear PLs: Nazihah, Nadhirah, Fahmi, Irsyad, Zik and Khairul Hafidz) book your dates! KRC5 is gonna blast your holidays, woo hoo! Tak pergi rugi.

I love camps. I love being participant hehe.

Rabbitku, you must go also k. Ajak Doraemonmu sekali kalau boleh. KRC4 was part of the turning point of my life. KRC5 could be yours. The best camp, most motivating, most inspiring, most exciting, most gerek, most memorable, at the same time a lot of important values imparted through fun, touching, saddening, scary and whatever-adjectives-you-have-to-describe activities. I shall not forget the water rafting (sungei best!), the flying fox (superman!!!), the survival cook (buttered potatoes yum yum), the jungle trekking (sry yan, I ter-pulled your shirt super hard), the solo drop (insaf...), the penguin video (made me miss home), the appreciations (aww...), the performance (teman sejati) and ALL. PL, what happened to our promise? I do sense some brotherhood/sisterhood amongst us individually, but not all of us as ONE like during the camp...

Some ideas what Pulau Redang is like:
Redang Island - Terengganu

A MUST GO, no matter how busy you are!

Hopefully I can go... Please let there be no projects that week!!!

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Ramblings... Crying and all...  

Wanted to blog since around 7pm, but somehow I got stuck in some work. Either that, or I was stuck in the toilet.

Been having diarrhea lately, kejap2 cari toilet. Kejap2 I lose focus in what I'm doing pasal ngah tahan sakit. Tadi dalam kelas, entah apa Ustaz Sayid Amin cakap pasal hukum 5-7, aku pon tak tau, ye kan ajelah...

Nak kata makanan yang aku makan, biasa aje... Entahlah. I do hope things get better soon. Macam waste time jap jap gi toilet. Gakkan nak bawa laptop kan, eeee.

Oh actually, nak blog dari kul 7 tu sebab nak luahkan isi hati... remember kem perkasa? yea? The Muslimah had a meeting just now. My mum is in the Muslimah unit, but she didn't attend kem perkasa though. The thing was, she returned from her meeting and asked me, "Kau nangis??"

Aiseh... I thought the case is closed??!! I thought what needs to be said has been said??!!

My mum kept pestering tau, "Asal kau nangis? Apa jadi? Macam mana dorang boleh tau?"

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! As open as I am to my mum, there are a lot of things I don't tell her. Cos I feel there is no need for her to know (and worry... Salang aku gini she dah worry macam apa. If I tell her my problems, pressure UP sape susah?)

Haha, the funny thing was, my mum told them, "Dia nangis? Tapi dia balik bawa balik banyak hadiah." I would have laughed if I had been there I think. Her question sounds so... entah eh, confused yet in a sincere and innocent way gitu lol.

Haha, what happened was the day after Kem Perkasa, I opened my presents and gave the mugs and the $10 voucher to my mum. What use can I have with those kan... Yang gula, chocs, notebook, hairclip adalah gunanya.

My mum and I used the voucher to buy my dad a shirt from John Little at Somerset anyway hehe.

I like how Mahirah describe crying. It pretty much explains how I feel too. She tagged on my multiply: "if you're not the kind to express your worries verbally, crying is the most non-violent way to release your emotions :D"

Yes, mostly that is always the reason why I cry.

Alright I've got school tomorrow, and I have yet to do my tutorial ws. Need to get my priorities in order VERRRRRY SOOOON lest I don't do well for this em again, yikes!

Focus. And make sure everything I do is through the lenses of Islam, Iman and Ihsan. Aiseh, I feel like a camera. (Macam-macam je larh aku ni, sekejap macam basikal, jap macam camera, what's next?? Bantal?? Hmm, I should be going to sleep...)

Ok dah luahkan sikit apa yang dalam hati ni.

Still got two posts due about KPR class and... Err, what is the other issue? Oh! Yarh, appreciation. The appreciation post shall wait ;)

K tanda-tanda ngantok dah set in, I keep forgetting what I wanna say... takpelah!

Need to get my life in order. In need of my things-to-do book and organiser! (I chucked them away sometime ago after thinking I'd gotten my life in order. This happens...)

I've got tons of notebooks everywhere. 3 of which are filled to the brim! One is like my knowledge book. Within the span of 2 months, it was filled with Fityan - Nite Cycling meetings, NI - D'Talk2 meetings, KPR notes as well as DRP protocols haha. Bagus3... (I kinda missed out Titisan from my life, opps!)

Next thing I need are files.

Followed by a springclean of my room as well as my mind!

K, I'm rambling... Kkkk, stoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop.

Wait, did you know the Manja Daud Yusuf section was missing in last months issue and this month it returned talking about Q&A?? He was really talking about the issue of questioning and answering and how Singaporeans do not ask much questions. We're always the one being asked. Which relates to KPR lesson... Eh, why am I going in this direction??

Nvm... Last thing, I miss reading Sumiko Tan's reflect section... The cartoon in today's paper is sooo lame also. Maybe it's just my stomach...

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A year has passed...  

Sunday, April 27, 2008

At that time, these people were near strangers to me.

Now, they're my brothers and sisters who share a common goal as I do. Well, most of them larh...

That was my beginning.
Henry Ford says: Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success...
Thx for sharing Bro Helfi =)

Alhamdulillah semangatku semakin kembali. Terima kasih banyak-banyak Ustazah Sakinah! Sayaaaaaang Ustazah!

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Stiff Neck  

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Slept really late yesterday, and now I have a stiff neck!!! Ow ow ow...

Got so many tasks to complete. Yikes!

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Stress level: EXTREME  

Friday, April 25, 2008

Okok, calm down Marliyana... You're not alone... Right?

No this is not about secreteriat thingy. I know Tsu is with me. Ever so sweet Tsu. And Liyana too. ever ready to help.

*gulps* Bisikan hatiku:
Walaupun jari tak dituding pada diri ini,
salah tetap salah
dan diri ini tetap rasa dipersalahkan.
Terasa diri ini telah gagal menjalankan tugas yang diberi
dan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan.
Segala apa yang diaturkan
akhirnya punah ranah.
Namun apakan daya,
ia telah berlaku
dan yang sudah itu sudah.
Mungkin ada hikmahnya.
Sekarang esok menanti,
banyak lagi tanggungjawab yang menunggu
untuk dijalankan dengan baik dan sempurna.
Apakah aku terdaya untuk semuanya?
Apakah yang telah aku lakukan??
Apakah yang akan aku lakukan??
Aku kurang pasti.
Aku tak tahu.

I'm determined to learn from mistakes. But I'm such a perfectionist! I can't stand doing anything wrong. What more when it is such a big mistake! Ugh! Why wasn't I firm?? Why why why?

I keep telling myself, "Keep going! It's ok, just keep going! Forget what happened!" yet I keep being reminded of what I had failed to do, and I just wish I could stop time and rewind it back to change what needed to be changed. At least, to have put in more effort to get my part done...

This has been bugging me since last Thursday. The feeling amplified on Tuesday and today, it is so extreme, I must let it out!

I dunno if I can hold my tears tomorrow. I'm afraid I'd cry, again. Tears are already filling my eyes now, just by thinking about it. Remind me to run away as soon as I feel those tears in my eyes. I've embarrassed myself enough.

Expectations. Are so hard to uphold. Failure. Always lurks in the corner.

There is no success without failure. Really? I dunno...

I never forget my failures. It was part of my life and forever will be.

"Just keep going..."

Inilah sebabnya
mengapa diri ini amat berat sekali
untuk menerima sesuatu tanggungjawab.
Diri ini takut sekali jika tersilap langkah
lalu gagal melaksanakan tanggungjawab yang diberi.
Diri ini takut sekali jika kegagalan diri ini
bukan sahaja menjejas seorang iaitu diri ini sahaja
tetapi juga menjejas yang lain di sekeliling.

I'm always scared to take up any leadership roles. I like have a phobia against it. Everytime I'm named a leader, I fail to carry out my duty. It doesn't happen once or twice, but many times before. From schoolwork right up to CCA/organisation involvement.

At the end of the day, I always fail others, and more painfully, I fail myself.

It's hard for me to accept anything less than perfect, right up to the tiniest details. And sometimes because of this, I fail. I spent too much time on a single detail that I forgot the big picture. Sometimes.

I'm so scared I'd cry. I don't want to cry. I really don't. But I just might.

I see crying as a weakness, but I always fail to hide my tears. I dunno ar, I must have extra moisture in my tearducts...

Luahan hati sudah diberi,
namun hati dan jiwa ini masih lagi bergelora.
Soalan demi soalan tetap memenuhi ruang yang ada
menyebabkan diri ini sambung tertanya-tanya.

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SUPER random  

Guess where I am? Hehe, kat Tampines Library... YES! Using Wireless@Sg. Cool seh. So mestilah kena blog pasal ni...

Actually ngah bored sebab I couldn't find my comic yesterday huhu :'( So decided to go online and wait for somebody to be free so I can go dinner with!

K, guess I'd do my assignment la...

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Books books books!  

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Dush! So pissed off with myself. Why in the world did I not bring my library card today??? Grr, found interesting books at Tampines Regional Library... (Keje aku gitu je, I don't buy books, I borrow from library lol)

Actually I wanted to find for books by Habbiburrahman but takde... Or tafsir books related to hukm-hakam Islam for DPIA to prepare myself but oso takde... I did find a tafsir book for Anak2 Muda on Surah Yusuf but... Nvm.

I found Dakwah dari Perspektif Al-Qur'an by I dunno who, Selagi Masih Muda by Dr 'Aidh Abdullah Al-Qadri, Jangan Putus Asa also by Dr Aidh Al-Qadri and another book about this lady who converted to Islam. But dang! I spent the next two hours after finding those books reading comics and when I wanted to borrow, I realised I don't have my library card... And just happens I lost my ez-link card before therefore my ez-link and I/C are both blocked! So, I went home empty handed waaaaaaa! I could have realised earlier that I don't have my card and can go home to take my card sehhhhh... My house is like 5mins from library je...

Dunno if I'd be able to 'sacrifice' my sleep to go library first thing in the morning tomorrow and bring those books around cos I'd be out the whole day tomorrow. Yay, besok tak sekolah! And I've planned what to do with my time hehe.

Wonder when I'd go see Ms Yian to analyse my DRP results... Heheh...

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I dunno what overcame me... Was reading a brother's archives (macam takde keje lain baca archive orang padahal assignments dah bertambah!) and came across entries that are so optimistic to improve oneself as a Muslim and to berdakwah! Sampai fill my eyes with tears... But I'm in school nih, gakkan nak nangis...

Muhasabah diri...

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The Most  

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Most

The most selfish 1 letter word "I" Avoid it.

The most satisfying 2-letter word "WE" Use it.

The most poisonous 3-letter word "EGO" Kill it.

The most used 4-letter word "LOVE" Value it.

The most pleasing 5-letter word "SMILE" Keep it.

The fastest spreading 6-letter word "RUMOUR" Ignore it.

The hardest working 7-letter word "SUCCESS" Achieve it.

The most enviable 8-letter word "JEALOUSY" Distance it.

The most powerful 9-letter word "KNOWLEDGE" Acquire it.

The most essential 10-letter word "CONFIDENCE" Trust it

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Blooming Flower  

Ouh, gerbera flower gue bloomed. Pasal finally I added a pad of wet tissue to the stem end.

But I don't feel... err, bloomed... yet...

Entah eh haha, I'm in a 'redha' mood. Like apa nak jadi jadilah, aku dah penat.

I wonder where I'd be in the future, doing what, for what reasons, with whom and how happy would I be.

Nilah time 'go into the future' ni masuk. As Hamdan would say, "Marliyana ni tak tak sabar nak ke future, or entah-entah dia memang dah go to the future and come back dah!" Cos yesterday I saw Ad bring the TP 2008 Open House bag, and I wanted vto tell her, "Eh, dah 2009, masih nak pakai beg 2008 lagi?" and then I realised, sejak bilaaaaa ni dah masuk 2009?? This is not the first time... Last year or was it last last year... I can't remember when. But I think it was 2006, and I asked Ad, "This year 2007 ke 2008?"

Yay to the future... *silence* DUSH!

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*gulps* I'm kinda STUCK right now. I can't seem to straighten out my thoughts! Berserabut macam husk kelapa! Ishk.

There are things that only I know and no one shall know other than Allah. K random...

School starts at 2pm tmr with 2hr CSAS4 followed by 2hrs RTecB lec. RTecB sounds interesting. TE too! Though I just got to know what the TE lecturer who happens to take my tutorial and lab session as well is like and he is sooooo not gonna like me. Oh well. Nasib lah eh. I'm so gonna hate BPT. The subject is so dry and boring and the lecturer is making it worst! Zzzzzzzzzzz.... I wonder how exciting LAST would be. It'd better be exciting ah! After having to take all those injections, geez!!!

K ngantok... As usual.... I seem to sleep alot these days. Even in the afternoon, I'd lie down and take a nap.

Dunno ar... I feel so... serious... Stress is setting in, uh oh.

Bought a dark pink gerbera flower yesterday. For myself. Indulgence ar gitu. Haha $1 for my favourite flower, worth it lahh tu. It's kinda layu now though...

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Personal Banner  

Monday, April 21, 2008

I was asked to fill a flag with 6 personal things, but I realised, behind each word, phrase or sentence I wrote, there is a story behind it. And where else can I store it safely other than on my blog (the paper itself looks so terrible already).

1. Greatest Personal Achievement

I don't think I've done anything great to begin with. I feel that everything I do is wrong or should/could have been better in so many ways. Maybe it's my high expectations that I feel I've not achieved anything. Perhaps. Or maybe, I'm still young, just 19 (Kem Perkasa made me aware how young I am. I was the youngest at the start and at the end, I was still the fourth youngest out of like 50 pax) and feel that there are greater things I can achieve. Thus, nothing feels great for now. I feel that I have the potential and capability to do more. Though at the same time, I'm afraid to scale greater heights. I'm happy in my comfort zone (duhh!).

If in terms of the events I've organised, I always feel that there is something I hadn't done during the camp. There is something that went wrong because of me (and my decisions), something that I overlooked or something. Jannatul Bunayya Camp, I feel that I could have done more than helping out on the day itself. Camp xplore, I always feel I could have controlled the time better and should have been more strict. BTF iftar, I should have been more prepared on what to say. Night cycling, I should have given better judgements and decisions and I shouldn't have neglected my duty towards the end of the event.

If in terms of academic, I always feel I could have done better than my brother. He beat me both during PSLE and O levels. He beat me badly during O levels! Cause I did extremely badly.

Though I know there's a reason for everything which happens, and I'm grateful that all these things happen. Yet, I can't say that there is anything I can proudly call my 'greatest personal achievement".

2. Greatest Problem You Have Solved In Your Organisation

None. Firstly, because I'm still rather new in the organisations I'm in I guess and to me, everything seems smooth sailing. Secondly, I guess I take things for granted. If there's any problems at all, I wouldn't even be aware of it because I guess I feel that there are people who would solve it. Opps!

3. Principle/Commitment That You'd Never Forget

I don't understand the question actually.

But I guess, a principle of life that I heard that I wouldn't forget is perhaps what Brother Mohksin said. Actually he said it regarding how our attitude/appearance should be during an event, but I take it as how I should be in life also. We should appear like a duck. On the surface, a duck appears calm, relaxed and composed. However, underwater, it's feet are moving extremely quickly to keep itself afloat and moving...

If commitment, I don'y think I shall ever forget being in Fityan and NI. I;m part of them and they are part of me. Flows with my blood!

4. Personal Motto

"Niat mesti betul." (Like duhh) Innamal a'malu binniat... Setiap perbuatan itu hendaklah dimulai dengan niat, dan niat itu hendaklah niat yang betul supaya perbuatan itu diberkatiNya.

"With passion, comes perserverance and endurance." Things that I'm really passionate with doing, I'd complete it by hook or by crook, even if I have to climb over Mount Everest and swim across 7 oceans (alahh, this is is what you call... ape name dia tu? Metaphor eh?) But if my interest is neither here nor there, don't bother ehk. I won't finish it even if a dog is chasing behind me (err, I think).

"I CAN make a difference." I believe that if you believe in this, then YES, you ARE gonna make a difference. This motto started with an incident which happened a looooong time ago. Ok, actually not so long ago larh. I started wearing tudung a few years back. Time tu pakai tudung pon masih tak betol. Al-maklum... Masih experiment the different styles I see lah kan... It happened that my mm's friend's daughter (from the block next to mine) saw me wearing the tudung and decided she wanted to wear too! Her mum told my mum how her daughter got inspired. I was so stunned when my mum retold it to me. But from then on, I feel that I have a responsibility to make a difference in the Malay Muslim community in Singapore. Maybe not much, but at least SOMETHING. Which brings me to my next motto:

It isn't exactly a motto larh... It's just what I believe in. Memang tidak dinafikan, at home I'm a different person, outside I'm a different person. But, both ARE ME. Just that at home everyone knows me already, so whatever I do I won't be leaving any kind of impression on them (dah 19 tahun beb tinggal sebumbung). Aku pekik macam tarzan pon no impact dah... Cuma kena marah je la haha. But outside, what I do somehow reflects on my upbringing, and wearing the tudung and getting involved in Muslim organisations and all, I feel that I'm bringing the name of 'Singapore Muslim Youth' wherever I go. Whatever comes out of my mouth still feels wrong (I'm never good with conversational skills larh ok) but at least I take care not to say bad words. Kadang-kadang terlepas, tu kes PMS or super-stress or having too much fun sampai tak sedar... Dah namanya manusia kan... Also I feel it's important to jaga akhlak and adab wherever you go larh. That's why the first badge I chose from the bag of badges Kak Maryam showed me, was the yellow one saying "Akhlak mulia semua orang suka" meaning: everyone likes good behaviour. Your akhlak reflects on a lot of things. Some people may find me a hypocrite, "Ape ni kat rumah lain kat luar lain?? Munafiq!" But, that's because they don't know me. My close friends whom I'm comfortable with have seen me outside acting how I do at home. I just feel it's a responsibility to uphold the name of "Singapore Muslim Youth"...

Ok lastly, (banyak eh personal motto aku) "Action speaks louder than words." I interpret in many ways. Firstly, if you have nothing important to say, keep quiet. Secondly, don't just say this say that. They don't count UNTIL you actually DO it. Thirdly, you don't have to speak to inspire hehe. This is from the tudung incident I talked about earlier. Currently, wherever I go, I'd wear the "Jom Jadi Baik" badge Liyana got for me. It means: Let's Be Good. I don't have to say anything. Just by wearing that badge, I've sent the message across. And I'd worn it since the first time I got it on the afternoon of Night Cycling. Nice timing hehe.

5. Things You Do Well

Anything that I'm passionate about I guess... Tu pon, not well enough... Haha entah.

6. If You Die Today, What Would You Like To Be Most Said About You?

Tak kisah lah! Kalau niari aku meninggal, besok I won't be here to hear it kan?? Orang nak cakap apa, cakaplah. Though daripada korang cakap, gossip, umpat, fitnah whatever, lagi baik korang take the time to sedekahkan aku Al-Fatihah.

Tapi kalau korang nak cakap jugak (ish degilnye), harap-harap yang baik la yang dipercakapkan, cause I wanna leave something good and not something bad for others after me to carry on with la kan. Maybe there are a lot more bad things to say about me than good things. Maybe amongst all the things people can say about me, there's only ONE good thing, then let me be remembered by that ONE thing.

But really, I don't care what you wanna say. It doesn't affect me in any way, right? It'd only affect the living. Oh, I forgot, I may still have living family members!! What people say won't affect me, yes, but it might affect them... Pandai-pandailah korang yang masih hidup handle dengan yang masih hidup (Waah, Marliyana kalau meninggal, tolak balak seh... Eh, duhh, gakkan aku nak ingat pasal dunia lagi?? I'd have better things to do and think about la dey. Alam kubur tu camne eh? Alam akhirat... Brr, I'm not ready.)

I wanna add one more larh: 7. If You Die Today, What Would You Want to Say to Others?

Please forgive me for all my wrongdoings towards you. (Kesalahan sesama manusia susah nih) Halalkan semuanya, kalau ada hutang be it hutang emas or hutang budi...

That's my personal banner (with my wasiat attached) phew. K nak tido (LAGI).

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm soooo tired! Haha, but tomorrow I only start school at 4pm yay!!

Kem perkasa was great. You really learn other people's real self that you won't see at other times. Sadly though, everyone will remember me as the sensitive one or the emotional one... Marliyana! PMS larh you!

This camp is very different from others I've attended. Won't explain much today, my eyes so kuyu and layu like what already. Came online just to check if there's any urgent messages for me. Anw, the camp was practically ALL games. But ALL games doesn't mean no lessons! There were so many lessons to draw from the games!!! I loike! (Hati dan jiwa sentiasa programmer beb)

Actually I wanna share what I wrote in my 'Personal banner' regarding 6 different things. But I shall save it for another day. Nak tido!!!

Gosh, I still can't believe I'm so sensitive and emotional!!! Not the first time which happens...

Eh, don't like... try to hati-hati around me gitu nak jaga my feelings. Takyah susah-susah. If you feel what you do or say is gonna make me cry, takpe I don't mind. I NEED to learn larh. Biarkan je I cry. Cuma jangan lah pulak everytime you see me nak make me cry la pulak, melampau tuu okayy! Haha.

Memang I'm like that I guess. Kadang just as simple as I see orang lain nangis, tak pasal-pasal I cry. And when I cry, macam paip bocor. Sampai basah, sampai kuyup the tissue in my hands. Memang gitu.

Lately ade extreme sikit though. Maaf la yer.


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Qur'an adalah jawapan  

Friday, April 18, 2008

Manusia Bertanya : Kenapa aku diuji ?
Qur'an Menjawab : Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan (saja) mengatakan:"Kami telah beriman", sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? (Al-Ankabuut : 2). Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji orang-orang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta. (Al-Ankabuut : 3)

Manusia Bertanya : Kenapa aku tidak diuji saja dengan hal-hal yang baik ?
Qur'an Menjawab : ………. boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui. (Al-Baqarah : 216)

Manusia Bertanya : Kenapa aku diberi ujian seberat ini?
Qur'an Menjawab : Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya………. (Al-Baqarah : 286)

Manusia Bertanya : Bolehkah aku frustrasi ?
Qur'an Menjawab : Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah (pula) kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi (derajatnya), jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman. (Ali Imraan : 139)

Manusia Bertanya : Bolehkah aku berputus asa ?
Qur'an Menjawab : ………..dan jangan kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, melainkan kaum yang kafir. (Yusuf : 87)

Manusia Bertanya : Bagaimana cara menghadapi ujian hidup ini?
Qur'an Menjawab : Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bersabarlah kamu dan kuatkanlah kesabaranmu dan tetaplah bersiap siaga (di perbatasan negerimu) dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah supaya kamu beruntung. (Ali Imraan : 200) Jadikanlah sabar dan shalat sebagai penolongmu. Dan sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sungguh berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyu'. (Al-Baqarah : 45)

Manusia Bertanya : Bagaimana menguatkan hatiku?
Qur'an Menjawab : ….Cukuplah Allah bagiku; tidak ada Tuhan selain Dia. Hanya kepada-Nya aku bertawakal……. (At-Taubah : 129)

Manusia Bertanya : Apa yang kudapat dari semua ujian ini?
Qur'an Menjawab : Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mu'min, diri dan harta mereka dengan memberikan surga untuk mereka………. (At-Taubah : 111)

(Sumber Tulisan oleh : Hakeem bin Zain)
Taken from KebunHikmah

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Alhamdulillah feel better this morn... Fever has more or less subsided (twice I wanted to take my temperature but I was too lazy to get out of bed and eventually forgot). Flu oso left sniff sniff only, no more runny nose like yesterday!

FYI, I didn't eat any ubat. Just ate some juicy fruits yesterday if that counts haha. Btw, I remember what my aunt told me about medicine. We eat medicine or see doctor only as an usaha on our part to make ourselves better, not because we hear that the ubat is mujarab or the doctor always cure people quickly whatever. Cause yang in the end izinkan kita baik is Allah, not the ubat or the doctor. It's just that you see doctor to get the correct ubat (takut beli kat pharmacy luar tu unsuitable pulak) so that eating the ubat is an effort you put in. Yang penting, doa dan yakin that Allah akan sembuhkan.

Anw, gosh, my appetite is getting bigger and bigger! Ishk. I craved for fries and sushi. Now I craving for Long John and Nasi Briyani wakaka. No lar actually the cravings had been there since before I fell sick pon. (Sekali sebab demam ialah terlalu kempunan eh!) Cuma time sakit-sakit ni terasa nak manjakan diri heheh. But then again, those food are oily food! I should eat fruits yup yup.

I've still got 2 more tasks for DRP, meaning today is not my last day boo hoo. Gotta do Bradford Assay today then come back another day so Ms Yian can explain to be what the SOD and Bradford Assays results mean.

Over the past 3 weeks of DRP, I didn't really learn much, cept now I can operate the autoclave machine and centrifuge machines myself! And and I can create graph using excel! Excel makes my life much easier. If only I truly know how to use excel apart from just creating graph in it. Liyana! Kak Maryam! Ajar can?

I feel happy somehow yet there's a heavy feeling in my heart (I dunno if it's just because I'm lying on my stomach typing this haha).

Oh being sick can be funny know. Cause you can't walk straight and tend to bump into things and you start talking to yourself and you seem to be in a dream-state the whole day hallucinating and sometimes cause you find all of that funny you laugh alone. Eek, macam orang gila pulak.

Oh, twice yesterday I almost bumped into the big red box outside the TCM room (after a whole week of managing to avoid it). And time amek wudhu, I saw a red bruise on my left forearm and a blue black really cute bruise on my left knee. Not to mention twice I got my labcoat stuck to a cabinet door and actually pulled the movable cabinet out of place... Marliyana.. Marliyana..

Oh oh, I got into the same class as Ad!!! Yahoo! Alhamdulillah! Hopefully by having more time to study together and all, we can pull up our GPA ye! InsyaAllah, with effort and prayers and faith, we shall do well and get to go local uni.

I was bloghopping earlier on and turns out some of the smartest people I know didn't really do so well for A levels. Sounds familiar... Well, there's always a reason behind anything that happens larh insyaAllah.

If I were to be in JC, I'd probably have flung my A's lol. I know nuts about GP. I hate History & Literature. I can't understand Geography. I'd love yet still fail Bio & Chem. I'd still be figuring out what Physics is trying to teach even after A's. Serious, I don't think I can do well.

Currently I feel like writing a story or two and creating a video like NI's M Talk vid. But entah eh...

Can't wait for usrah tonight! I shall not miss it! Ayam kambing daun! Haha, Kak Mardh... Kak Mardh... Betullah...

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Completed 74.5hrs. Need 15.5hrs more. Hope Ms Yian very nice and shall let me off today (yet still credit me for 90hrs hehe)..

I need 24hrs rest! I only have tomorrow left... Sat & Sun have camp and madrasah hoho...

Freshmen Orientation sounds fun. Gosh, I'm entering Year 3 already!!! Time flies so fast...

Timetable gonna be out at 10am today! Please let me be in the same class as Ad!

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Ana punya turn pulak sakit nih. Sebab lah hari Tues tu dah mula pening-pening, nak sakit rupanya...

Semalam pagi mula sore throat then rasa my face getting heated up by noon and time asar gitu flu pulak datang. By night ape lagi, pengsan lahh atas katil! Haha...Not funny...

Maybe sebab demam, or maybe sebab hujan.. Maybe jugak sebab dua2, AS4 (the place I'm doing my research prog in) rasa macam icebox! Every 1-2hrs I would go out to warm myself up and to rest.

Pagi ni not much improvement...

Surprisingly, appetite masih ade, opps!

Oh and I'm not really an ubat person. I wouldn't eat/apply medication until I really cannot tahan oredi. Entah ehk knape.

I'm curious... How come fever makes me burp so many times? Angin ape tu dalam badan? So weird kejap2 burp, then I somehow find it funny pastu ketawa sorang, kwang3.

Shall remember bro Mohksin's post pasal sakit... should bersyukur sebab sakit... InsyaAllah gugur dosa2 ana ye? Dah banyak dosa kott...

From his blog:
Ummul ‘Ala’ berkata, “Rasulullah s.a.w. mengunjungiku ketika aku sakit, lalu beliau bersabda;

“Bergembiralah, hai Ummul ‘Ala, sesungguhnya apabila seorang muslim sakit, Allah akan menghilangkan kesalahan-kesalahannya sebagaimana api menghilangkan karatnya emas dan perak.” (H.R. Abu Dawud)

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, “Tidak ada seorang muslim yang ditimpa cubaan/ujian berupa sakit dan sebagainya, melainkan dihapuskan Allah Ta’ala akan dosa-dosanya, seperti pohon kayu menggugurkan daunnya.” (H.R. Muslim)

I wonder if it's Night Cycling that makes me sick or the on-off-rain... But if it's Night Cycling, reaction macam slow eh? 2 days dah lepas baru rasa sakit haha.

Be a duck! Eh salah, be a human with a duck's principle ;) lol

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i just lost my temper...  

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dah lama tak lose temper. All these while (since I can't remember when at all), if I'm fed-up, I just go to a corner and cry sendiri or I shall just keep quieeeet je. Unless at home larh, then I throw tantrum (heheh).

But just now, I was super tired and annoyed and dizzy and frutrated and pissed off and it happened that someone really touched a nerve, I just lost it! Raised my voice and spoke really fast to get my point across. Doesn't matter if anyone else wanna speak! I just kept talking!

Astaghfirullah... Sry I raised my voice. Sry I lost my temper. But seriously ar, this is not the first time. The first time I let it go, took a deep breath and pretended nothing happened. The second time, I could still be patient. The third time, THAT'S IT! If you're better than me, I would gladly give up my place. I offered it not once ok. I realise I am not the best person for this task. I realise I make a lot of mistakes. I realise there are many other people better than me, including you. And that is why I gave up my place. But you refused to take. So now don't blame me!

I know it's good to have a 'devil's advocate' in a group larh. That way we don't miss anything. But, say only, never do anything, for what kan? Even you said it yourself.

Yes you're keen to go into the execution stage but remember, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." We ARE making progress as I have pointed us just now. OK???

I'm sick and tired of people persalahkan me larh. Seriously. Penat tau tak?? Why are all the responsibility on me?? If I make a decision on my own, later you people will say, "Then might as well don't have to have us here" but if I try to get a consensus, you people say, "It's a waste of time. Can we decide something now?"

It's so hard to be a leader. I am no leader larh

Me? A khalifah? I dunno larh...

Maybe I'm just too sensitive. Maybe I'm just taking things too personal. But maybe, you should think about how others would feel...

Yes time is precious. Especially after going through this DRP, YEAH time IS very precious.

You're not the only one who's busy. I AM TOO. You're not the only one with a lot of commitments. I DO TOO! At least you get paid. I don't, yet I'm not complaining. Neither am I asking for sympathy. I am just asking for your understanding and cooperation.

I'm sry I created such a tension earlier. I'm sry I couldn't keep things in control. But I am NOT gonna put all blame on myself (as I have always done). You have a role to play too.

Please, I'm just asking for understanding. And keikhlasan to help out. I'm not forcing you. If you feel I am forcing you, then, by all means, you may leave the team. I'm honest. We're doing this to gain Allah's pleasure are we not? So, if you're doing this because you feel I have cornered you, then I shall step back (by a hundred yards if I have to) and you may move away, because there is no point! You do not gain and neither would I.

Once again, for the third time, I'm sry...

I AM tired. I laid back in the bus ride home just now and at one point the bus skidded to a stop, I felt the whole world spinning.

To sesiapa yang terasa, perhaps I'm talking about you. Perhaps not. I do not mention names and you shall not ask me who.

To the rest, I do apologize, whether it is my fault or not, it's ok, I apologize.

DANG! You made me lose my temper la! And I can't cool down even now! A'uzubillah himinasyaitanirrajim. Astaghfirullah...

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Pixies update & Songs shared  

Monday, April 14, 2008


Badge collection (thx Kak Maryam thx Liyana)

DRP: TCM (hover over pic to read captions)

Night Cycling '08


Damba cintamu
Album : Syukur
Munsyid : Raihan

[01:03][00:12]Tuhanku ampunkanlah segala dosaku
[01:15][00:25]Tuhanku maafkanlah kejahilan hambaMu

[00:37]Ku sering melanggar laranganMu
[00:43]Dalam sedar ataupun tidak
[00:50]Ku sering meninggalkan suruhanMu
[00:56]Walau sedar aku milikMu

[02:45][01:27]Bilakah diri ini 'kan kembali
[02:51][01:33]Kepada fitrah sebenar
[02:57][01:39]Pagi kuingat petang kualpa
[03:03][01:45]Begitulah silih berganti

[03:09][01:52]Oh Tuhanku,
[03:12][01:55]Kau pimpinlah diri ini
[03:18][02:01]Yang mendamba CintaMu
[03:25][02:07]Aku lemah aku jahil
[03:30][02:13]Tanpa pimpinan dariMu

[02:20]Ku sering berjanji di depanMu
[02:25]Sering jua ku memungkiri
[02:32]Ku pernah menangis keranaMu
[02:38]Kemudian ketawa semula

[03:38]Kau pengasih
[03:40]Kau penyayang
[03:43]Kau pengampun
[03:46]Kepada hamba-hambaMu

[03:53]Selangkah ku kepadaMu
[03:58]Seribu langkah Kau padaku

[04:06]Diri ini tidak layak ke surgaMu
[04:17]Tapi tidak pula aku sanggup ke nerakaMu

[04:30]Kutakut kepadaMu
[04:36]Ku mengharap jua padaMu
[04:42]Mogaku 'kan selamat dunia akhirat
[04:48]Seperti rasul dan sahabat

[04:54]Seperti rasul dan sahabat

The other songs I dunno... I think there were at least 2 more. Need to ask bro Hamid...

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I really wanted to know how the pax really feel about Nite Cycling and what better way than to google search for blogs tagged with ghufran and night cycling! Hehe, and look at what I found!

senyum-senyum selalu

An excerpt from her blog:
"Did you witness the crimsons of the sunrise?
Subhanallah. I felt connected to Him then and there(:"

I know =)

The night cycling was a success. We had managed to make at least ONE person a better Muslim. Alhamdulillah! This girl's entry lifted up some of my tiredness seh. Baik-baik tadi nak tido lagik, sekarang rasa macam nak makan and get moving lol.

Other blogs that have posted about the night cycling yest:

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A smile for every mile  

*Quack* *Quack* I think the duck fainted just now. She closed her laptop, sat on the bed and the next thing she knows she was lying on her bed in her dark room 5-6hrs later and wondering what had happened.

The closest the duck has to fainting I guess lol.

Sungguh, time bangun tu the first thing that went through my mind was, "Kul brape ni?", "Bila aku tido?" and "Apa aku buat last sebelum aku tido?"

Waah, nite cycling was tiring! But I guess it was all worth it. I sure hope every single one of us (pax, facis as well as organisers) learned and gained something from the event and be a better Muslim at the end of it.

Programmers, I love you guys to bits. Always there to support me and take initiative when I was already out of fuel in the morning. A big BIG thank you for all of you! Thx game I/Cs! Thx emcees! I'm glad to have you guys on my team. I'm so happy =)

Alhamdulillah the event was great! Tak hujan!!!!! Betol segala puji bagi Allah yang telah memakbulkan doa-doa kami!

Cuma betol penat uh. By 6am, I started slowing down my task and by 7am I was already on the ground and by 8am I was still on the ground with Erny and kak Ain and couldn't get up. Saw the pax get up to return bikes, and the best I could do was to take out my hp and sms ppl who can help hehe.

What a day! Or should I say night! Glad to see Erny again! Superhero power! Makan nasi ayam at 2am in the morning followed by game of catch the mouse and 21 haha. Experience at ECP with no one else but two casualties... Subuh by the beach. Sunrise. And all the tazkirahs and reflective sessions were awesome! Thx Ustazs, thx bro Hamid. Without your help, the event wouldn't be a mosque event. It'd probably just be some event organised by anyone out there.

Sunrise never fail to awe me. Afterall, I'd only been given the opportunity to see it a couple of times throughout all my 19years. A couple of times it may be, but alhamdulillah I could see it at all! And it is so... SubhanaAllah! Especially accompanied with reflective words *sniff*

Decisions are a big thing for me to do. Argh! I am such a follower. I dunno how to lead properly larh! Something for you to know, don't ask me to make decisions, the only thing you'd get out of me is a panic look. And with so many people turning to me asking me to decide on things, I had no idea who to turn to to ask for advice! So instead of spinning around and around in the whirlwind, I dropped hoping some kind of answers would arrive. Haha.

I wanna cycle. And I did cycle a bit. On Mus's bicycle, whose seat is super high that when I sit on it, I can't even pedal!

Ok, dah ngantok. I only slept 2hrs + 5hrs (yang pengsan tadi) and I definitely need more. DRP tmr. Life is a marathon. 3 days left!!!

Of rabbit, kangaroo and Erny. <--you watch sesame street? Hehehe.

Programme Team will always be a roller coaster ride but the feeling at the end is something you do not understand until you've gone through it yourself. ;)

May Allah bless all our efforts in putting this Fityan Ghufran Nite Cycling '08 together! Only Allah knows how successful our event had been. Only He knows how it had changed people. We do not have the answer to it. The only thing we can say is, we'd given our best. May this event contribute towards our journey of attaining mardhatillah.

Niat mesti betul!

Senyum? Senyum senyum selalu!!!

Pics will be up when I feel like it... Not that I have the pics anyway lol.

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Ujian Ujian...  

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rahmat Ujian

Dalam derita ada bahagia
Dalam gembira mungkin terselit duka
Tak siapa tahu
Tak siapa pinta ujian bertamu

Bibir mudah mengucap sabar
Tapi hatilah yang remuk menderita
Insan memandang
Mempunyai berbagai tafsiran

Segala takdir
Terimalah dengan hati yang terbuka
Walau terseksa ada hikmahnya

Harus ada rasa bersyukur
Di setiap kali ujian menjelma
Itu jelasnya membuktikan
Allah mengasihimu setiap masa
Diuji tahap keimanan
Sedangkan ramai terbiar dilalaikan
Hanya yang terpilih sahaja
Antara berjuta mendapat rahmatNya

Allah rindu mendengarkan
Rintihanmu berpanjangan
Bersyukurlah dan tabahlah menghadapi
Segala ujian diberi
Maka bersyukurlah selalu


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Meh remind each other  

Thursday, April 10, 2008

24 good reminders for us all

1. Start off each day with ‘adhkaar al-istiyqaadh’ (waking up Supplications), thanking Allah for waking up in good shape.

2. Put Allah first in your life.

3. Broaden your horizons - learn 5 new verses from the Quran every day, travel to pray far in the mosque to brighten your day, take up a booklet having supplications and read them.

4. Pray Salaat Al-dhuhaa (after sunrise).

5. If someone says something mean; to you, just shrug it off and dismiss it in a friendly, laidback manner, and pray that Allah shall forgive them.

6. When you get angry, remember Allah, and how short and worthless life is to waste in being Angry.

7. Remember that you can never have too many friends, but you can have few quality friends that help you fulfill the purpose of your creation (i.e. live for Allah).

8. When you’re happy, try to share your happiness with others. Thank Allah for that, and pray its continuation.

9. When something bad or embarrassing happens to you, just think that it could always be worse, remember the reward of patience, and thank Allah that it’s not worse than it is.

10. Do something extra of goodness once in a while, like feeding a poor person, or caressing an orphan’s head.

11. Never stop believing that you can win Allah’s love and thus work For it. Then you can win the love of Allah’s slaves.

12. Spend some time thinking of Allah’s amazing creation.

13. Always love those who love Allah unconditionally. This way you will ensure that you live for Him, love for Him, and hate for Him (those who are enemies of Him).

14. Find the righteous ways to express yourself, and if you think that what you are about to say shall cause no benefit, maintain silence (this is tough!!).

15. Every now and then, give yourself a break. Play sports, give time to your family, friends, but always remember Allah and know that He is watching you.

16. Pray for blessing to come to those being lost, and pray to Allah to guide them to the right path.

17. Hug your parents, kiss their hands and heads and always obey but stop at Allah’s orders.

18. Smile to everyone, for your smile makes a big difference to him or her and you are rewarded.

19. Forgive, forget and smile.

20. Tears are not for women only… tears are for all human beings with feelings remaining in them. Don’t restrain your tears when remembering Allah.

21. When people criticize your actions and effort, revise your actions and see if they please Allah or no. If they do; then ignore and remember how the Prophet (SAAW) and the Sahaba were criticized, made fun of and even physically harmed, so have patience.

22. Read the Quran daily and try to have a schedule for completing it as much as you could. As you open the Quran daily, read with observing not just passing your eyes through the words.

23. Don’t let popularity go to your head, for it never lasts and you may lose from it more than gain.

24. Never look down on anybody, for, to Allah, they may be better than you.

Ponder, reflect and start trying to dissimilate all of these into our life ok? insyaAllah and ameen =)

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At times like this, I only feel exhausted  

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Call me sensitive and whatever nots... I don't care (actually I do ar, but nvm...)

Rasanya everything that I do is wrong.

Pergi pon salah, tak pergi pon salah.
Cakap salah, tak cakap pon salah.
Buat salah, tak buat pon salah.
Ada salah, tak ada pon salah!

Macam sini sana aku toleh aku nampak pangkah merah besar besar (but I have a knack of knocking into big red things remember? like that extinguisher box in sch and that basket in the kitchen a looooooong time ago). Confused lah...

And macam serik tau aku balik rumah siang. The only thing I get is a scolding from my dad. Aik? Tak nampak muka aku salah, nampak muka aku pon salah kah?? At least kalau dia tak nampak muka aku aku boleh dengar je. Ni nak kena dengar, nak kena tengok lagi. Kalau aku cakap salah, tak cakap pon salah waduh waduh.

How I wish for someone to just come up to me and say two sentence. Two very short sentence that could cure a whole day's pain. Just a simple, "How was your day? I hope it was great =)" Tak payah nak add 'take care' pon it already sounds nice. Dugaan dugaan...

I guess I'd never done that to anyone before that's why I've never received one before. Do unto others what you want others do unto you lah katakan...

Quote sikit from Kak Maryam lahh... "the one who kneels to Allah can stand up to anything"

And my motto: "Hanya kepada Engkau aku sembah & hanya kepada Engkau jualah aku mohon pertolongan" - Surah Al-Fatihah.

I shall be a duck for the next few days. Calm on the surface, frantically kicking underwaters. Oh well...

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segala urusanku dan berkatilah segala usahaku.

Anyway, Yasmin sent me one of the nicest songs I've heard so far! After Sami Yusuf's Asmaul Husna that is. I've put a playlist at the sidebar on the right. For now, the song Yasmeen sent me will be on top of Asmaul Husna...

Tala'al-Badru 'alayna,
min thaniyyatil-Wada'
wajaba al-shukru 'alayna,
ma da'a lillahi da'

O the White Moon rose over us
From the Valley of Wada'
And we owe it to show gratefulness
Where the call is to Allah

Ayyuha al-mab'uthu fina
ji'ta bi-al-amri al-muta'
Ji'ta sharrafta al-Madinah
marhaban ya khayra da'

O you who were raised amongst us
coming with a work to be obeyed
You have brought to this city nobleness
Welcome! best call to God's way

Tala'al-Badru 'alayna,
min thaniyyatil-Wada'
wajaba al-shukru 'alayna,
ma da'a lillahi da'

Lyrics from seeklyrics.

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Hop hop hop & share  

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I was hop-hop-hopping and found a brother's blog about Al-Fatihah. Haha, I'm learning about Al-Fatihah in Tafsir module of DPIA...

Anyway, there was a 'poster' at this brother's blog. Initially I thought it was the lyrics of the song by In-Team (see earlier post), but after reading it, I guess In-Team actually used the doa for the song larh...

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Don't ask me to explain  

Monday, April 07, 2008

I spent nearly 3 hours doing personality quizzes on blogthings... They're addictive!!!


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Kalau aku tak belajar ugama....  

This is my 350th post! *squeals LOUDLY*

Anw, had a pretty frustrating day... The most frustrating being about an hour ago. Don't wish to explain but just wanna share what went through my mind:

Kalau aku tak belajar ugama, aku tak pakai tudung/menutup aurat untuk menjaga maruah diri dan keluarga.

Kalau aku tak belajar ugama, aku dah lama lari rumah.

Kalau aku tak belajar ugama, aku tak akan cuba pon untuk menghormati orang tua.

Kalau aku tak belajar ugama, aku tak akan kisah nak jaga akhlak.

Kalau aku tak belajar ugama, aku pasti mendapati pergi ke masjid membosankan.

Kalau aku tak belajar ugama, aku mesti dah terjerumus dalam gejala-gejala buruk.

Kalau aku tak belajar ugama, aku mungkin tak akan berada di sini menaip tentang ini langsung.

Kalau aku tak belajar ugama, aku mungkin sedang berada di kelab malam mana entah tengah buat ape pada waktu sebegini.

Kalau aku tak belajarugama, aku pasti aku bukanlah aku seperti ini sekarang.

I can't really remember when was the start but KRC was the turning point and Fityan & Nur Ikhwan played a big part in shaping who I am today (cos seriously madrasah was quite a bore uh). I am a much better person now than I was just 4 years ago. When I say 'belajar ugama', I don't only refer to madrasah. It includes camps, events, KPR, usrah as well as reminders from my dear friends who care about me.

Now, it's my turn to try change other people's lives for the better. InsyaAllah, I can make a difference.

To end this off, subhanallah, walhamdulillah, walailahailallah, wallahu akbar!

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Whorl of Thoughts  

There's a lot I wanna blog about! But these days once I reach home the only thing I wanna do is sleeeeeeeep. And it's so hard to wake up! My head feels like there's a big fat rock pulling it down oww...

Anyway, Kak Min just sent me her wedding pics yesterday. Look at them!! So sweet!!!

Her pics make weddings look so grand and wonderland-like lol. Really macam raja dan ratu sehari. Both of them betul macam pinang dibelah dua! Semoga ikatan pernikahan ini berpanjangan hingga ke akhir hayat!

Wonder when my brothers are gonna get married. Haha. There are TWO of them... Wonder how they'd be like hehe. Kecoh kott.

Dah dah, enough of daydreaming. Can I go back to sleep and dream for real??

Last Friday was the CPR, short for Cakap Pasal Remaja by The concept is cool. But there was the YLN already right? And I find that there wasn't much interaction. I was happily munching my karipap throughout the 'forum'. Actually I'm not sure what I expected when I went. I quess I was expecting all of us to be sitting down at the dewan serbaguna or something instead of on chairs at the auditorium.

Oh the cool thing was the emcee was actually one of the YDOs and the way he dressed I wouldn't have guessed so! Until another ustaz called out to him calling him 'ustaz' then I knew.

What I learned from the CPR is probably the reminder to view things and issues through the lenses of Islam, meaning your perspective on what is right and what is wrong should depend on what is right and what is wrong in Islam. Haha macam pernah dengar je eh Fityaness?

There were 3 stories shared, but I only remember the title of one: The boy and the king, which tells about the potential of young people to be great leaders of tomorrow if moulded correctly with the right ilm'. Something like that. The other two stories... Umm, I was drifting off and not paying attention already. The karipap was quite nice! Haha, salahkan karipap eh.

Anyway, otw back to Ghufran on the bus, something happened which triggered something in me. I wanna go first aid class uh... Dulu kat Temasek dorang provided the class for the batch after mine. My batch takde! Boo hoo... There might be a need for first aid and what if there is none?! And if I happen to be there, I'd feel so helpless and somehow at fault tau!

Oh ya, my ulcer is teeny already so I cn talk! Fortunatelt, and unfortunately in a sense, I can eat as well... And guess what? I ate nasi lemak for breakfast AND dinner on Saturday AND Sunday! Aiyoyo...

Oh do you know what's my most-spoken phrase/remark now? I dunno why, but it sounds like this: "Aiseh mamai..." Lol, gonna stop this soon. It sounds weird! But it just came out of my mouth larh.

Teringat the dinner on Sat with a few of the Fatayaats. Kelakar seh! Oh, and wanna see me at my worst, it's during eating time. I always have 'mishaps' while eating lol. Friends had always had fun laughing at me during camps cause of this haha. OK... Takpelah.

Astuty pulak would never forget the pimples I had during Bunayya camp. Aiyer... And right now I'm having 2 popping out on my face! Grr...

Oh btw, do you know how paiseh it feels to tap your ez-link to find that there is no money inside and you had to korek your whole bag for loose change only to find that you're short of 10c and so you have to ask a stranger for 10c?? It's 10c but it's like begging! It happened to me yesterday otw home from madrasah. Grr.. Paiseh giler.

Feel like eating sushi. I wonder what time DRP ends today yup yup. K breakfast is here, I'm hungry!!! No, I made sure it's NOT nasi lemak. Toodles!

P.s. Darul Ghufran means House of Forgiveness. Aww... When I heard it, I like... err, how do I explain? Nvm. May all who seeks forgiveness from Allah at Darul Ghufran (as well as other houses of God larh) be forgiven for all their past sins as well as those of the future...

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Doa Seorang Kekasih  

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Ngah cari lyric Tangisan Rindu by Wildan tadi, I came across another nice song. Grr, if only I can download!!

Doa Seorang Kekasih by In-Team

Oh Tuhan, seandainya telah Kau catatkan
Dia milikku, tercipta untuk diriku
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Titipkanlah kebahagiaan

Ya Allah, ku mohon
Apa yang telah Kau takdirkan
Ku harap dia adalah yang terbaik buatku
Kerana Engkau tahu segala isi hatiku
Pelihara daku dari kemurkaanMu

Ya Tuhanku, yang Maha Pemurah
Beri kekuatan jua harapan
Membina diri yang lesu tak bermaya
Semaikan setulus kasih di jiwa

Ku pasrah kepadaMu
Kurniakanlah aku
Pasangan yang beriman
Bisa menemani aku
Supaya ku dan dia
Dapat melayar bahtera
Ke muara cinta yang Engkau redhai

Ya Tuhanku, yang Maha Pengasih
Engkau sahaja pemeliharaku
Dengarkan rintihan hambaMu ini
Jangan Engkau biarkan ku sendiri

Agarku bisa bahagia
Walau tanpa bersamanya
Gantikanlah yang hilang
Tumbuhkan yang telah patah
Ku inginkan bahagia
Di dunia dan akhirat
PadaMu Tuhan ku mohon segala

Lyrics from lyricsandsongs. Actually I don't really like In-Team or Hijjaz songs. But this one is quite nice

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One down, one more to go. This is the first time I'm gonna have to repeat a module. Oh my God... Marliyana!!!

Anyway, I was listening to a random person's favourite nasyid imeem playlist and came across this song:

Tangisan Rindu

^Saban malam ku meniti waktu
Saat yang belalu terusku tunggu
dikalainsan terus trlena
hatiku ini ingin teus berjaga^

Dikala sepiku sendiri
mencari sinar dikegelapan malam
airmataku becucuran
kerna rindu ku yang tak pernah padam

*Tangisanku mendayu-dayu
mengharap kasih dari yang satu
kutahucinta kuterbalas
kerna dialah pemilik cinta sejati*
Oh Tuhan tunjukanlah jalan
merentai rasa cintaku
citra rindudan kasihku
yang kudambakan hanya untukMu

Usahlah Kau palingkan cinta
yang suci murni lagi sejati
kerna aku hanya ada sekeping hati
yang rapuh dan tak berdaya

#Moga rinduku kan terubat
lantaran kasihMu yang murni
Tangisan rinduku
hanya untukMu.#

Allahumma anta robbi
Zolam tu naf-si
Wa-ilam -ta'fiq-li
Wa-tar -ham -ni
La -aku-nan na minal-ko-si-rin

a-an-ni-ni-ala -

Allahumma antarobbi
tah-tim-ni-ya Allah
hus-hus ni ko-ti-mah
wa-la tah-tim-alaiya

Allahumma antarobbi
ta-qab-bal min-ni doa-in-ni
Wa-tub alaiya ya ALLAH in-naka
antas-samiul a'lim

repeat * until*
repeat# until #
repeat ^ until ^

Lyrics taken from liriknasyid again.

It caught my attention cause the lyrics contained some of the doa the imam at Ghufran would read after solat. Insyaallah I shall find the meaning.

Kk, back to work. Sempat seh Marliyana!

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I so feel like quitting DPIA. It's creating so many problems for me...

Now I have less than 2hrs...


Gosh, perseverance takes a kit out of a person!

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Kerana Cinta  

cinta itu cahaya sanubari
kurniaan Tuhan fitrah insani
dan di mana terciptalah cinta
di situ rindu bermula

cinta itu tidak pernah meminta
tetapi memberi sepenuh rela
rasa bahagia biarpun sengsara
berkorban segala-gala

semua kerana cinta
yang pahit manis di rasa
menghibur nestapa
merawat duka
damai di jiwa
terpadam api benci permusuhan
terjalinlah kasih sayang
begitulah cinta yang diidamkan
tanpa nafsu yang mencemarkan

dan jangan pula
kerana bercinta kita pun leka entah ke mana
dan jangan pula kerana bercinta
tergadai semua maruah agama

cinta yang sejati
hanya cintakan illahi
cinta ayah bonda
tulus suci selamanya
cintakan saudara
hanya sementara
serta sesama insan
suburkan dengan ketakwaan..

Lyrics taken from liriknasyid

Marliyana, jangan layan la ni semua... Alahai.

Anyway, suddenly the phrase 'khaira ummah' came to mind. Dah kenape ehk?? Haha, aku pon tak tau. As usual I googled... And... I came upon a Friday sermon from November 2004! Lamer tuh... Takpe-takpe. Interested to read? Click here.

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Fitnah: A misconception about Islam  

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Dear Sirs

I visited some blogs about the film Fitna. In them, the bloggers who have been confused by the film are earnestly seeking answers from Muslims. Unfortunately, the answers are still wanting (as far as I have surfed).

I watched the film.

Many advocates of the film argued in the name of 'Freedom of Expression'. But freedom of expression must be expressions of TRUTHS not LIES.

I have given below my views of the Dutchman's lies.

Geert Wilder's has played prank with English translation of the Quran. I have given his translation in red and an authentic translation in green.

1) His first verse from the Quran as per his English translation :
" Prepare for them whatever force and cavalry ye are able of gathering
to strike terror
to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies." (8:60)

As per authentic English translation :
" And make ready against them all you can of power,
including steeds of war
to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy..." (8:60)
The verse (8:60) has to be put in context. It is a verse in reference to disbelievers who broke covenant (peace treaty) with the Muslims. During the time of the Prophet Muhammed, Muslims were persecuted and the way for peace among different tribes is by having peace treaties. Breaking such covenants amounts to inviting battles between tribes.

In the following verse (v8:61), Allah says, " If they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and trust in Allah..."

So, the Quran is inclined towards peace not battles, as misrepresented by Wilders.

2) The second verse translation shown in the film :
" Those who have disbelieved our signs,
we shall roast them in fire
whenever their skins are cooked to a turn,
we shall substitute new skins for them
that they may feel the punishment;
Verily Allah is sublime and wise" (4:56)
This verse (4:56) describes the torment in Hell fire given by Allah. It has no reference to any worldly injunctions as purported by Wilders when he showed London bombings in his clippings to substantiate the verse.

It has to be noted that in Islam, punishment by fire in reserved for Allah only. So according to Syariah, no Muslim can use fire as a weapon .

3) The 3rd verse shown in the film :
" Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers,
smite at their necks and when ye have caused a bloodbath among them
bind a bond firmly on them." ( 47:4)
Again, Wilders has played prank with the translation. The authentic translation is :
" So, when you meet those who disbelieve (in battle),
smite (their) necks until you have fully defeated them,
then tigthen their bonds. (47:4)

Thereafter (is the time) either for generosity or ransom, until the war lays down its burden..." (47:4 part of the verse purposely omitted by Wilders)
Verse 47:4 is an injunction during battles. No commander will ask his soldiers to run away quickly from his enemies, but motivate him to defeat them.

After the battle, Allah gives a choice to prisoners of war captured by Muslims :
Either the Muslims may act graciously towards them by setting them free without charge,
or free them for a ransom.

4) The 4th verse :
"They but wish that ye should reject faith as they do,
and thus be on the same footing as they,
so take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah.
But if they turn renegade, seize them and kill them wherever ye find them
and take no friends or helpers from their ranks" (4:89)
This verse (4:89) refers to the hypocrites during the times of the Prophet Muhammed.
Hypocrites in the sense that they misrepresented themselves as Muslims, when they were not. During the battle of Uhud, their true colours were out when they ran away from Uhud to Medina.

5) The 5th verse:
" And fight them until there is no dissension,
and the religion is entirely Allah" (8:39)
The authentic translation:
" And fight them until there is no more Fitnah,
and the religion will be for Allah alone..." (8:39)
In this verse, Fitnah refers to a period " during the time of the Prophet Muhammed, when Islam was weak and the Muslim would be tried in religion, either tormented to death or being imprisoned. When Islam became stronger and widespread, there was no more Fitnah" (Fath Al-Bari)

6) Wilders went on to mismatch an Imaam's sermon with beheading of a westener. The sermon by the Imaam as shown on 'Iqra TV, Saudi Arabia' is translated
" ...houses and young men must be sacrificed. Throats must be slit and skulls must be shattered. This is the path to victory.."
The above quotation refers to Mujahid whose houses are sacrificed in the way of Allah. It refers to Mujahid whose throats may be slit and skulls shattered by enemy forces during battle. Wilders slyly turned the plate around. I'm sure Iqra' TV can attest to my view.

7) Wilders then went on to give Islamic colours to unIslamic inhuman cultural practices such as honour killings and female circumcision.

In all Wilders film 'Fitnah' is not a film about Freedom of Expression, but a BUNCH OF LIES against Islam.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully

Haj Mohamed

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Keep my heart firm on Your religion  

Tafsir Surah Al-Anfal

Allah comes in between a Person and His Heart

Allah said,

[وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ يَحُولُ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَقَلْبِهِ]

(and know that Allah comes in between a person and his heart.)

Ibn `Abbas commented, "Allah prevents the believer from disbelief and the disbeliever from faith.'' Al-Hakim recorded this in his Mustadrak and said, "It is Sahih and they did not record it.'' . Similar was said by Mujahid, Sa`id, `Ikrimah, Ad-Dahhak, Abu Salih `Atiyyah, Muqatil bin Hayyan and As-Suddi. In another report from Mujahid, he commented;

[يَحُولُ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَقَلْبِهِ]

(...comes in between a person and his heart.) "Leaves him without comprehension,'' As-Suddi said, "Prevents one self from his own heart, so he will neither believe nor disbelieve except by His leave.'' There are several Hadiths that conform with the meaning of this Ayah. For instance, Imam Ahmad recorded that Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet used to often say these words,

«يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِك»

(O You Who changes the hearts, make my heart firm on Your religion.) We said, `O Allah's Messenger! We believed in you and in what you brought us. Are you afraid for us' He said,

«نَعَمْ، إِنَّ الْقُلُوبَ بَيْنَ إِصْبَعَيْنِ مِنْ أَصَابِعِ اللهِ تَعَالَى يُقَلِّبُهَا»

(Yes, for the hearts are between two of Allah's Fingers, He changes them (as He wills).)''

This is the same narration recorded by At-Tirmidhi in the Book of Qadar in his Jami' [Sunan], and he said, "Hasan.'' Imam Ahmad recorded that An-Nawwas bin Sam`an Al-Kilabi said that he heard the Prophet saying,

«مَا مِنْ قَلْبٍ إِلَّا وَهُوَ بَيْنَ أُصْبُعَيْنِ مِنْ أَصَابِعِ الرَّحْمَنِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يُقِيمَهُ أَقَامَهُ وَإِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يُزِيغَهُ أَزَاغَه»

(Every heart is between two of the Fingers of the Most Beneficent (Allah), Lord of all that exists, if He wills, He makes it straight, and if He wills, He makes it stray.)

And he said:

«يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِك»

(O You Who changes the hearts! keep my heart firm on Your religion) And he would say;

«وَالْمِيزَانُ بِيَدِ الرَّحْمنِ يَخْفِضُهُ وَيَرْفَعُه»

(The Balance is in the Hand of Ar-Rahman, He raises and lowers it.)

This was also recorded by An-Nasai and Ibn Majah.

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Happy Dappy Lappy No No Sappy Mappy!  

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Yay yay! I so happy. Haha, the whole day I couldn't get online to blog lol.

Before I start anything though, just something to share. Some of you Fityanees may have received it from Bro Hilmi as well, but I'd like to put here nevertheless for the benefit of others hehe

And When My servants ask you about Me, I am indeed close: I
listen to the prayer of every praying person when he calls on
Me: So let them also, listen to My call, and believe in Me, so
that they may walk straight.
Surat AlBaqarah 2:186

[Lessons from this Verse]
Allah promises to listen to us when we raise our hands in
supplication. Too often when we are down or just can't get
things done, we suffer in silence, and forget to turn to Allah
in supplication. Not today!

Yeah! Remember Allah! Teguhkan iman di hati lalu basahkan lidah dengan zikrullah... A reminder to myself and all of you out there!

Anyway, today is quite a fruitful day starting late last night... Finished translating Khala's report from Malay to English, finished typing out all 4 past DT prog meeting minutes (ok dah serik type minutes dah), did lots of things and learnt a lot as well during DRP session today and managed to squeeze in another DT prog meet at the end of the day woo hoo~!

DRP was erm... rather enjoyable. Haha, weird to be saying that considering I did quite alot of mistakes and some stupid incidents as well until Ms Yian call me 'comical'~ Lol, Marliyana comical?? That's unheard of lol! Know why she call me comical? Cos I exitted the TCM room, held out the door for the rest to go out then I spinned around and hit into that big red box where the fire hose or whatever is stored. Ms Yian was like, "Marliyana! How can you not see the box?? It's BIG and it's RED in colour! Comical lar you!" All the way from TCM room to Microbio decon room to the centrifuge till out the decon room Ms Yian was laughing at me. Lol, Yasmeen and I were laughing too uh. According to Ms Yian, it isn't the first time I (nearly) hit the red box. Lol okkkkk...

During the DRP there was this time from 1.30pm till 3.30pm I can't do anything else except to stare at a spinning round bottom flask in a water bath to ensure the foam formed don't get too big. Spin spin spin, otak aku pon spin spin spin lol. Initially Ms Yian was there to erm... 'accompany' aka supervise me. But after awhile she left me to guard the foams lol. Menanguk lah aku kat situ. Until Yasmeen came. Kitorang berbual-bual tak rasa seh 1hr pass by so quickly haha. Macam-macam seh kitorang berbual! Parents basically. Her dad like my mum, her mum like my dad lol esp. part studies and BGR issues heheh.

Ms Yian seems to think today is Tuesday and that it's my 2nd day in AS4 haha. padahal it's Thursday and it's my 3rd day there! K nvm... I guess that is how it is when you work in a research lab. Some people go crazy I guess and thus the name 'mad scientist' comes about perhaps?

Which remind me... I met two umm... 'unwell' people today. One on my way to masjid, one on the way back. The one I met on the way to masjid was smiling alone. Smile all the way from one traffic junction to another. Smile as in until can see teeth one know. The way he dress shirt tucked in all the way and pants belted tightly above waist level and he was cuddling a bottle in his arms. I think he is 'unwell'... The other person whom I saw on the way back was walking as if he was cycling on a bicycle then his mouth was moving as if he's talking. Hmm... FYI, for both, i checked whether they had any ear-piece plugged in their ears and they weren't. People with ear-piece in their ears do look like they belong to the 'unwell' group you know... Talk alone, smile alone, laugh alone, do funny gestures/actions haha...

Oh ya, forgot to mention... Before I left AS4, i was frantically searching for my notebook (my precioussssss... all my knowledge for prog and for drp inside ok!) when Ms Yian showed me where I'd left it, then she said, "Wah you how many days only you're here, you already get my disease arh? I also always look everywhere for my things until someone points it out to me." LOL. My reply, "It must be this TCM room..." Haha... Btw, Ms Yian calls AS4 a slimming center. At times you don't have any breaks from your experiment! Wahhhhh!!!

Since today seems like a pretty good dy, I treated myself to my favourite Yeo's chrysanthemum tea and a big pack of calbee chips and a small pack of twisties and a pack of chocolate nuts yum yum!

I'm happieeeeee!! Lol. Got stress also larh actually. You can never run away from stress in sg lor...

A reminder to myself and you before I end off. Whatever you do, NIAT MESTI BETUL! Segala-galanya hendaklah hanya untuk Allah. Demi mencapai mardhatillah.

Marliyana! Niat jangan berubah Marliyana! Waduhh! Susah benor kebelakangan ni...

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Light at the end of the tunnel  

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I so can't manage my time. I've just wasted $200+ of my parents money. And I feel so guilty over it! So stressed know! If they find out ar... they'd be like, "Tu larh, aku cakap takyah continue nak continue jugak!" and "Hah, buat event ni event tu lagik! Aku dah cakap kau tu senang penat, kau buat ni sikit tu sikit, dah penat, kerja tak buat!" Alar, I dunno, I dunno!!! I thought I can do it! I'm so disappointed with myself! Tu lah I'm so scared to take more than I can carry nie but... people are not helping *sniff sniff*

Anyway, finally started DRP this morning. Gosh, I have no idea how to complete 90 hrs in 14 days... Kawan-kawan please help!

Ms Yian has been okok lately. She a bit hyper today haha. said she didn't have enough sleep last night. Slept at 3am, woke up at 7am. Hey! Me too! Just that I slept a bit more later and woke up earlier. Huhu..

Made friends with another DRP student: Yasmeen. She's actually not in the same project as me. No one is for that matter! I'll be doing labwork solo uhuh... Anyway, I'm like the only Year 2 DRP student amongst this group of students I got thrown in. And since I've taken MCT before, wah Ms Yian expect me to know stuff, and explain to the Year 1s sometimes. *gulps*

I hope I find something interesting during this DRP. Who knows? I'm testing on the antioxidant properties of a herb called ban zhi lian and its cytotoxity towards normal lung cells and cancerous lung cells. Wo0o0o0~

After DRP, had fun with Liyana at Qi Ji. Alermak gerl, you got me to eat Nasi Lemak, I full of lemak and babats oredi!!! But Qi Ji nye Nasi Lemak not bad uh, yum yum sedapp! Liyana had fun laughing at my ulcer haha this gerl arh. After we nearly finished or food, Lina joined and Jun joined. Then there's this lady who claimed to have taught at TP before, who asked if we were all from the same school cos we looked almost similar! Lol, our colour codes were black, grey and white haha. Coincidence seh. Then the lady macam kaypoh2, jap2 tanye soalan haha. Gasak la eh...

NC meeting, I gave up my responsibility to update about programs to Nadia and kak Ain. Thank God they could come. I'm like so retarded larh talk with mouth half open, saliva almost dripping out and pelat semacam. Ulcer very sakit! I talked once in awhile to clarify anything that my dear programmers missed out. Entah mane datang sore throat pulak. Nak berbual punyer la siksa. Takpe takpe... Haha, I should have kept quiet through the whole meeting like bro Mohksin did. Save me all the pain. But then again... cannot larh, there were some points that need to be brought up uh. anyway, thanks a lot a lot to my darling programmers Nadia and kak Ain for helping me out. I didn't pre-warn them uh. Suddenly during the meeting, I passed note to them to take over. Terkejut dorang... agaknya uh. Tapi buat jugak. Thank you dearies!

Ok, I'm extra sleepy now. Tomorrow is another round of DRP. But the session would be shorter probably as Ms Yian has to go off. I'm also gonna help Jun out, insyaAllah...

Beginning to see light at the end of the dark tunnel. I am still disappointed with myself. Amidst the disappointment though, there's also other emotions going through like gratefulness and laughter. Seriously, NC meeting was funny just now. Ade2 je! Sume penat agaknya...

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