La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Sunday, January 04, 2009

“This day I have perfected your religion For you, completed My favor upon you, And have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” part of Surah Al-Maidah: 3.

Islam has been perfected. Islam is perfect. Islam was chosen for you. Islam is my religion...

Allah told me so. :)


I'm sad to hear about my brothers and sisters in Palestine. I just heard from Ust Kamsani this afternoon in class that 20 babies were found dead. Babies!! My God... Babies. Innocent babies. Were these babies the ones who sends bombs into Israel that killed those 4 Israelis? It's 20 babies! Not 1! Not even 4, the same no. of Israelis killed.

Defence is just an excuse.

Ok, I'm getting emotional. I pray that help will be sent down to the innocent Palestinians. I'm praying that on the day of Asyura, children of Palestine will be freed and that we'll see the beginning of the end to the sufferings in Gaza.

Untukmu Palestin (For you Palestine)

Berdzikirlah dengan nama tuhanmu
Bermunajatlah di tengah malam
Bertaubatlah padanya penuh rasa hamba
Agar doa kita di.. makbulkan
Agar Palestina kita genggam semula
Agar Palestin bebas di tangan kita
Kembali damai disirami air

Kebenaran Al-Quran dan sunnah
Palestin akan dimiliki lagi
Ingatlah Allah dan hindarkan dosa
Palestin kan aman lagi
Dengan ketaatan dan amalan soleh

Palestine you will regain your land
Remember Allah and stay away from sin
Palestine will be at peace again
And filled with the worship of Allah

Dengan kata dan ketaqwaan
Pada Allah yang maha kuasa
Ketakutan dan kelemahan
Peluru dan dentuman
Bukan lagi penghalang
Pembelaan Allah akan datang
Palestin... Palestin... Palestin
Palestin... Palestin... Pa...lestin

Palestin.MP3 - raihan


I just started a new module at Andalus. I'm in 2nd year already la seh!! Unfortunately eventhough a year has passed, I don't think I became a better Muslim. I'm disappointed in myself! InsyaAllah this year will be better, pray for me yea? InsyaAllah I'll share what I learn with others in this blog (soon... insyaAllah) and may whatever I learn be of benefit to me as well as to others. As I learned in Sejarah Pengajian Islam, one of the Islamic scholars (alamak sorry I can't remember, but I think it's Imam Al-Ghazali) commented something like wisdom is not considered a wisdom until it is shared with others and be of benefit to the community. Do correct me if I'm wrong anyone!

So anyway, the new module is Tasawwur Islam 3 (fyi I haven't taken 1 and 2, but that's how the diploma system is in Andalus so don't ask me lar) and once again we talked about Islamic Law. So far, this is like my 3rd, or rather 4th, module involving Islamic law - Sejarah Perundangan Islam by Ust Fathurrahman, Maqasid syariah by Ust Fuad and Faraidh (part of Islamic Law also lar in my opinion) by Ust Fathurrahman, and I'm loving learning about Islamic Law. It makes Islam even more beautiful... I dunno why Malaysia as an Islamic state (ok, correct me if I'm wrong) faces so many oppositions. Either the Muslim leaders going for Islamic Law did not explain properly what is Islamic Law and what is comprises and what is it's beauty OR... that everything is just so political... Singapore is not an Islamic state. But I can actually see Sg implementing some Islamic Law here. It's not that much different than civil law (we'll be discussing this topic next week insyaAllah).

Ust Kamsani teaching Tasawwur Islam is fun to have. He told jokes, his tone is not monotonous, he's not boring, his explanations are ok etc... Yet, he still delivers everything he's supposed to (some teachers are fun to have but do not really impart the knowledge they're supposed to). Good good, all the more I'd like learning Islamic Law hehehe.

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