La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ok yea so I'm improving in certain areas. Alot actually, alhamdulillah. I'm doing some things that I've never done before. Good beneficial ones (insyaAllah) lar.

BUT, there's a problem. I can't seem to do my report. No progress... I wanna cry, wekkkkk!!!

I'm trying, I'm trying.

Been reading articles and notes and all but I can't seem to absorb the alien language!!

Tell me how much you can understand from the paragraph below:

Piwis are a germline-specific subclass of the Argonaute family of RNA interference (RNAi) effector proteins that are associated with a recently discovered group of small RNAs (piRNAs). Recent studies in Drosophila and zebrafish directly implicate Piwi proteins in piRNA biogenesis to maintain transposon silencing in the germline genome (Brennecke et al., 2007, Gunawardane et al., 2007 and Houwing et al., 2007). This function may be conserved in mice as loss of Miwi2, a mouse Piwi homolog, leads to germline stem cell and meiotic defects correlated with increased transposon activity (Carmell et al., 2007).

It's alien I tell you.

And to understand their language, I tell you, I need to morph into an alien first. So don't be surprise if you meet an alien wearing tudung one of these days.

It could jolly well be me.

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