La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

Pensive Mood  

Friday, February 27, 2009

Pensive is defined as

1. Deeply, often wistfully or dreamily thoughtful.
2. Suggestive or expressive of melancholy thoughtfulness.

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

A few things made me smile today - my mother, the song on ahlina's multiply and some random thoughts haha. Yesterday was the peak of the peak of stress period this week, gosh it's so nice to smile.

I wanna update on the celebration on Tues! But I can't download the pics from shutterfly urgh. But anyway, thx Ad, Jamie and Kak Maryam!

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Marl --> weird definitions  

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Actually banyak kerja, but let's pretend takde keje lain eh.

Googled: Marl

Finding ONE: I'm a company!
Marl International Limited specialise in the design, manufacture and supply of visible LED indication, illumination, components and systems.
Check this out! Source: Marl's profile. Cool or what???

Finding TWO: I'm a stone!
Marl or Marlstone is a calcium carbonate or lime-rich mud or mudstone which contains variable amounts of clays and aragonite. Marl is originally an old term loosely applied to a variety of materials, most of which occur as loose, earthy deposits consisting chiefly of an intimate mixture of clay and calcium carbonate, formed under freshwater conditions.
Source: Wikipedia... Look at the other definitions (a kind of manure ehk! isk.) as well!

Finding THREE: I'm somekind of a radio station?
Malta Amateur Radio League is the representative body for Amateur Radio in Malta.
Source: M.A.R.L.

Finding FOUR: I'm a library...
The Musical Acoustics Research Library (MARL) is a collection of independent archives or libraries assembled by distinguished groups or individuals in the field of musical acoustics research.
Source: Musical Acoustics Research Library

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Khutbah: Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar  

Friday, February 20, 2009

Let us ask ourselves, how profound is our iman to Allah s.w.t.? Are we among those who have true faith in Allah s.w.t.?


When we see something wrong (mungkar), we should try to advice those involved. Imagine if we take the approach of “that is not my problem”, then what will happen to the community as a whole, because no one is interested to advice those who do wrong.

In a hadith narrated by Imam -Tirmizhi, the Prophet s.a.w said,

”By He whom my life is in His hands, you shall call others to do good, and stop them from doing wrong. Or (if you do not do so) Allah s.w.t will bring to you a punishment and then you ask for His help and your prayers will not be answered.”

My dear brothers,

This hadith of the Prophet s.a.w. means that the whole community should develop together to become one which is prosperous and successful. To become a community in which good acts thrive, and bad acts diminish and disappear totally. So let us continue to advice one another. Surely, we will like to see our Muslim brother or sister do good, and we will not be pleased to see our brother or sister do wrong.


As usual, thx Sis Mahirah for sharing it!

To share more...

English (Yusuf Ali):
7:164 When some of them said: "Why do ye preach to a people whom Allah will destroy or visit with a terrible punishment?"- said the preachers:" To discharge our duty to your Lord, and perchance they may fear Him."

Taken from Islamicity.

From that ayat, we are told that even if we are so sure that those whom we 'preach' to would never change and would continue their misdeeds until they are destroyed or they receive a terrible punishment, we still must carry out amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar because it is our DUTY. We will not be punished if the person refuse to stop doing mungkar, instead we may be punished for not carrying out the act of amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar itself. In other words, it is not like, "if that person do bad deeds, that person will pay for it ah, why should I be involved?? nothing will happen to me what." That's wrong. You are really saving YOURSELF when you do amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar.

This is a reminder to my own self before it is one for you.

I agree, it is quite hard to bring yourself to point out to a close friend or to your brother or sister or even parents that this so and so that you did is not right bla bla bla. It takes alot of courage yes! Myself have yet to find that courage. I guess, take it step by step. Though I seem not to have taken the next step after the first at all, opps~ But ya lar, we gotta remind ourselves, we have ourselves to save here, and we should fear Allah's wrath.


Iman... Aqidah... Faith... Islam... Allah... God... Creator... Ahad...

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Perihal.. Macam-macam lah!  

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Anda tau apa yang saya inginkan pada saat ini?

Saya ingin bersiar-siar atau jika boleh, bermusafir sekalipun, buat beberapa hari untuk menenangkan fikiran dan mencari kembali diri saya yang sebenar. Saya rasa saya telah kehilangannya dalam keghairahan saya menikmati kebebasan selepas SIP.

Hmm... Macam Sufi pulak. Ehh tak tak, ia tak terlintas dalam fikiran saya pun sebelum ini.


Petang tadi saya berpeluang untuk menziarahi kedai Muslimedia di Bussorah Street/Kandahar Street (err... saya kurang pasti yang mana sebetulnya). Berasa sungguh seronok sekali melihat buku-buku di situ. Namun ketika membelek buku-buku di situ, saya mendapati saya hanya mempunyai wang cukup untuk 2 buah buku sahaja... Satu di antaranya ialah untuk tugasan DPI iaitu buku Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 6. Yang satu lagi, saya mendapati amat sukar untuk mencari buku yang benar-benar penting buat saya dan harganya bersesuaian dengan bajet saya. Setiap buku yang saya belek begitu menarik, tetapi saya terpaksa meletakkannya kembali ke rak-rak buku kerana saya tahu sekalipun saya membelinya, saya tidak akan mempunyai masa untuk membacanya. Di rumah sahaja, saya mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya 3-5 buku yang saya ingin membacanya. Hmm...

Akhirnya buku yang saya pilih adalah buku 9 cara Praktis Menghafal Al-Qur'an... Sebabnya, saya rindu menghafal surah-surah didalam kitab suci. saya sudah meninggalkan amalan ini sejak meninggalkan madrasah separuh masa peringkat menengah lebih dari setahun yang lalu. Tentu sekali ini masa yang lama dan apa yang telah saya hafal pun kebanyakkannya sudah pudar dalam ingatan. Sedih sekali. Terasa iri mendengar teman-teman di NI telah pun menghafal dan mentasmi' bacaan dari belakang hingga Surah Baiyyinah... Sehinggakan terasa tidak berani menghadiri Qur'an Circle kerana rasanya tidak mampu dapat mengejap mereka. Memang hendak seribu daya tak hendak seribu dalih. Entahlah, saya cuma meragukan kemampuan saya. Maklum juga mereka kebanyakkan/semua adalah daripada madrasah sepenuh masa, saya ini hanyalah daripada madrasah separuh masa. Hafal pun tak silap hingga Surah Al-A'la sahaja. Dan sungguh, apa yang telah dihafal sudah dilupakan. Mudah-mudahan dengan adanya buku baru ini, saya akan dapat membulatkan tekad untuk mengharungi cabaran yang saya letakkan pada diri saya sendiri. Memang banyak yang telah mencabar diri saya, tetapi saya selalu gagal dan mengecewakan diri saya sendiri. Ini tentu sekali menjejaskan keyakinan diri saya. Mungkin saya perlu mengecilkan skop cabaran buat diri saya, semoga dapat dicapai.

Hmm... Mendangar suara hati saya ini, sepertinya saya perlu membaca buku Jangan Bersedih yang saya beli tahun lepas. Agak lama sudah saya memiliki buku itu tetapi tidak sempat mengkhatamnya lagi.


Saya tidak sabar untuk membaca buku-buku yang saya ada. Saya akan bermula dengan buku Fikah tadi secepat mungkin supaya dapat menyelesaikan tugasan sebelum tarikh penghantaran tugasan.

Saya tidak sabar untuk memulakan praktikal memandu. Esok juga saya akan membuat janji.

Saya tidak sabar untuk menyelesaikan pendaftaran ke universiti tempatan. Esok saya akan ke sekolah untuk menyediakan dokumen-dokumen yang perlu dihantar.

Saya tidak sabat untuk setiap perkhemahan yang akan diadakan dalam bulan Mac ini. Esok saya perlu menghadiri mesyuarat untuk satu perkhemahan itu. Perkhemahan yang lain, saya hanya perlu menghadirinya sebagai peserta.

Saya tidak sabar untuk chalet bersam kelas politeknik. Saya akan cuba untuk meluangkan masa untuk membantu membeli makanan buat chalet itu, untuk memastikan ia halal.

Saya tidak sabar untuk keluar bersama teman-teman yang sudah agak lama tidak bersua muka. Jumaat ini saya akan bermula dengan temujanji bersama Siti.


Saya bersama amat gembira sekali! Pada saat yang sama, saya juga berasa risau dan takut dan sedih... Dan kecewa. Gundah-gulana betul.

Tak mengapalah ini hanya suatu fasa buat waktu ini. Ia akan berlalu. Doakan saya mendapat ketenangan ya? Semoga doa itu untuk awak juga!


OH, terlupa pula saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seorang kakak ini yang telah membelikan saya dua buku sebelum ini yaitu buku The Meaning of the holy Qur'an dan buku Summarized Sahih Al-Bukhari Arabic-English. Dan beliau juga telah memberikan sedikit wang dan wang itulah yang saya gunakan untuk membeli kedua-dua buku yang disebut diatas. Semoga Allah memurahkan rezekimu dan mendapat ganjaran setimpalnya (atau lebih) atas pemberian yang sungguh bermakna ini.


Saya ingin memenuhi setiap hari saya dengan baik. Sudah waktunya saya berhenti membuang masa, namun ya... ia akan mengambil sedikit masa buat saya berubah. Saya masih lagi ingin bermain-main =) Darah mudalah katakan! ;)

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Hibanya hati ini  

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

(Part Hafiz)

Hati hiba mengenangkan dosa2 yg ku lakukan,
Oh Tuhan Maha Kuasa,
Terima taubat hamba berdosa...

(Part Irsyadee)

Ku akui kelemahan diri,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x.....
Taubatku ini.....

(Part Irsyadee)

Telah aku merasakan derita jiwa dan perasaan,
Kerana hilang dari jalan menuju redhaMu ya Tuhan.

(Part Irsyadee)

Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x...
Taubatku ini...

(Part Hafiz)

Di hamparan ini ku meminta moga taubatku diterima...

Tetiba terasa hiba... Sedikit kecewa juga... Sepertinya hampir berputus asa...

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Sabar & Syukur  

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W :

"Sabar itu separuh iman."

(Hadis Riwayat Abu Na'im daripada Ibn Mas'ud)

* Kedua-duanya adalah sifat Allah. Sabbur dan Syakur

Sabar terbahagi kepada 3 bentuk:

1. Sabar mentaati Allah
2. Sabar daripada melakukan maksiat kepada Allah
3. Sabar menghadapi ujian Allah.

* Mengadu dan merayu kepada Allah tidak menafikan sifat sabar

"Dan sesungguhnya Kami akan memberi balasan kepada orang
yang sabar dengan pahala yang lebih baik dari apa yang telah
mereka kerjakan." (Surah An-Nahl, ayat 96)

"Sesungguhnya hanya orang yang bersabarlah
yang disempurnakan pahala merekab tanpa batas."
(Surah Al-Zumar, ayat 10)

Ditimpa malapetaka/kesusahan.....

* Perlu menghadapinya dengan mengharapkan balasan sebaiknya
& penyelesaiannya daripada Allah

* Menganggap ringan ujian itu dengan cara mengingati segala
nikmat yang dikurniakan Allah

(Terasa ujian bagaikan setitik air daripada luasnya laut)

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W :

“Dalam kesabaran terhadap perkara yang tidak disukai itu
banyak kebaikannya." (Hadis Riwayat al-Tirmizi daripada Ibn Abbas)

Examples of Kesabaran from Al-Quran

Perintah supaya bersabar :

* Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 35
* Surah Ali-Imran, Ayat 200

Larangan daripada tidak bersabar :

* Surah Al-Ahqaf, Ayat 35
* Suran Al-Anfal, Ayat 15

Allah memuji & kasih orang yang sabar:

* Surah Ali-Imran, Ayat 17
* Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 177
* Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 146

Contoh-contoh yang lain....

* Allah menyertai orang yang sabar
* Kebaikan orang yang sabar
* Balasan amal yang paling baik
* Berita gembira bagi orang yang bersabar
* Jaminan kemenangan bagi orang yang sabar
* Balasan Allah tanpa batas bagi orang yang sabar

Tanpa senjata sabar dalam kehidupan...

Seseorang itu tidak akan tenang & damai

Perjalanan kehidupan tidak selalu consistant,
ada kalanya mendaki dan kadang- kadang jatuh

Siapa itu orang yang sabar???

* Mereka yang kuat semangat dan azam
* Mereka yang mengambil manfaat daripada ayat-ayat Allah

Kejayaan bagi orang yang sabar....

Boleh menjadi pemimpin dan mempunyai kedudukan
tinggi dalam tingkatan iman dan Islam,dan seterusnya taqwa dan tawakkal

Amalan soleh yang besar adalah sabar

Word of Wisdom :

Tabah terhadap segala dugaan,
Syukuri nikmat,
Lambang ketinggian iman umat

Key Notes :

Dont Forget to Sujud Syukur as often as u can

Sources adapted from :

Prof Madya Dr Abdul Rashid Ahmad
(Pensyarah Jabatan Al-Quran & Al-Hadith Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya)

Taken from Yaqin

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Bahasaku Nan Indah  

Lirik Lagu 'Bahasaku'
Senikata: Nadiputra
Gubahan: Dzul Rabull Jalil
Nyanyian: Kumpulan Padu Suara Harmoni Orkid
Kelab Masyarakat Tampines West

Dengan nama Allah
Pengasih, Penyayang
Pasrahlah usaha kami
Menyahut seruan pertiwi
Sesuci jasmani rohani

Duhai putera puteri ibunda
Laksamana Tuah berperi sudah
Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia
Jadi perisai semangat waja

Bahasa jiwa bangsa
Lestarikan bahasa ibunda
Adat disanjung
Agama dijunjung
Pusaka pertiwi
Warisan murni

Siapa lagi kalau tidak kita?
Tepuklah dada tanya selera
Bahasa ibunda jiwa nusa
Mertabatkan ke persada dunia

Arif Budiman mulia pekerti
Amalan Nabi duniawi ukhrawi
Jadikan pakaian jasmani rohani
Teguhkan iman sifat terpuji

Bahasa jiwa bangsa
Lestarikan bahasa ibunda
Adat disanjung
Agama dijunjung
Pusaka pertiwi
Warisan murni

Kami insan lemah bersujud diri
Bermunajat pasrah sesungguh peri
Limpah rahmatmu, sinarmu Ilahi
Bahasa Ibunda disanjung tinggi

Yang Maha Esa tersemat di hati
Rahmat Syufaat rabbul Izzati
Ya Rasulullah semoga kami diberkati
Usaha murni semulia ini

Bahasa jiwa bangsa
Lestarikan bahasa ibunda
Adat disanjung
Agama dijunjung
Pusaka pertiwi
Warisan murni

Dicatat oleh Abdul Manaf Bin Mohd Yasir

lagu_bulan_bahasa.mp3 - Imran Ajmain

Lirik Lagu Bahasa Menjunjung Budaya
Lagu: Cikgu Abdollah Lamat
Seni kata: Cikgu Muhammad Ariff Ahmad

Mari bangsaku mari saudara
Kita gunakan bahasa bonda
Sebagai lidah penggugah rasa
Cinta bahasa cinta budaya
Demi cinta kepada budaya
Kita penatar bahasa bonda
Bahasa maju budaya jaya
Maruah bangsa terpelihara

Cintailah bahasa ibunda
Cintailah budaya pusaka
Bahasa yang menjunjung budaya
Budaya nilai maruah bangsa
(Ulangi korus sekali lagi)

Ketika mencari lagu ini, saya terlintas suatu yang menarik. Siapa menonton High School Musical? Anda tahu dengan lagu 'You Are the Music In Me'? pernah dengar lagu ini dinyanyikan dalam Bahasa Melayu/Indonesia? Hah, dengarkanlah lagu seterusnya:

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Saya rasa saya pernah nyatakan betapa saya gemar menghadiri kelas yang dikendalikan oleh Ust Fathurrahman kan? Bila saya dapat tahu Ust mengambil kelas kami buat modul Fiqh Muamalat, rasanya gembira sangat, tak ingin tinggalkan satu kelas pon. Kalau boleh, nak duduk depaaaaaaaan sekali.

Pertama sekali, kelas-kelas yang dikendalikan Ust Fathurrahman selalunya habis siang! Tapi oleh kerana cara penyampaian Ust yang jelas lagi interaktif, kalau kelas habis lambat sedikit pon saya rasa tak menjadi masalah.

Kedua, cara Ust mengajar memerlukan kami untuk mengimbas kembali pelajaran-pelajaran yang lalu supaya sentiasa segar dalam ingatan. Contohnya Ust pernah mengongsi dengan kami bagaimana timbulnya perbezaan kaedah meletakkan hukum antara 4 imam besar, khususnya Imam Shafie, yang menjadi amalan kebanyakkan kami penduduk di Singapura, dan Imam Hambali (kalau tak silap) pada modul Sejarah Perundangan Islam tahun lepas dan minggu lalu, Ust mengutarakan soalan mengenai perbezaan itu lagi.

Ketiga, Ust juga menekankan prinsip-prinsip berdasarkan Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah dalam diri kami melalui pelajaran kami. Contohnya minggu yang lalu kami belajar tentang Jual Beli Salam/Salaf atau tempah-menempah. Ketika menerangkan hukum tempah-menempah ini, Ust menguatarakan soalan tentang MENGAPA ia dibolehkan dalam Islam sedangkan ia mempunyai aspek-aspek kemudaratan yang bersangkutan dengan penipuan. Setelah kami memecah otak dan memberi pelbagai macam jawapan, Ust kemudian menyedarkan kami akan satu jawapan yang mudah, yakni, bukankah tempah-menempah itu dalilnya yang membolehkannya? Oleh kerana terdapat hadith sahih yang membolehkannya, makanya ia dibolehkan dalam Islam. Jawapan-jawapan yang kami berikan hanya merupakan hikmah-hikmah mengapa ia dibolehkan. Kesimpulannya, kami harus berpegang teguh dengan Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah yang menjadi petunjuk buat kita semua.

Terdapat banyak lagi sebab mengapa saya gemar menghadiri kelas-kelas Ust. Namun tak perlulah saya tuliskan semuanya di sini.

Jika anda berminat untuk membaca sebuah artikel yang ditulis oleh Ust, silalah klik di sini.

Dari saat ini hingga pertengahan bulan Mac, saya akan berusaha untuk bertutur dan menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu sebanyak mungkin untuk memperkayakan lagi penggunaan Bahasa Melayu saya untuk Perkhemahan Bahasa Melayu pada bulan Mac kelak. =)

Akhirnya, terdapat juga faedah saya mengambil Bahasa Melayu Lanjutan -_-

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just wondering, how would it be... Not much difference I guess. What would probably make a difference is how I should plan to use up the next twenty...

The first ten hadn't been so good. But I was ignorant. Until the time my mum went for haj. It was as if I went as well. In the sense that when she returned, I was a different girl. A better girl. Ten was the turning point.

Sixteen was another. Will twenty be another one? Will it be good or will it be a bad one? I sure hope and pray it'd be a good turning point. So many plans, so many ambitions and wishes and aims and goals... Semoga dikabulkan... :)

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An End is just a New Beginning  

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I miss being part of organizing committee, be it for a big event or just a small one, be it I'm a games master or a programmer or an admin, or... oh wait that's all I've tried hehe. InsyaAllah I'll try to spread my wings and try my hand in others.

So yeah, a shoutout to the organizing comm of Orientation just now, and all involved. May you find it beneficial, and hope through it we learn what is good and repeat them, and what is bad and we improve on them, insyaAllah.

Before I go on, I thought it'd be nice to remind myself and all about our niat, through the song below. 'Classic' ;P

Dimulakan dengan bismillah
Disudahi dengan alhamdulillah
Begitulah sehari dalam hidup kita
Mudah mudahan dirahmati Allah

Mulakanlah kerja dengan niat yang satu
Untuk mendapatkan keredoannya
Moga segala urusan dipermudahkannya
Agar sentiasa dalam kebaikan
Barulah hati kita kan terasa tenang
Dan bersyukur dengan apa yang ada

Buruk dan baik itu ketentuan Allah
Kitalah jua yang memilihnya
Amal yang baik akan membawa syurga
Amalan buruk menempah neraka

Hanyalah iman, amal dan juga takwa
menjadi bekal dalam hidup kita
Hanyalah iman, amal dan juga takwa
menjadi bekal dalam hidup kita

Ilmu pelita menerangi kegelapan
Darilah ilmu datangnya amalan
Dari amalan lahirlah kasih sayang
Saling membantu dan bekerja sama
Rezeki yang ada hulurkanlah derma
Agar hidup harmoni bahgia

I am a Muslim, the things I say
In everything I do everyday
We are Muslims, the things we say
In everything we do everyday

Oooh, Bismillah,
Oooh, Alhamdullillah (x2)

I am a Muslim and this I know
I need to eat so that I will grow
We are Muslims and this we know
We need to eat so that we will grow

When we eat we say Bismillah
When we̢۪re full, we say Alhamdullillah (x2)

Water, juice and milk, these I think
Are so delicious for me to drink
Water, juice and milk, these we think
Are so delicious for us to drink

When we drink we say, Bismillah
When we̢۪re done we say Alhamdullillah (x2)

Going out with my mum and dad
Coming home, oh what fun we had
Going out with our mum and dad
Coming home, oh what fun we had

Driving in the car, Bismillah
Coming safely home, Alhamdullillah (x2)

I go to sleep saying Allah̢۪s name
And in the morning I do the same
We go to sleep saying Allah̢۪s name
And in the morning we do the same

When we sleep we say Bismillah
When we rise we say Alhamdullillah (x2)

I'm soooo loving post-SIP! I guess I don't care what grade I'd get. I've done what needs to be done, as best as I can I'd say, even if it is like cat's work as compared to others, I had done it ok. There's nothing I can do now except to doa and tawakkal. InsyaAllah it'd be good. If not, it is still probably the best for me.

So yeah, I may sound free, but I'd just dived into a new pool of responsibilities. Yep, so I shall be busy still. Free-er insyaAllah, but still busy.

Hai, menteri2 negeri ni... Hehehe...

There's alot on my mind. Responsibilities. Ideas. Adventures. Personal quests. Goal. Future. Plannings. Etc etc etc. If only I'm a computer and can organize each of these into separate folders haha.

But I'm loving it ;) I hope this goes on, and I wouldn't find all a burden. InsyaAllah I won't. Normally what makes it a burden is when I get pressured by others. Yea, but at the same time also if I don't get pressured.. well, I don't wanna say it. InsyaAllah I'll be more disciplined. Pray for me yea?

There's so much I wanna do with my time!!! :D So happily free hurrah! Alhamdulillah it is all over!!! I have officially closed and sealed my SIP days. IT. IS. OVER. fullstop

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Khutbah: Tawakkaltu a'la Allah  

This week’s sermon discusses the topic of Striving and The Concept of Tawakkal In Facing Challenges

• One key attribute of a believer is to have tawakkal in Allah s.w.t.
• Tawakkal means leaving the outcomes of our efforts to Allah s.w.t., after we have done our best and strived to our fullest to achieve something.
• Tawakkal will teach us to always hope for Allah’s help and mercy and never give up.
• All acts which are accompanied by tawakkal will give us confidence and bring calmness to our hearts.

Tawakkal does not mean that we leave all matters to Allah, but do nothing and or we do not even try to find a solution. The true tawakkal is to know and acknowledge that everything is determined by Allah, and to be confident with Allah’s care and protection for all matters.

My dear brothers,

In the midst of this economic recession and the challenges of the world we live in, certainly many of us may have worries and concerns about many things. The increasingly complex demands of life, the uncertain nature of jobs, our children’s education, all these add to our worries surrounding our own and our family’s future.

Last month, we heard news of a couple overseas who committed suicide and killed all their five children, when they lost their jobs. When we worry about an uncertain future, we begin to lose our calm and our pressure with life increases.

But this is in part due to our lack of awareness that everything comes from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and everything returns to Him. When we understand this, we will not be as pressured if we lose something, or when a calamity befalls us. This is in keeping with verses 155-157 of Surah al-Baqarah:

“And We will most certainly try you with somewhat of fear and hunger and loss of property and lives and fruits; and give good news to the patient, Who, when a misfortune befalls them, say: Surely we are Allah's and to Him we shall surely return.”

When we understand these verses, we will see failure or difficulty in life differently. We will be patient, learn from our experience to improve ourselves, and leave the outcomes of our efforts to Allah ta’ala.

At the same time, tawakkal does not mean we do nothing and we do not put in effort. It is totally unacceptable in Islam that a Muslim uses tawakkal as an excuse to be lazy, to not strive, and not look for solutions to problems and issues.

In fact, we are not holding on to the concept of tawakkal truly if we leave matters before even trying, because tawakkal only makes sense if we try our best and put in our utmost effort. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala explains in the Holy Quran that change and goodness will come firstly from our own efforts:

“Surely Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition.” (Surah al-Ra’d: 11)

The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said in a hadith :

"Indeed, if you truly have tawakkal in Allah, He will bless you with His bounties (rizq) like how He blesses the birds, who leave their nests in the morning with empty stomachs, but return in the evening full of food.” (Narrated by Imam Ahmad, At-Tirmidzi, and Ibnu Majah)

This hadith explains that those who truly have tawakkal in Allah are like the birds who continuously leave their nests in search of food, though never certain if they will find food. But due to their efforts although they are not guaranteed success, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala fulfills their needs.

My dear brothers,

Let us learn from this beautiful example from our Holy Prophet s.a.w. Be like these birds. They never stop searching for food everyday. We should never stop trying. We should always try to improve ourselves. Even if we are tested with retrenchment, even if we lose our jobs, we must never stop trying.

Even if we lose something or we fail, we must strengthen our resolve and work ever harder. Then, we leave the outcomes of all our efforts to Allah, and we have full tawakkal in Him.

Ths Sis Mahirah for sharing =)

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Khutbah: Seeking Knowledge is Compulsory  

Islamic Religious Council of Singapore
Friday Sermon
6 May 2005 / 27 Rabiul Awal 1426
Moulding Knowledgeable Families

My brothers in Islam,
Have taqwa to Allah s.w.t, by doing all that He commands us, and avoiding everything that he forbids.

Allah has commanded us to do all good things. And among the good things that we should strive for, is to build knowledgeable families, who put high premium in gaining knowledge. Only with knowledge can Muslims uplift their status, understand world affairs, and work towards solving most of today’s problems.
And only with knowledge can we become a community of excellence. And of course with the blessing from Allah. That goes without saying.

A successful family is not one that is rich with materialistic wealth. But a successful family is one that is rich with knowledge. The wealth of this world may come and go, sometimes at blink of an eye. But the knowledge gained, that is the one that will shape its owner to someone who can appreciate life, and know its objectives.

Islam highly regards those who are knowledgeable. And thus, Islam highly encouraged, even making compulsory upon its followers to seek knowledge. This is evident from the sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. In one instance, it was reported that he said:

(Hadith narrated by Ibn Majah)
Which means: Seeking knowledge is compulsory for all Muslims.

Islam does not put any age limit in seeking knowledge. Everyone must seek knowledge, regardless of his age. Young and old. Men and women.
There is no distinction, nor should there be any misconception that seeking knowledge is limited for school going students and young adults.

There is a Chinese philosophy that stresses the importance of seeking knowledge especially in old age, to continue sharpen one’s mind and intellect. It is encouraged for them to pick up a new skill or a branch of knowledge. And in this way, one will not be bored, but will always have their time occupied.

And this, my brothers, is actually an Islamic philosophy. Muslims must always occupy their time with remembering Allah. And what better way to remember Allah than seeking knowledge, and appreciating it. For knowledge comes from Allah. And with knowledge one can see better the greatness of Allah s.w.t.

My brothers in Islam,
The month of May is traditionally known as the month of exam. Our students will take their mid-year exam in this month. Even though it is not as important as the final year exam, the marks still will have great influence on their academic performance. Thus, it is important for them to prepare well for this exam. An exemplary Muslim student is one that will do their revision regularly, and not procrastinate till the last minute.
What about the parents? What can we do for our school going children? Two things. There are two things that we can do for them. First, we must give them encouragement. And this can come in two forms: verbal and spiritual.

Verbal encouragements are those positive words that can uplift their spirit. Words that will spur them further, that serves as a booster for their morale.

The common mistake that some parents made, is to say negative words to their children. For example, our children may find it difficult in a subject, and hence a bit lazy to revise. Or they may find it difficult to sit down and read. Instead of finding out the reasons behind it, we started call them names. Labeling them as lazy, stupid, slow, and other such negative words.

Those negative words are knives, searing through their spirit and soul. Instead of correcting the situation, we will actually destroy their self-confidence. And coming from those whom they love, their parents, their siblings and their grandparents, those negative words will actually stick to their mind like a brand. They will forever remember that they are stupid, unable to excel in their studies. Their desire and burning flame to proof that they are capable students, will be doused forever.

And who to blame? Their loved ones who shower them with such negative words. We love them. Instead of building their lives, we actually destroy it.

So my brothers, it is important for us to avoid saying negative words. We should instead always give encouragements. In times of difficulty, we should give them positive words. We should tell them that nothing is impossible in this world. Why not them If other students can excel in their studies? Nobody knows his limit. So, it is important for us to continue striving for a higher level, to push the limit further, for the only limit, is one that we put in our mind. The sky is not even the limit.

Allah will give to those who strive hard to achieve what they had set out for. All these positive words will be like rocket fuel, pushing them higher and higher. They will not feel their studies as burdens, but as challenges.

My brothers this is the first form of encouragement.

The second form is spiritual. We must strive to ask Allah, in our doa, for our children’s success in this world and the Hereafter. Their success will be our success. And a pious and knowledgeable child is a very valuable asset. An asset more valuable than any other asset in this world.
A knowledgeable and pious child will give benefits to others in this world, and can intercede for us in the Hereafter. A knowledgeable and pious child will continue remember us after our death in his prayers.

That is why Islam highly encourage us to make doa for our children, to the extend that doa from parents for their children will be accepted by Allah. Rasulullah s.a.w said:

Which means: Three groups whose doa will be accepted by Allah: the traveler, parents and those who are oppressed.

So important for us to make doa for our children, that Allah even taught us the best wording for the doa. It is recorded in surah Al-Furqan, ayat 74:

Which means: And those who say: "Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders for the Muttaqûn"

And in another ayat Al-Ahqaf, ayat 15, Allah taught us with another doa:

Which means: "My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favour which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds, such as please You, and make my off-spring good. Truly, I have turned to You in repentance, and truly, I am one of the Muslims”.

So don’t be stingy in our doa, especially for our children. We make doa for them, so that they can easily answer their exam questions. And hopefully they will be successful in this world and the Hereafter.

My brothers in Islam,
The second thing that we can do for our children, especially in during their examination, is to provide peaceful and tranquil environment for them to do their revision. We demand our rights from them. We demand their respect. But ask ourselves. What must we do to earn their respect?
At least give them their rights for a peaceful environment for them to do their revision. We can do this by sacrificing a little of our entertainment time in front of the television.

This little sacrifice will go a long way in increasing their love and respect to us. They will remember this sacrifice, and will appreciate it when they grow up. And what is better is that they will do the same thing to their children.

They will sacrifice their entertainment time for our grandchildren. And by doing so, they will be rewarded, and we are rewarded. No less. This has been promised by our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, who said in a hadith narrated by Tirmizi:

Which means: Whoever starts a good deed, and it is followed by others, he will be rewarded for the good deed, and similar rewards each time the deed is performed by others.

May Allah accepts the little sacrifices we make for our children, and assist us in moulding a knowledgeable family, amen.

Just sharing =) Can't remember who sent this to me. Thx.

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

I am very very scared of getting a D or failing my SIP/MP component. That would mean that I won't get to graduate.

If it's just me I have to face and answer to, I'm sure I'll come to terms with it soon enough.


Expectations. Parents. Family. Big family. Friends.

I can never be ready to face and answer them.

My family name is at stake. That is what my diploma means to me.

I used to think the name of Islam is at stake too. But then again, I gave up last year. I know I can't bring up the name of Islam. My grades were plunging down a very steep cliff.

I dunno what really happened in Mar/Apr 2007. Soon after I started my Sem 2.1, I noticed I'd changed. Wrong priorities. Wrong decisions. Always late for class (at least 10-15mins ehk). Dozing off during lectures, and even tutorials. Keep handing in assignments last minute or late. So messy and disorganized, papers everywhere, crumpled, torn, wrinkled. Not contributing much during group discussions etc etc. I changed for the worst. And I'm the most disappointed in myself.

I used to complete all my homework early (slacked in sec sch but changed in poly). I can never forget in pri 2, I actually cried cos I couldn't finish my work in class, when in actual the work can be continued at home. In sec sch, I am hardly ever late. Always early. sometimes I'd reach as early as 6.50. Poly Year 1 was the same. Never late for lectures or tutorials. Never sleep in class except once in Maths class (sec). And I used to have my books and notes worn out from opening them alot, but more or less straight and in good condition.

Totally disappointed in myself. Gosh, I can't stand myself! I want to change back! I never wanted to be a bad student. No intention at all...

I dunno... What happened to me? Where is that A for attitude student?? (I know I hardly scored many A onwards since pri 2 afterwhich I had to transfer to a new school).

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I Totally Screwed Up My Major Project  

There's like a lump, which felt like a very heavy stone that just settled in my heart.

I just noticed. My MP report format is all wrong!!! I didn't realise... What should I do??

And my workbook, haiz...

Poster Presentation next Tuesday, meaning by hook or by crook I must finish it by Monday so I can print it, and it takes like one whole day to print ehk.

I just started the poster. Only got title in so far -_-

Feel like crying, but these days no tears seem to wetting my eyes, except when I yawn in sleepiness, which is alot...

I dunno what to do. PASRAH!!! Doa, doa and teus berdoa... I'm in need of MAJOR help.

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Ulcer: A hikmah?  

Monday, February 02, 2009

I just realised.

The big painful ulcer in my mouth could be the answer to my prayer!

I asked to be able to stay up the whole of tonight and throughout tomorrow to finish my report.

I think I can, now with this painful ulcer, I probably can't sleep. Can't even lie on the area.

Style eh, hehe.

But at the same time, the pain kinda slows down my thinking too uh. Extra stress on the brain.

Oh well, you got what you asked for Marl, sort of.

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One day  

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Everything will be over tmr night insyaAllah, and I'll be left with poster. Do pray that everything rns smoothly for me yeah?

I still can't bring myself to read the research materials I have to do the intro. I have yet to feel the pressure. Still dwelling on M&M and Results. Slow huh? I know.

And I don't dare apply for uni yet. Maybe after I pray. I now NTU offers 5 choices. Which 5 should I try? NUS, never states. NUS, I'm trying for the sake of trying.

Nak masuk uni pon pe susah... Why can't anyone who wants to study be allowed to study? Why do only the best of the geniuses get to study?

Ok fine you can study elsewhere, but you see, it is not the geniuses who needs the best education, but the lesser ones who actually need them more.

You know what? I'm just ranting and lamenting. Bak kata org Indonesi, "Meningan kita buat apa yang bisa dan perlu kita buat dulu aja sih!" Which means, back to report...

I'm missing my madrasah for this report. Better make full use of the 3hrs. should go have lunch first.

Oh, hooray! I lost weight! No I'm not obsessed with losing weight, but yea it just makes you feel happier. It's a girls' thing. And I'm as much of a girl as any girl is hehe. Hardly any tomboy blood in me. Ok larh, got larh... but..

Hey, don't waste time la Marl can??

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Spain & I  

I have no idea what is with me and Spain.

A few days go I dreamt of planning a kids camp to Spain.

Today, my dad sang Ungu's Andai Ku Tahu song in an unknown language (oh it's normal) and I exclaimed witthout thought, "Since when did you learn Spanish?)

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