La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Lay Down Your Head by Zain Bikha  

Lay down your head
And go to sleep
May you dream
Of gardens sweet
Close your eyes
And dream away
Of Allah’s gifts
To you this day

The sun that rose upon your head
As you lay within your bed
Green grass, blue skies and waters deep
Of this and more, dream in your sleep.


The earth and all that it contains
With Allah’s blessing, He sustains
Remember this, my dear, in sleep
That Allah’s pleasure we must seek.


Allah created all you see
The mountains, birds and humming bees
To Him we will return one day
So turn to Him again and pray.
[ ]


And as you drift off to sleep
In my heart your love I’ll keep
You are so special my dear.
Cause Allah brings our hearts so near.


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"Senah Gelap"  

Started the week feeling motivated, was erm... tired and sleepy when it reaches Wednesday and Thursday afternoon but the motivation is back!!!

I dunno, but I think thinking about NI simply kindles a fire in me. I can't sleep thinking about NI. Chewahh, cam real. Jap lagi, think punya think tertido jugak...

Anyway, do you know what is Senah Gelap? Tak tau kan kan? Meh kiter bagi tau. It means 'snuggle up', haha in bahasa ape-entah (in dunno-what language). K, not funny, I know.

Spent alot today. Splurge!!! Not that I've gotten my allowance yet. No! Let's see, I've bought presents for 2 friends costing me $15 altogether. Photocopied and binded 2 sets of a booklet which costs $9.40, dang! And to make myself happy after all that forking out, I bought myself 3 sushis - 80c + 90c (supposed to be $1.80 but got 50% discount one). Yeah they filled my tummy, but man... they don't really make me feel happy. Especially when I needed to pay library fees, which adds up to $14.10, not to mention another $5 cashcard top-up! Gosh. In total is like $45.20!! Wow. That doesn't include my lunch, which fortunately didn't cost too much. $2 + $1 for drinks and another $1.(20 I think) for another drink.

Oh, TLL has got a new fish tank, with a handicapped turtle, 5 more big fishes and dunno how many small fishes. According to Ya Zhi, that turtle is a soft shell one, which can be eaten. Hmm.. Eww...

My digest didn't work well today. I suspect the reagents were contaminated, either SAP or klenow. I'm sure I did everything else properly!

Feeling excitedly sleepy. Erm, yea...

SIP is getting slightly better. MP is taxing (*gasp* proposal!!) So ppl, if you had separate SIP and MP, don't complain. I shouldn't be complainig either. Hearing about the 2 earthquakes at Pakistan (eh?) killing 160 dear to the others, and leaving 15000homeless, I should be grateful.

'Have you Heard'
Each day we are reminded
and each day we say
there's not much that we can do
it seems so far away
So we live our lives in silence
pretending not to hear
the voices of our people
The cry is so so clear
Why do we stand by spectating
while our brothers cry jihad?
We are bound by one conviction:
we believe in Allah
Have you heard of Kosova, of Afghanistan?
Have you heard of Palestine [2nd chorus: Bosnia]
of Chechan?
Have you heard of all these people
persecuted in their land?
Do you know that all these people are dying for Islam?
Have you heard, have you heard
have you heard?

'Forgive Me When I Whine'
Today, upon a bus I saw a girl with golden hair,
And in my heart I wished that I was just as fair
When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and wore a crutch, but as she passed, a smile.
Oh Allah, Oh Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 legs to walk upon and the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy; met a boy who had such charm.
We talked, he seemed so happy, if I were late, it do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me, 'Thank you, you've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you. You see,' he said, 'I'm blind.'
Oh Allah, Oh Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 eyes to see the world and the world is mine.

Later that day on my way, I saw a boy with eyes of blue.
He watched the other children play; he did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment, then I said, 'Why don't you join the others, dear?'
He kept on looking straight ahead and then I knew he could not hear
Oh Allah, Oh Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 ears to hear the world and world is mine.

With legs to take me where I'd go.
With eyes to see the sunset glow.
With ears to hear what I'd know
Oh the world is mine

I stopped for a moment, just look how much I have
Everywhere, in all our lives, these are His signs

Oh Allah, Oh Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have been blessed indeed, and the world is mine
Oh Allah, Oh Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have been blessed indeed, and the world is mine

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A Dialogue You Always Have But Never Realises  

Dini hari ketika malam masih bersemayam, udara dingin dan mencekam, hanya yang kedengaran binatang malam. Aku terbangun, ku raih jam tangan menunjukkan pukul 3 malam.

Aku berkata : aku ingin sholat tahajud malam ini

Syaitan berkata : baru pukul 3, nanti saja, kan masih ngantuk

Aku berkata : tapi aku ingin sholat tahajud lho, waktu-waktu begini

Syaitan berkata : pukul 3 lewat 30 menit kan bisa juga

Aku tertidur lagi

Aku berkata : astaghfirullah, hari sudah pukul 4 aku ingin sholat tahajud

Syaitan berkata : tanggung, tidur saja, kan mata masih mengantuk dan badan masih lemas

Aku berkata : tapi aku ingin tahajud, sebentar lagi shubuh akan datang

Syaitan berkata : nanti saja, ntar lagi juga bisa…hehe

Aku terlelap lagi, rencana aku sholat tahajud tidak jadi.

Aku berkata : suara azan sudah terdengar ya ?

Syaitan berkata : belum, baru ngaji di masjid sana

Aku berkata : lha, itukan azan, sejelas itu masak nggak dengar sih

Syaitan berkata : iya, tapi itukan baru azan, belum iqamat kok

Aku berkata : nanti aku tertidur lagi, nanti shubuhku telat

Syaitan berkata : ah enggak kok, ntar juga bisa bangun lagi

Aku berkata : tahajud aku nggak jadi lho, ntar Shubuh juga lewat bisa bahaya kan

Syaitan berkata : santai aja, nggak pa-pa kok, masjid kan dekat bisa aja setelah iqamat baru berangkat, lagian dirumah juga bisa sholat kok…..hehe

Aku ngorok lagi, akhirnya sholat shubuh berjamaah di masjid-pun aku gagal

Aku berkata : ya Allah, aku kesiangan lagi, udah pukul berapa nih, pukul 5 lewat 30, Astaghfirullah, Shubuh telat lagi………duh……….diri…

Syaitan berkata : hahahaha, biasa lah, sekali-kali

Aku berkata : awas loe ya, ntar ku jitak kepal loe, gara-gara loe gue telat shubuh

Aku masih duduk di sajadah dalam penyesalan, kenapa sholat shubuh ku terlambat

Syaitan berkata : hallo kawan, lagi ngapain neh ?? kok kayak orang nyesel gitu ?

Aku berkata : siapa kawan loe, emangnya loe siapa ? gue bukan teman loe, loe aja nyang ngaku-ngaku teman gue

Syaitan berkata : kamu kan udah nurutin kata gue, berarti loe kawan gue….hehe

Aku berkata : pergi sana, aku ingin berzikir dan berdoa

Syaitan berkata : lha, jangan sewot gitu dong, hari kan udah siang, mana siap-siap pergi kerja lagi, nggak usah aja deh zikir dan doanya, kan zikir dijalan juga bisa ato dimana aja kan bisa juga tuh zikir ama doanya….hehe

Aku berkata : dasar penggoda kau, udah pergi sana !

Syaitan berkata : lha, wong cuman ngasih tau aja, kok malah marah ?

Pagi ini ku berangkat pergi kerja dengan bermuram durja.

Syaitan berkata : kenapa teman, kok kayak orang abis kehilangan sesuatu aja

Aku berkata : emang iya !!, gue kehilangan sholat tahajud tadi malam, lalu ketinggalan sholat shubuh di masjid, malah telat sholat shubuh, di rumah lagi, siapa yang nggak sedih

Syaitan berkata : tenang saja, besok-besok juga bisa kok di perbaiki, kan kali ini aja..

Aku berkata : tapi inikan saya nyang rugi, kesempatan tadi malam kan nggak bisa di jemput lagi

Syaitan berkata : ya udah, sekarang yang penting hilangkan sewot mu itu. Oh ya, ada cewek cantik tuh, ngitung-ngitung ngilangin suntuk loe, liat cantik nian euy !

Aku berkata : dasar syaitan loe, goda orang trus, liat wanita cantik apalagi sampe nafsu gitu, kan dosa tau !

Syaitan berkata : lha, mumpung ada kesempatan bro, ntar menghilang lagi di tikungan jalan sana, ayo cepetan liat…

Aku berkata : tidak ! aku tak ingin nambah dosa lagi, udah tahajud enggak, shubuh telat, ngaji Qur’an pun berlalu.

Syaitan berkata : duh.. kamu ini, rugi lho nggak liat tuh cewek cakep..

Aku tetap mengendarai kendaraanku dengan tenang tak bergeming, tapi syaitan masih menemani perjalananku, hingga aku bertanya ;

Aku berkata : ngomong-ngomong kamoe ini pintar ya goda orang.

Syaitan berkata : iya dong, kan itu memang profesi gue sejak di usir dari Surga dulu.

Aku berkata : trus, gimana cara kamoe goda ulama ?

Syaitan berkata : dengan ilmunya, sifat ujub (merasa sholeh), dan popularitas

Aku berkata : goda penguasa ?

Syaitan berkata : dengan jabatannya, dia bisa berbuat sekehendak nafsunya, menzalimi orang lain, memperkaya diri, main dengan perempuan lain yang haram baginya.

Aku berkata : goda pengusaha ?

Syaitan berkata : dengan kekayaannya, dia bisa berbuat apapun, semuanya bisa dia miliki, mobil mengkilat, rumah bertingkat, cewek-cewek cakep.

Aku berkata : goda rakyat jelata ?

Syaitan berkata : dengan kemiskinannya, ia bisa menjadi engkar kepada Allah, dia akan jadi orang pengumpat, pengomel, pemalas dan mengeluhi nasib lalu bisa berakhir bunuh diri.

Aku berkata : goda orang-orang kebanyakan, orang awam gitu ?

Syaitan berkata : dengan kebodohannya (tidak mengerti dengan agama), aku akan adu domba mereka, dan mereka akan saling meng-ghibah (gosip), menyebarkan keburukan antara mereka, dan memicu permusuhan antar mereka.

Aku berkata : lantas orang yang paling kamu benci itu siapa ?

Syaitan berkata : orang yang suka ke masjid, orang yang sholeh, semua orang yang ahli ibadah, orang yang senantiasa taat kepada Allah, para da’I penyeru kepada Allah dan para pejuang dijalan Allah.

Aku berkata : lalu kamu takut sama apa ?

Syaitan berkata : aku takut dengan Ayat kursi, dan seluruh isi Qur’an dan aku paling takut juga jika orang membaca nama-nama Allah.

Aku berkata : kalau begitu, aku berlindung kepada Allah dari gangguan dan godaan dirimu yang terkutuk.

Lalu aku baca Qur’an apa saja yang aku hafal, kemudian syaitan pergi dan menghilang dari hadapanku, karena dirinya kepanasan.

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Thrifty Indulgence  

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I can be soo thrifty I tell you. There's 1001 things on my wishlist but I can't bring myself to buy any of them. I'd tell myself, "Later, I don't need it now."

Today is no exception. I saw pretty diaries, interesting books, useful language guides, cheap HP book ($19.95 la seyy!) and many other amazing items that captures my attention. But guess what, I didn't buy any of them.

What did I buy instead? Food for the stomach. Mwahaha. Chips more. Cookies and cream chocs. 3 sushi. Peach ice blend. And necessary bands.

Oh wells. Can't wait for my next allowance!!

In the meantime lemme add to my wishlist ;)

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To teach  

Monday, October 27, 2008

You Should Be a Teacher

You are patient, optimistic, and good at explaining things.

You work well with all types of people, and you are a good role model.

Success and positive outcomes are extremely important to you.

You are both a good leader and instructor. People look up to and depend on you.

You do best when you:

- Can see the results of your work

- Are able to teach someone a new skill

You would also be a good nurse or non fiction writer.

I'm listening.

I dunno what should I be when I grow up. Many people have suggested that I be a teacher.

I'm considering...

Patience might be a problem though...

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Diploma Pengajian ISLAM  

I'm kinda disappointed actually. I was expecting to learn more about Qur'an and hadith stuff y'know. Like Mustholah Hadith, Tafsir Al-Qur'an, Faraidh were fine. But asas kaunseling dan psikologi, sejarah tamadun Islam, sejarah perundangan Islam, sejarah pengajian Islam all just sounds interesting but bores me soooo much I become a very bad student... I think in these classes I look like a student that was forced by parents to attend madrasah classes, which is NOT the case. Each time my parents mention about quitting, I feel so tempted to. My mum's reason is that for what if I learn and I don't apply. To her my attitude masih cam setan. My dad's reason is that I always go to class late, might as well don't go at all. Haiz...

Dah lama gitu tak sigh. I don't like it.

I miss usrah (sharings)! I miss KPR! I miss tazkirahs (reminders)! I miss reflections! SIP is taking a lot of my time, leaving me little to indulge in food for the soul...

My plans after 23rd Jan and all those submissions and poster presentatios etc in early Feb... Take driving lessons (from Feb-Sep I have around 7 months before my FTT expires), attend Arab class, attend Mandarin class, attend workshops/camps/clases/gatherings/sessions about Islam... K yesh...

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I miss you  

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I juz remembered about this song showed during RTTS TMSN camp.

I miss Ramadhan...

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Pix Updates of Recent Activities  

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Blessed Day  

Feeling so blessed with the friends He has given me as companions in my life, whom I regard my close brothers and sisters whereby the only tie between us is the ties of a wonderful religion. Praise be to Allah :)

At the same time, looking back over the past few weeks, berlambak nye raya activities aku! Mwahaha.

Short, sweet and simple. Till the next blog post, if have, insyaAllah...

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hullo hullo! Finally I get to blog. Actually I'd been blogging in my head all week practically everyday, in my head. There's always something interesting, exciting, funny, hysterical, gloomy, scary moments to share. But unfortunately, either I can't access my internet or I'm too tired with work.

Speaking of work...

Hmm... I had three weeks without my mentor around (she went for honeymoon), whereby I had to learn to be independent. On the last week she wasn't around, my supervisor also went on-leave, leaving me completely independent. Cept, what I refer to as independent is the duration I take of doing things and however I wish to plan my time to maximise whatever time I have. Independent doesn't mean not talking to or getting help from the others in the lab. I still go to Hui Yi's mentor or my other colleagues to ask where can I find certain reagents or how should I go on with a certain experiment. Hey, it's better to ASK ok... At least that's what my mentor thinks.

My mentor

No, I'm not gonna bitch about her, I'll just be erm... talking behind her back? No larh, it's the truth... She is not much taller than me, I'm quite glad. But she's so intimidating, I tell you I am super glad she's not any taller, else I'd go and run and hide everytime I see her. At any rate, that's more or less what I'm doing. Anytime she's in the office, I'd avoid passing through there at all. I'd exit through the lab door which is longer. Oh she's not OLD or FAT and all. She's young and pretty and petite. But I dunno, the aura that she sends me like makes me suddenly timid. Sometimes my voice can't even get out of my thraot when I'm speaking to her that I can't even believe it myself the first time it happened. Oh well.

My project

My project's going fine. 50% success rate, whee~ At other times, I would be disappointed. I am too actually. But come on... I really can't turn back time, so let's just look forward okeh. I'll be doing Co-IP for the next two more weeks. OH! My supervisor actually praised me! I was surprised! Haha, but not SO surprised la. IF my mentor praise me, then I'd be SUPER DUPER surprised. I always feel so stupid around her. But I just put a thick face and ask her whatever I don't know anyway. Oh, and... I just found out last Friday, the day my mentor returned (which Alfred named 'Episode one with the mentor'... I would name it 'Episode 1: Return of the mentor') that my Co-IP is just HALF of my project. And the other half is actually a protocol she had just come up with and so it will have to be optimised first etc etc. And so, I'm very worried. What IF it doesn't get optimised in time? Gosh. No.

Episode 1: Return of the Mentor

It was quite uneventful actually, cos as usual I sound so stupid when I talk to her. Other than that, she almost made me do OT. At 4.30pm, I tell you I was rushing out everything - transformation, innoculation and pcr. Phew, I made it. With an appreciation to Hui Yi who helped me bring down the temperature of the water bath quickly and for the protocols she provided. And I guess I owe an apology to Jun Jie for chasing him away. I really needed the fullest concentration. Sorry man, you'd been a great friend actually.

Friends of TLL

Waaaaah! All that I'd typed long long all disappear!! Wekk...

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Friday, October 03, 2008

Boo! Got to blog again! Haha, so slack these days... Actually 2 out of 5 days I'll be slack at work larh. 3 days to do MP, the other 2 to do random stuffs. But when my mentor comes back, I won't be able to blog at work anymore la. Won't dare to... Cos she sits right behind me haha. She's coming back on 17th Oct so yeah hehe.

Teringat LOTR. "So what were you doing?" Gollum: "Sneaaaaking"

Miss reading books. So tired with work already. K lah, I've got stuffs to do. A LOT of stuffs to do actually esp. updating my MP workbook haha.

3hrs incubation... Boo hoo... Lucky my supervisor very nice, she will try not to get me to do OT...

Oh oh! I met Siti during lunch just now! So nice to see her again. She hasn't really changed lol. Same old Siti that I knew since Sec 1...

Wonder how much I've changed.

K dah ciaoz.

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Update! Finally!  

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Korang percaya tak?

Percaya apa?

Marliyana update ahh!

Mesti ah percaya, ni ngah baca pe... -_-

K dah, berbual sendiri pulak minah ni. Haha.

Well, I'm actually at work. SIP la beb.This explains my MIA-ness for the past month. Not only SIP, but Ramadhan activities took up alot of my time as well...

Fu yooh, my Ramadhan alhamdulillah was filled with fruitful activities. Despite the busy SIP schedule (ahem, pernah sekali tu balik kul 10.30pm okeh), alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan solat terawih beberapa kali. Tak full uh, memang mencabar nak push self to the limits to go everyday. So kadang-kadang kita menang, dapat paksa badan yang dah lemah longlai lepas kerja, tapi kadang-kadang kita kalah. But yang best tu is not only the part dapat solat terawih but also the tempat I get to solat terawih. Memandangkan I'm working at Temasek Lifesciences Lab (TLL) near NUS (fyi, NUS is at buona vista) and my working hours are 8.30-6.00 AT LEAST, terpaksalah terawih in the west area. Alhamdulillah dapat join terawih pat Masjid Tentera, Masjid Darussalam and Masjid Hussain Sulaiman. Dapat jugak sekali qiyam pat Masjid Assyakirin. Woo hoo! Part adventure2 gini, Marliyana sukerr jer!

So anyway, Ramadhan pon dah lepas... Filled with RYC camp (Fityan), Family-in-charge (Ghufran), CPR + Qiyam at Masjid Sultan (Fityan + 15 other mosques) and Projek Jom Ittihad (NI/SP). Those were the major events uh. Yang minor minor cam agih bubur, tadarrus ngan ustazah, qiyam with friends, meetings, post mortem, outings etc added the extra flavour. Gerek ah Ramadhan ni.

Eventhough Ramadhan ni mungkin tak as committed as tahun2 lepas, I'm positive this year's Ramadhan meant more to me and in some ways, it was better than last year.Perception changed. Faith insyaAllah level UP sikit.Alhamdulillah... Memang segala puji bagi Allah yang telah memberi kesempatan seperti ini.

Oh, and tak selalu eh buka ngan air water cooler je and makan only time sahur the next morning. Sebab banyak sangat kerja pat TLL, balik lambat, nampak katil terus zoink.

So ya, as I mentioned earlier, Ramadhan pon dah lepas and now is... apa dia adik2? Tak dengar la, jawab kuat sikit... Apa dia? Syawal? Betul tuh!! K merepek. Jangkit Mus ah, confirm. Lol.

So hari baik bulan baik, walaupun dah terlepas hari pertama, saya Marliyana Binte Mohamad Noor ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri (btw minal aidil wal fa izin makna apa eh?) dan memohon maaf kepada semua atas segala salah silap yang pernah saya lakukan baik dengan sengaja atau tidak, secara terang-terangan atau tidak etc etc... Sry memandangkan Marliyana sekarang kena bayar bill hp sendiri, dia dah belajar jimat sikit so tak main sms2 banyak2. Pakai blog eh hehe.

K tu dah lepas. Penting tuh...

Anyway, amacam Raya semua?? Gerek? Best? Berbaloi?

Mine wasn't so great.Terasa sedih sikit lah... Atas sebab2 tertentu. Tapi depan orang terpaksalah senyum kan. Start acting la sikit kan. Act to the social norms. Behave ow people expect you to behave...

Oh, korang pon cam aku tak? Kena ask the same old questions/advices that you get every single year? Macam TYS sehh... According to Ad, mungkin CYS - Century Year-old Series!!

"Ni yang kecik ni namanya siapa?"
"Dah habis belajar?"
"Belajar rajin-rajin, selagi boleh belajar belajar. Kat Singapore takde paper tak boleh jadi apa-apa."
"Results boleh masuk uni tak?"

Oh, if you guys are wondering, no, I don't get the "Bile nak kahwin" question haha. Firstly cos on first day my family visit those yang prioritise studies over anything else. Secondly because I've got two older brothers who already gets the question. Thirdly because I look too young. LOL.My granduncle thought I am 16!! Kembang la seyh! Dapat discount 3 tahun!! Haha. Eh penting tau. If people think you're as young as 16, you'd probably get duit raya =D Hehe just kidding lahh...

K dah dekat 1hr I take a break nih. Better get back to work. I've got PCR to run, and an MP synopsis to write. Not to mention my SIP logbook and MP workbook to fill in!!! Wonder what should I eat... Hehehe.

Oh I killed 32 flies just now by squashing them, urgh!

So, anyway, jangan lupa puasa 6 dalam bulan Syawal!! Once again, Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir dan batin. TTFN, tata for now!

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