La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

The two 'I's  

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I wanna blog about NTU SIlat Bonding Camp. I wanna blog about meeting HArizah & Mahmudah to celebrate Mahmudah's birthday. I wanna blog about the first day of the second sem of year 1. I wanna blog about today, about the passage we read in ALS and how I linked it to life, about how tired I feel the whole day, about artistic side of silat, about coach's feedback on my friendly match, about all the colourful myriad of feelings filling every inch of my body, about how my ankle is hurting again, about what I plan to do over the next few days, about how my weekly schedule has been going on so far....

Two things to focus on: istiqamah & ikhlas. Here is reminding myself to be consistent is whatever good things I do, and to begin everything in Allah's name to instill ikhlas in all such that they'll all be 'counted'.

Good night world. Marliyana SERIOUSLY DESPERATELY TRULY needs rest. *extremely shagged*

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