La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Alhamdulillah feel better this morn... Fever has more or less subsided (twice I wanted to take my temperature but I was too lazy to get out of bed and eventually forgot). Flu oso left sniff sniff only, no more runny nose like yesterday!

FYI, I didn't eat any ubat. Just ate some juicy fruits yesterday if that counts haha. Btw, I remember what my aunt told me about medicine. We eat medicine or see doctor only as an usaha on our part to make ourselves better, not because we hear that the ubat is mujarab or the doctor always cure people quickly whatever. Cause yang in the end izinkan kita baik is Allah, not the ubat or the doctor. It's just that you see doctor to get the correct ubat (takut beli kat pharmacy luar tu unsuitable pulak) so that eating the ubat is an effort you put in. Yang penting, doa dan yakin that Allah akan sembuhkan.

Anw, gosh, my appetite is getting bigger and bigger! Ishk. I craved for fries and sushi. Now I craving for Long John and Nasi Briyani wakaka. No lar actually the cravings had been there since before I fell sick pon. (Sekali sebab demam ialah terlalu kempunan eh!) Cuma time sakit-sakit ni terasa nak manjakan diri heheh. But then again, those food are oily food! I should eat fruits yup yup.

I've still got 2 more tasks for DRP, meaning today is not my last day boo hoo. Gotta do Bradford Assay today then come back another day so Ms Yian can explain to be what the SOD and Bradford Assays results mean.

Over the past 3 weeks of DRP, I didn't really learn much, cept now I can operate the autoclave machine and centrifuge machines myself! And and I can create graph using excel! Excel makes my life much easier. If only I truly know how to use excel apart from just creating graph in it. Liyana! Kak Maryam! Ajar can?

I feel happy somehow yet there's a heavy feeling in my heart (I dunno if it's just because I'm lying on my stomach typing this haha).

Oh being sick can be funny know. Cause you can't walk straight and tend to bump into things and you start talking to yourself and you seem to be in a dream-state the whole day hallucinating and sometimes cause you find all of that funny you laugh alone. Eek, macam orang gila pulak.

Oh, twice yesterday I almost bumped into the big red box outside the TCM room (after a whole week of managing to avoid it). And time amek wudhu, I saw a red bruise on my left forearm and a blue black really cute bruise on my left knee. Not to mention twice I got my labcoat stuck to a cabinet door and actually pulled the movable cabinet out of place... Marliyana.. Marliyana..

Oh oh, I got into the same class as Ad!!! Yahoo! Alhamdulillah! Hopefully by having more time to study together and all, we can pull up our GPA ye! InsyaAllah, with effort and prayers and faith, we shall do well and get to go local uni.

I was bloghopping earlier on and turns out some of the smartest people I know didn't really do so well for A levels. Sounds familiar... Well, there's always a reason behind anything that happens larh insyaAllah.

If I were to be in JC, I'd probably have flung my A's lol. I know nuts about GP. I hate History & Literature. I can't understand Geography. I'd love yet still fail Bio & Chem. I'd still be figuring out what Physics is trying to teach even after A's. Serious, I don't think I can do well.

Currently I feel like writing a story or two and creating a video like NI's M Talk vid. But entah eh...

Can't wait for usrah tonight! I shall not miss it! Ayam kambing daun! Haha, Kak Mardh... Kak Mardh... Betullah...

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