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Fitnah: A misconception about Islam  

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Dear Sirs

I visited some blogs about the film Fitna. In them, the bloggers who have been confused by the film are earnestly seeking answers from Muslims. Unfortunately, the answers are still wanting (as far as I have surfed).

I watched the film.

Many advocates of the film argued in the name of 'Freedom of Expression'. But freedom of expression must be expressions of TRUTHS not LIES.

I have given below my views of the Dutchman's lies.

Geert Wilder's has played prank with English translation of the Quran. I have given his translation in red and an authentic translation in green.

1) His first verse from the Quran as per his English translation :
" Prepare for them whatever force and cavalry ye are able of gathering
to strike terror
to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies." (8:60)

As per authentic English translation :
" And make ready against them all you can of power,
including steeds of war
to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy..." (8:60)
The verse (8:60) has to be put in context. It is a verse in reference to disbelievers who broke covenant (peace treaty) with the Muslims. During the time of the Prophet Muhammed, Muslims were persecuted and the way for peace among different tribes is by having peace treaties. Breaking such covenants amounts to inviting battles between tribes.

In the following verse (v8:61), Allah says, " If they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and trust in Allah..."

So, the Quran is inclined towards peace not battles, as misrepresented by Wilders.

2) The second verse translation shown in the film :
" Those who have disbelieved our signs,
we shall roast them in fire
whenever their skins are cooked to a turn,
we shall substitute new skins for them
that they may feel the punishment;
Verily Allah is sublime and wise" (4:56)
This verse (4:56) describes the torment in Hell fire given by Allah. It has no reference to any worldly injunctions as purported by Wilders when he showed London bombings in his clippings to substantiate the verse.

It has to be noted that in Islam, punishment by fire in reserved for Allah only. So according to Syariah, no Muslim can use fire as a weapon .

3) The 3rd verse shown in the film :
" Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers,
smite at their necks and when ye have caused a bloodbath among them
bind a bond firmly on them." ( 47:4)
Again, Wilders has played prank with the translation. The authentic translation is :
" So, when you meet those who disbelieve (in battle),
smite (their) necks until you have fully defeated them,
then tigthen their bonds. (47:4)

Thereafter (is the time) either for generosity or ransom, until the war lays down its burden..." (47:4 part of the verse purposely omitted by Wilders)
Verse 47:4 is an injunction during battles. No commander will ask his soldiers to run away quickly from his enemies, but motivate him to defeat them.

After the battle, Allah gives a choice to prisoners of war captured by Muslims :
Either the Muslims may act graciously towards them by setting them free without charge,
or free them for a ransom.

4) The 4th verse :
"They but wish that ye should reject faith as they do,
and thus be on the same footing as they,
so take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah.
But if they turn renegade, seize them and kill them wherever ye find them
and take no friends or helpers from their ranks" (4:89)
This verse (4:89) refers to the hypocrites during the times of the Prophet Muhammed.
Hypocrites in the sense that they misrepresented themselves as Muslims, when they were not. During the battle of Uhud, their true colours were out when they ran away from Uhud to Medina.

5) The 5th verse:
" And fight them until there is no dissension,
and the religion is entirely Allah" (8:39)
The authentic translation:
" And fight them until there is no more Fitnah,
and the religion will be for Allah alone..." (8:39)
In this verse, Fitnah refers to a period " during the time of the Prophet Muhammed, when Islam was weak and the Muslim would be tried in religion, either tormented to death or being imprisoned. When Islam became stronger and widespread, there was no more Fitnah" (Fath Al-Bari)

6) Wilders went on to mismatch an Imaam's sermon with beheading of a westener. The sermon by the Imaam as shown on 'Iqra TV, Saudi Arabia' is translated
" ...houses and young men must be sacrificed. Throats must be slit and skulls must be shattered. This is the path to victory.."
The above quotation refers to Mujahid whose houses are sacrificed in the way of Allah. It refers to Mujahid whose throats may be slit and skulls shattered by enemy forces during battle. Wilders slyly turned the plate around. I'm sure Iqra' TV can attest to my view.

7) Wilders then went on to give Islamic colours to unIslamic inhuman cultural practices such as honour killings and female circumcision.

In all Wilders film 'Fitnah' is not a film about Freedom of Expression, but a BUNCH OF LIES against Islam.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully

Haj Mohamed

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