KPR update & summary
Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm really so envious of those brothers and sisters yang soooo rapat. Tak kisah lah sama mak sama bapak ke tak. The ties of ukhuwwah that holds them strongly together and that strengthens each other sungguh mengkagumkan. Salang my brothers (se-mak, se-bapak) pon I don't think are as close as them.
Ok, moving on to KPR! I'll only jot down the lessons learnt. Kalau nak tahu tentang inti perbincangan, hege, silalah join kelas KPR ni every Saturday 8-10pm at Masjid Darul Ghufran Bilik Al-Khawarazmi 1 :D
Lesson 1 (JAN): Hijrah by Ustaz Ahmad (err, I don't think I jotted down anything on paper)
Question raised: "What would you tell someone who approached you at a bus stop and asked you to tell him/her about Islam. He has heard about some of the good things about Islam. Do you have something that could deter him from heading towards a church and instead make his/her way to a mosque?" Something like that... Sham gave an impressive answer about Islam's basic words of salam which means peace...
Lesson 2 (JAN): Sirah Nabi by Bro Helmy
We watched the first 2 episodes of "Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet" a documentary on youtube. That's all I remember.
Lesson 3 (JAN): Before Prophethood by Bro Helmy
-Only when we know him would we love him. To show our love to him, we would like to please him and to do so, we would have to follow him.
-Revelation was received at Gua Hira' Jabal Nur.
-3 marks of prophethood Salman Al-Farisi was looking for (we have to find that out ourselves).
-Jahiliyah period: bad qualities
#Arabs don't believe in life after death
#bury girls alive (Saiyidina Umar did that to his daughter before he reverted to Islam)
#girls/women live to be owned
#shrewed businessmen
#materialistic people: earn and enjoy
-Jahiliyah period: exemplary qualities
-Towsfolk vs Baduin/nomads = weak vs strong = oppose Islam vs accept Islam
-As a youth leader:
#Nabi s.a.w. was trusted, accepted & respected
#you don't have to be appointed to be a leader
#good akhlak
-Nabi s.a.w. appointed as Allah's messenger:
#sometimes when we get appointed, there are people who don't like it
-Nabi s.a.w. as shepherd & as a trader.
-Nabi s.a.w. always going up to Gua Hira' to retreat & the fact that at Gua Hira' you can get a view of Mekah (Ka'abah):
#sometimes you need to retreat and reflect yet still maintain a certain view of the community
Lesson 4 (FEB): Saiyidina Umar Al Khattab by Fatayaats and Ustaz Ahmad
#tegas membezakan yang hak dan yang batil
-His conversion:
#Don't hate a person, instead hate the wrong character/deed.
#Don't be judgemental.
#By understanding that everyone makes mistakes, you may be able to change someone.
#Lead others by example.
#Do not be ashamed of past mistakes. It's in the past.
#Once, a person's character may be bad, worse than us but you cannot condemn the person, as you do not know if one day that person would be a better person than you are.
#Berani kerana benar-> maju.
-The story whereby he reverted after he heard his sister reading the Qur'an:
#Even as a younger member of the family, you can still show something exemplary to those older than you.
#Dakwah begins with your own family. Do it slowly, bit by bit.
#You contribute to the mosque/society, yet always remember about your family.
-Applying to this generation... How do you react to smokers and how should smokers react:
#Quite a lot actually, but I was engrossed in the discussion to be writing them down. They're mostly opinions anyway...
#You do not do something because you respect your parents/elders, not because you're afraid of them.
-When he became a Khalifah:
#Khutbah point 1: bring everyone to the right path.
#Khutbah point 2: based on Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah.
#As a khalifah/leader, sometimes you need to 'go down' to your subjects to ask them their state yourself. Do not just get reports and trust them to be complete or true.
#Touch your subjects'/followers' hearts.
Lesson 5 (FEB): Saiyidina Hamzah Bin Abdul Mutalib by Syababs, Ustaz Ahmad and Bro Helmy
-Does Islam change a person?
#Islam stops ill-habits, especially those that are againstt the teachings of Islam
#Islam does not take away a person's natual characteristics. These natural characteristics may even be used for kemakmuran Islam.
#Some lost their riches/families because they insist on becoming Muslims. They sacrificed those for Islam. Us Muslims?
-His conversion:
#Berani membela Islam. Have confidence in Islam/Nabi s.a.w.
#Gelaran (eg. Singa Allah) should not be a pride to show off to humans, not just for name.
-Quraisy's response to the teachings brought by Nabi s.a.w. and why?
-3 types of non-believers:
#Don't embrace Islam, yet are not against Islam and may sometimes even help Islam eg. Abu Talib.
#Don't embrace Islam and are strongly against Islam, will fight to see Islam brought down eg. Abu Jahal
#Variations... Those who don't embrace Islam just because of economic reasons, social reasons etc.
-Similarity/Differences of Nabi s.a.w. period and Singapore now:
#Muslims make up only a small proportion (14% in Singapore)
#Emulate Nabi s.a.w.'s attitude towards the 3 types of disbelievers: dengan rahmah?
#Alhamdulillah, in Singapore, if there are people like Abu Jahal that threatens the existence of Islam, they'd be persecuted by law.
#There are more people like Abu Talib.
#Dakwah through example.
Lesson 6 (FEB): Next up! Hijrah to Habsyah by Fatayaats and ???
Do join us yeah! Check out Fityan Blog (with new skin!!)
And just a reminder/advice to all. Received it from someone once. It's time I pass it on I suppose.
Perjuangan ni tak mudah. kdg2 kita jatoh tp yg penting kita bgn semula dan terus lawan. jgn putus asa ya! Allah tak janjikn perjalanan yg mudah tp Allah janjikn perjalan penuh dgn hikmah.
Take care my brothers and sisters. Till we meet again, insyaAllah. Maintain your iman, or even better boost your iman!