Journey of Purpose
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Come on Marliyana, you can do it. Get up and move it! You have faced worst situations before, right? This is nothing. This is just another obstacle in the way in making you a better person, a better Muslim. Isn't that what you always strive for time and again? This isn't the first time you fall. You've fallen and you've managed to rise up again. Almost immediately sometimes. Always making things better at the end of it. Always giving your best anyways. Is whatever you're doing right now the best you can offer? If you see this as a failure, making you tumble and fumble around on the ground finding for something you grasp on, then why continue to fumble? Place your hands firmly on the ground and push yourself up, rise up, face the challenge, it's not too late, this is just nice for you to do something and make things right. You wanna be able to facilitate better right? This is an opportunity for you to improve. Go for it. Go all out and give your best as you have always done.
I see some sense in what you're saying dear mind. Thank you for giving this piece of heart a piece of your mind. I, your heart is not fully convinced, but indeed there is some truth in what you say dear mind. We need to work closely. I'm not fully convinced with all that you have to say but I shall try.
Don't try dear heart, don't just try. Give. Do. Be the best that you can.
Oh dear mind, it's much easier said than done. It's much easier said that done... Help me think of something and then we talk again.
Alright, I will think of something and I'll bother you again later dear heart. In the meantime, I ask you of one thing. Please revisit your intentions and correct it if it hadn't been on the right track, ok dear heart?
I shall try.
Don't just try. Do it. You have to. For both our well-being. Remember, you have a purpose to be where you are. Carry out the divine purpose that you feel you are here for.
And you shall carry out the divine purpose that you think you are here for too ok?
Ok, that's a deal.
Right, it's a deal then. Hear from you again later.