La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Saturday, August 02, 2008

You wouldn’t ever wanna find yourself facing a pissed off/frustrated/angry Marliyana. Tantrum seriously rabak, kalah singa. If you ever face a situation like that, you have a few choices. 1) Cari pasal (strongly not encouraged). 2. Cuba tenangkan keadaan (tengok camne, 50-50 effectiveness). 3. Diam dan dengarkan je. 3. Belanja Marliyana makan esp. McSpicy burger and/or Chrysanthemum tea and/or Trophy chocolate ice-cream and/or a certain kind of sushi (halal nye of cos! I’m very particular..) 4. Angkat kaki jalan sua! Of course, no. 3 is the most preferable, though sometimes no. 4 work best.

Why am I suddenly talking about this? Well, no... I’m not writing about the 10 random things about me tu (though I believe by the end of this post, you’ll find out 10 random things about me) but rather, I had a rather difficult day today.
Had meeting all the way at SIM HQ this morning. Had to take the MRT and the train ride was like 1 solid hour... I’d been walking alot the past few days (since Monday, had meeting every single day and tambahan, last night si 2 brothers tu pi ajak me and nyzah jalan cikit punye jauh pulak) and I have a recurring Achilles tendonitis where my tendon area gets inflamed and swells up and you just feel erm... pain. Normally it’s only one leg, but this morning rasa both legs ooOOOoo... So bila kena stand half the journey tub le rasa ah lenguh dia. But nasib Alhamdulillah pastu ada seats.
Pastu kan.. Meeting pulak waduhh took a long time. I mean, bukan salahkan dorang. It was necessary uh. There was seriously alot to be covered, to discuss and finalise. Cuma... Masalahnya ialah I didn’t forsee that. I thought limit2 2pm habis, I can solat zohor at SIM then enjoy the rest of the day with my mum (memandangkan usrah terpaksa dicancel... ) So i janji with my mum la petang lepas meeting nak keluar sesame.

Sekali tu meeting habis lambat, abe my mum call.. and the conservation went somewhat like this...

Mum: Kau dahbis lom?

Me: Belum.

Mum: Dari pagi tadi?? Sampai sekarang tak habis lagi??

Me: Aah.

Mum: Kalah menteri nye meeting. (no, she was not joking around, it was a sarcastic remark)

Me: Memang pun. (Wasn’t my intention to reply sarcastically back eh! But what went through my mind was, ada betol dia sehh, meeting ni kitorang macam menteri2 ngah nak come up with a government plan!)

Mum: Apa2 ah kau. *click*

Aku pantangggggg orang letak phone tak cakap bye. Tapi ngan my mum dah biasa ah actually, she never says bye ah. But still, the way the conversation ended macam tak kena gitu kan? Just makes you feel guilty and bad... Sedihx tau tu. Ngah dilemma kat luar meeting room tu jugak. Memandangkan we’re still in the middle of the meeting and my bag kat dalam and I sit sikit punye dalam, I can’t possibly just go in get my bag and go off. Nak cakap apa pon tak tau. So I sat back in my chair and continued with the discussion.

Before that memang aku duduk kat kerusi tu pon memang gelisah semacam. Kejap2 change seating position. Attention span pendek ah. I need a break every 50mins haha. So lepas phone call tu lagilah my mind was seriously elsewhere la. Bila nak habis? Cammane nak cabut ni? Mama marah ke? Ni kalau nak solat kat mana eh? Sempat ke kalau I rush back to Tampines ni? Kira pergi kira balik. Apa yang di-discuss-kan pon sungguh tak boleh concentrate. I was sitting there out of courtesy. Sry people... So... bila di-announce ada short break, apa lagi? campak barang2 dalam beg, anglat beg, salam2, chaloo...

Pat luar SIM terus call my mum. Aiseh she sounded ok je. She was merungut-ing to me pasal the carnival my dad suruh my mum gi is salah timing. Supposed to start at 6pm not 1-6pm. Pe dahh my dad ni. Pissed off jap pat my dad...But cikit je. Dah biasa gini.

Yang lebih me-pissed off kan is when I reached Tampines, I call, my mum pat rumah! -__- Okla okla.. Gedebak-gedebuk I decided to go home first. Ble rest sikit.
Turns out I only got around 15 mins rest. At around 5pm, lepas solat sume, kluar balik... Gi cari kasut as promised and got myself 3 new pairs of socks and a super cheapo watch and a prezzie for Nyzah, so now I’ve got less than $50 to get a book and a new dress (or something...). And after that kena gi carnival tu. I superrrrrrrr ngantok tau. A Saturday with no rest at all is not comsidered a Saturday at all to me! So starting je dah pissed off. Tapi takpe, convince myself k jap je tak lama... teman la my mum kejap. At least till my bro sampai...

Turns out the food only served at 8.30pm. What the! And my bro pulak lambat. And my mum pulak kena gi tolong2 cos got her CC friends there. Abe aku sorang2 ah! Dongong seh... I never bring any paper or pen to scribble stuff at all! Or even money! Boring gila! So I started sms-ing Ad. But kan, dah ah aku sorang, my mum muncul2 hilang... Ade this Indian man yang go around with a snake to entertain audience!
ENTERTAIN???? A snake is SO NOT ENTERTAINING at all. Nor is it pleasant. Nor is it appealing. Ok, ever since my uncle forced me to touch a snake (of which the first time I pinched it before I got around to ‘petting’ it) time kecik2, I had a phobia for snakes. Pernah my brother and cousin kejar me around Toys ‘R’ Us with toy snakes, kalau tak silap sampai I cry seh. And time dulu kat TMS, kan sebelah hutan kan, kalau dengar pasal snake je macam dengar pasal hantu! So bila nampak kelibat snake on a man’s shoulder je aku dah panic. I shouldn’t be there! ALONE!!! You know sometimes you’re so pissed off you’re like near to breaking point oredi? Know that feeling? That was what I was feeling before I saw the snake. And after I saw the snake, seriously arr nak nangis tauu!! tried to distract myself, but then I decided I would rather keep a lookout for it to make sure that it is NOWHERE within 5m from me. Ade once or twice I lost the man and the snake, panic look around me for them until I find them again. Urgh!

Then comes the next part... after the boredom (and not to mention a waste of a precious 1hr!!), my mum asked me to go Ghufran Maghrib first. I’m more than glad to ah!

Ni cerita masih panjang from the end. Patik akan sambung pada hari lain di saluran yang sama. My eyes very the pedih oredi.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! I’ve got so many things to do tmr tau, nak nangis lagi!!!! No kidding. I really really pissed off at having wasted 3 hours with no purpose!!!!!!!! Geram tawuuuk!

Lama seh I type this. Dah berapa banyak time lagi wasted. Seriously arh time is very precious tau... Emas yang sangat berharga!!! Bila hilang, takde yang boleh mengganti, takde yang boleh memutarkan kembali waktu..

I have my previous tugasan2 and I have to research a bit about the new tugasan (so kalau nak tukar topic by tmr) - my aim to finish by tmr aftnn ACTUALLY. And I have 3 meeting minutes to type out, 1 is overdue. Got RTecB assignment by reference list by tmr nite. Got to read through my RtecB notes to teach Yuva and Kaya3 on Monday and Tues morn. Got 5 ice-breakers/games to think up of by Mon nite, neatly typed out and printed. Got TE lit review to do by Tues. Got CSAS interview to prepare for plus the portfolio and also RTecB written prac quiz (total of 10 practicals if I'm not mistaken) to study for by Wednesday. Meeting like everyday. Argh! Sape yang akan tolong aku buat ni sume. Takde k. Ni sume aku. Bukan beban. Ni sume normal. And tanggungjawab ni sume akan aku tanggung sebaik mungkin. But I need understanding ok can? K bye.

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