La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Saturday, August 09, 2008

I think kan.. I am addicted to internet...


Anyway, just got home from bro Hafiz H's nikah and sanding. Best best!! Alhamdulillah dah selamat dah... Haha he only had to recite the penerimaan nikah once. Power2 :D Before the nikah itself, the Ustaz was like giving reminders to bro Hafiz. Aku yang dengar je rasa waduhhh banyak betol tanggungjawab, pengantin sendiri apa rasa agaknya eh?

Met alot of people I know at the majlis. The Perdaus people - Madrasah, Saff, RR'07, Climb IGM... And NI too of course :D Met new people too! Two sisters from TP (previous batches though) as well as my cousin's cousin (whom I so tak kenal, I have no idea how she recognise me).

Me, Liyana and K.Maryam!

Sis Rufi on furthest right of pic.

And that's Sis Aishah, the sister who took Marketing at TP years back, she's one of the founders at the previous TPMS tau, with her anak sedare who is sooo cute and friendly.

Kk.. To bro Hafiz & sis Haryani (the groom and bride), semoga berkekalan sepanjang hayat dan diberkati perjuangan bro n sis berdua senantiasa... Selamat Pengantin Baru!! Tahniah tahniah :D

Hmm... wonder who's next? YOU maybe? (Hah, sape yang terasa tu dialah tu kott hehehe)

Actually I really wonder who's next antara mereka-mereka yang berdiri di belakang tu. *Jeng jeng jeng* Mungkin mereka yang tak habis2 cakap pasal kahwin kahwin kahwin. Or mungkin jugak yang diam diam lepu, ada udang di sebalik batu! Alamak peribahasa tak pass ah.

Masjid Al-amin...

Semangat patriotic!

090808... apalagi kan on 9th Aug kalau tak lain tak bukan hari jadi Sg! Happy birthday Singapore!!! Dah pon 43... Alhamdulillah... And going strong eh! Wishing all the best to Singapore with continued peace and harmony :D

Ni nak cakap sikit... Semalam on the way home in MRT ada nampak this chinese-looking pakcik. Bukannya apa... It just occured to me: Kalau pakcik ni tak pakai songkok, I wouldn't know he's a Muslim. And that goes for people around us too! Without the songkok/tudung, people won't know you're a Muslim or not. I don't mean that everyone who wears songkok or tudung is a PRACTISING Muslim or not, tu bukan aku punya pasal, tu antara dia ngan Tuhan ah. But it's like I see someone wearing songkok/tudung, I know I share something in common with this person: we share the same religion, faith, belief. He/she is my brother/sister in Islam :D Kan kan kan? Reminds me of an iftar session I attended last year at Perdaus. They talked about Muslim identity... There was a question posted: How do we identify that a policeman is a policeman? Or a postman is a postman? Or a nurse is a nurse? How about a Muslim?

ON ANOTHER NOTE... Is a policeman not a policeman when not in his uniform? Postman? Nurse? How about teachers and students? How do you know who is what? As a Muslim, your attitude and your amalan should show that you're a Muslim too. Not just by your clothes. Because...

Islam is a way of life. Show that you're a Muslim in everything you do. The way you dress. The way you speak. The way you greet. Etc etc...

That's all from me for today. InsyaAllah will be back at the same channel, different day and time.

Haha, NI should start a radio station eh k.Maryam? Mus?

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