La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I got tagged for the first time (I think). By Mahirah. Haha, tags are fun to read, no fun to do. Well, ok larh, we'll see how it goes.

1. last person to tag you is...

2. your first impression of him or her...
approachable. lol, of all the night cycling facis, i was inclined to talk to her.

3. the most memorable thing he/she has done for u...
photocopied notes from an event she went which i missed, padahal time tu like stil kenal-kenal gitu je tau. thx sis! appreciate it :D

4. the most memorable thing he or she has said to u...
tak ingat la, but the last thing she said to me was she was at the bus stop waiting for taxi last fri haha

5. if he/she become ur lover u will...
rosak seh

6. if he/she become ur lover, things he/she need to improve on...
no no, don't you get it, we can't be lovers, na ah

7. if he/she become ur enemy, u will...
find out why (i'm serious)

8. if he/she became ur enemy, the reason will be...
erm.. erm.. erm.. no idea, if we ever become enemies, remind me to ask you eh (hope not!)

9. the most desired thing u wanna do for him/her now...
give a big wide smile to her :D

10. ur overall impression of him/her...
nice, proactive, works hard towards becoming a better Muslimah everyday!

11. how do u think ppl around u will feel abt u...
slalu je bz!

12. the character u love of urself is
just do it attitude. anything is possible if i work towards it.

13. the character u hate of urself is...
lazy. currently.

14. the most ideal person u wanna be is...
as ideal a Muslimah as possible just like mahirah said!

15. for the ppl that care and like u, say something to them...
may allah bless u :)

pass this quiz down to 10 ppl that u wish to noe how they feel abt u

(ok thathis is hard eh)

1. Adawiyah

2. Kak Maryam

3. Raudah

4. Liyana Fityan

5. Kak Rufi

6. Dian

7. Fatimah

8. Shamsydar

9. Zee

10. Zakiah

16. who is no.6 having a relationship with?
With NI. Muahaha

17. is no.9 male or female?
female kan zee?

18. if no. 7 and 10 tgt will it be a good thing?
Fatimah and Zakiah? ermz...

19. wat is no. 2 studying abt?

20. when was the last time u had a chat wif no.3?
we had a meeting on thurs, does that count?

21. wat kinda band does no.8 like?
tak tau ah, sry beb

22. does no.1 hav siblings?
Yep one younger brother named __________ aged __ schooling at ________ lol

23. will u woo no.3?
cayang, you want me to woo you tak? hahas

24. how abt no.7?
i'm already dating her every Mon, Tues and Thurs!

25. is no.4 single?
she's never single lol, too many dates with girlfriends as far as i see!

26. wat is the surname of no.5?
alamak. just know that her longer name is rufihaza

27. wats the hobby of no.4?
lari dari kucing, lol just kidding

28. does no.5 and no.9 get along?
i'm not sure they even know each other

29. where is no.2 studying at?

30. talk something casually abt no.1?
i call her ad for short, something unique about her is she has hazel eyes... can i write an essay instead? she's told me so many stories, i can probably write her a biography lol, including when she removed braces or passed tp etc etc

31. hav u tried developing feelings for no. 8?
geli aku imagine lol

32. where does no.9 live?
nearby haha, tampines

33. wat colour does no.4 like?
alamak tak sure ah

34. are no.5 and no.1 best friends?
NO. no 1 is MY best friend. lol. I don't think Kak Rufi and Ad has ever met

35. does no.7 like no.2?
from my observation, i think so ;)

36. how did u get to noe no.2?
can't remember where i first met kak maryam, but probably NI retreat last year... then we hit it off well after I joined NI comm last year and we have same lecture...

37. does no.1 hav any pets?

38. is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?

Yay dabis!

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