Sec school days
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I can't help but say this: MY SEC SCH DAYS WERE SOOOO KENTAL! Kwang3. Raudah, what do you think?
Came across my archives while searching for some TMS stuff on google.
I realise 1) I was just as busy with CCA then as I am with Fityan & NI now in terms of extra extra non-academic stuff. 2) I was super bad tempered last time, I'm definitely more patient now. 3) I studied in Sec school (and got bad grades anyway) and now I hardly touch my schoolwork unless I have assignments/tests/exam whoops~ 4) I always wanted to be a leader in Sec sch and never got to and now?? I dunno how people 'spot' some leadership qualities in me...
Seriously la, kental seh Sec sch.
Proud to be where I am now. Alhamdulillah. See everything that happens have a reason. I'm a different person now, in alot of ways, and I don't think I'd be me if I went JC instead of poly, though it takes more than just poly to shape me into who I am.
Ok, I think I'm crapping like I did in Sec sch. Makes me wonder... What would I say when I read my 19-yr-old posts when I 'grow-up'? Haha.
Go Go Temasek go, Together we will achieve our goal, make it fast, make it strong, err... what's the last line again? Together we will stand up tall ehk??