La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

I'd been online since around 9.30pm. Tried to finish up my ABCHM PBL qns, but selagi aku tak blog, selagi tu aku takble start!

I shall write about today's activities later. Before that, I really really wanna luahkan perasaan dulu!

So many people around me are in love, as in B-G relationship... Ada yang senyap2. Ada yang open2. Ada yang sampai gaduh2. Ada yang expected. Ada yang unexpected. Ada yang betol2. Ada yang semata2 untuk sandiwara. Nasib belum lagi ada yang ada2. Lihat ni sume, teringat pulak akan entry Ustazah Sakinah pasal suami. Lepastu dapat pulak e-mail dari Liyana tentang 'Aku Pencinta Wanita'... B-G relationship tu terang2an TAK BOLEH. Tapi... Laki2 dan perempuan2 sekarang lah kan... Nak salahkan dorang sepenuhnya pon tak boleh jugak. Tengoklah, kemain banyak lagi 'peer pressure'. Sini sana you! Yang betol ternampak salah. As in, salah=ganjil. Haiz, tapi pernah kan dengar Islam itu mulanya ganjil dan di akhir zaman pun akan kelihatan ganjil. Oh well...

Anyway, tak sah kalau tak post satu gambar ni. Kulit cerah macam berketurunan Arab (I'm not sure who his father is, but I think he is berketurunan Arab). Rambut dia pon stail, kerinting dia just nice! Senyumnya menarik perhatian. All in all, orangnya sungguh cute sekali! Apatah lagi dikenakan baju kurung merah. Bila dia ada, sume orang nak dekat. Nak berbual ngan dia. Nak pegang tangan dia. Nak main rambut dia. Hehehe, nama dia pon sedap: Syed Muhammad. Nak tengok gambar dia tak? Click sini ye: pic

I put this pic as my display pic on MSN. Hafiz saw it and asked, "Sape tu? Anak?" Lol, banyak kelakar eh. Tu anak Sis Yati la. He's too cute to forget hehe. Bilalah dapat jumpa dia lagi. Tahun depan dah besar dah, ishk.

Kk, takpe. Today was an ok day. Had madrasah in the morning. Today is the last day before exams next week and then we'd most likely never meet our peeps anymore. Ustaz Hasman looks like he really have no idea what else to teach us for Arab already. Ustazah Aisyah (masih tak pass pass spell nama orang2 bernama Aishah ni la) pulak showed us movies on Sirah Nabi and we passed around the kuih2 raya that we brought woo hoo! Had fun with Chong and Tuty haha. Ustaz Saifuddin nye class pulak as it has been for the past few weeks: open discussions on anything and he'll give his opinion on it. I say 'opinions' 'cause honestly I don't agree with him regarding some of the things. After madrasah went to Auntie's house. It's her birthday!!! 11/11 nice eh hehe. Sekaligus gi rumah dia untuk beraya skali lah. Nuryna Aqilah is growing up fast! Haha, but still so cute! She ran out of Auntie's house to hide at Cik Milah's house and refuse to come home lol.

After Zohor, met Fathi, Hamzah and Zik to make our way together to Orchid Country Club (alamak lupa nak share cab fare ngan Fathi!) where Masjid Al-Kaff was having their 75th anniversary at the Grand Ballroom. Ustaz gave 4 tix to Fityan. $45 each ok.. It was very grand... But I just felt out of place lah kan. And Abishek was rather lame... But I loike Elfee's singing!!! Suara power seh! And the dikir barat oso power. Kelana Purba was the name. I always envy dikir barat for the 'satu suara-ness' haha. Go Nira! Go PST! Our show's this Friday! Anw, ever wonder why is it dikir barat and not dikir timur or something of the like? Maybe it's just me lol. Oh lypa nak mention, thx Cik Norainee for sending us home :) Oh and aku nye selenger pi naik bus 39 lol.

Ok, tak tau ape nak cakap... This coming Fri come for CCN Day and then Pentas: Rahsia ok. Cya!

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