La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

You know it's been quite awhile since I last updated about how I'd been doing. Well, partly I was lazy, partly I was busy and partly I just had no idea what to talk about.

Actually there's alot to share. ALOT ALOT. I'd been doing alot since SIP ended, my time was surely not wasted down the drain, alhamdulillah. May Allah reward the time and efforts I spend in this 'Journey of Purpose', for that is all I look for. At least that's what I want my heart to look for. That and nothing more.

It isn't easy to keep the right niyyah. There's distractions tsk tsk. But I'm human, and I can't stop myself from these distractions. Just that, I have to constantly renew my niyyah, and sometimes I fail to do so.

At the very least, I do my best to fill up my time by attending majlis ilm', be it for dunya or akhirah. To me, nothing is wasted in learning. The money used up is not lost, but invested. There's always something new to learn! This world is full of knowledge, those in the light and those that are hidden. Never would I be able to learn about everything.

Whatever knowledge I obtain is only what Allah allows me to know. InsyaAllah this knowledge will be useful for myself, for my family, for my circle of friends, for my community, for my country, for my religion.

I may not be able to contribute directly as a teacher. I downright believe I am not made out to be a teacher. I'd have other ways to contribute.


Going Ubin was a really interesting trip for me. The peacefulness and simplicity of the island calls me forth. I would certainly like to go there again. Time seems to slow down and it's a great place to reflect. Most of the time I kept to myself. It was nice you know, keeping quiet. Allah's creation is like all around you! Observe! At one point of time while I was cycling, leaves falling to the ground caught my attention as I was reminded of Allah.

Allah knows, Allah knows, subhanAllah...

Then when we were sitting at Chek Jawa, Liyana pointed out to be an insect which walks on water. And it just reminds me of what Ustaz mentioned in class. One of the two ways to know Allah is by studying His creations. SubhanAllah...

Check out this interesting link about "Wonders of Allah's Creation". Reminds me of the Bunayya '07 camp. Wonders of Allah was the theme. Amazing ain't it that we tell these young kids that one way to know Allah is through studying the wonders of Allah yet we fail to remind ourselves that very same thing.

At Chek Jawa too we met with an American professor with his Japanese students and we actually made friends. It was our dakwah to them. Nothing heavy. Nothing 'preachy' and boring. But we were just showing who we are. We are Muslims, and what we're doing are just some the things what Muslims do. Normal things! Fun things! Even crazy things like capturing a picture of us jumping in the air. We were just sharing...

Hmm... I think I've talked alot today. Lemme just end of with a poem I found:

Whatever You See...

Whatever You See...
Whatever you see, wherever you go,
Was created by Allah, be sure to know.

The sun by day, the moon at night,
The glittering stars; three kinds of light.

Plants, flowers, trees so tall,
Roses, lillies, ivy on the wall,
Deserts, jungles, mountains high,
The book of Nature, `tween earth and sky,

All this, the wonderful creation,
Of Allah. His Might beyond estimation

Taken from Islamicpoem.

Hope you learned something from this.

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