La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Finally I see that on my 'transcript'. Alhamdulillah...

Here ends my journey as a TP student....


Anyway I accidentally came across my previous posts tagged with 'motivation' and some excerpts really caught my attention :)

1) I still want to write that book I was talking about. And yea I'd started, but stopped after a few pages opps~
"The book can be a gift to someone special passed on to generations of special people, in my hope to leave a tiny legacy, an ilmu that can be a benefit to others even till long after my death. Yes I will die one day. Everyone does. But not everyone leaves a legacy. Some leaves a name, but what point is it to leave behind your name. Leaving a legacy would benefit both the writer and the reader, insyaAllah."

2) I still wanna do well and I hope to be a good role model to others.
"But just one thing, after the session kan, cam rasa motivated nak belajar and do well in school. Padahal the session nak katakan takde kena mengena with motivating us who attended to strive harder in our studies pon. Just that.. entah. Cam I just feel that by doing well in my studies, I will be contributing to the Malay community lar. Small as it is, cam rasa ada jugak contribute. Change the view of others that all Malays are lazy and will not do well in school. Prove them wrong! Another angle to look at it is that by doing well in my studies, I can be a good role model to the younger ones to tell them that it's possible to do well in studies! And indirectly, I'm saying it's perfectly alright to dream big. Asalkan tak jadi mat jenin eh. Dream big and work towards it, insyaAllah boleh. Think positive people!"

3) InsyaAllah I will stay in and contribute to the Science field.
"We Muslims wouldn't want to be at a disadvantage because we refuse to learn secular studies. We need Muslims in every other stream, the Science stream, the Arts stream, the Business stream etc to show that Muslims are not one dimensional. Islam afterall is not just a religion of worship, but it's actually a WAY OF LIFE... MY way of life. Taking the secular stream doesn't mean we can't practice Islam or that we are not practicing Islam."

4) I CAN make a difference!
"There is something very special in each and every one of us. We have all been gifted with the ability to make a difference. And if we can become aware of that gift, we gain through the strength of our visions the power to shape the future. We must each find our starfish. And if we throw our stars wisely and well, the world will be blessed."

5) I CAN have time.
“Pay attention to the thing things that are critical to your happiness. Lead a life as a obedient creature of your Creator. Play with your children. Take time to get the medical check-ups. Take your spouse out. Play another game 18 hole at the golf course. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first-the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand”

6) I'm a Muslim youth.
"In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
We bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.
We acknowledge that the purpose of our lives is none but to worship Allah
And our intended role on this earth is as His Khalifah.
Thus, we, the Muslim Youth of Today,
Do hereby pledge that we will strive to do all we can to uphold this responsibility
And make this world a better place for all creations.
We believe there is hope for the future
And we seek Allah’s guidance in realising that hope!"

Dan janganlah kamu berasa lemah, dan jangan pula kamu bersedih hati, kerana kamu paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kami orang beriman. (Ali-Imran 3: 139)

He has laid on you no hardships in the observance of your religion. (Al-Qur'an 22:78)

Allah does not wish to burden you, He seeks only to purify you. (Al-Qur'an 5:6)

Allah does not charge a soul with more than its capacity. (Al-Qur'an 2:286)

“And it may be that you dislike a thing that is good for you…” (Qur’an 2: 216)

We shall test your faith by means of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and lives and crops, but give good tidings to those who endured with courage, who in hardship say, "To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return." - Qur'an, Al Baqara, Surah 2:155-56

O you who believe! Strengthen yourselves with resolution and prayer. Indeed Allah is with those who persevere in adversity. - Qur'an, Al-Baqara, Surah 2:153

No disaster, unless it has been preordained and recorded in the book of records, can ever befall the earth nor your own selves. Behold, all this is easy enough for Allah. Know this so that you may not despair for the good fortune you lost, nor exult unduly because of the blessings bestowed upon you. Allah does not love the arrogant and the boastful. - Qur'an, Al-Hadid, 57:22-23

"Hanya kepada Engkau aku sembah & hanya kepada Engkau jualah aku mohon pertolongan" - Surah Al-Fatihah.

Siapa bersungguh-sungguh, dia mendapat!!!
-from novel ayat-ayat cinta by Habbiburrahman Shirozy

Wa man yattaqillaha yaj’al lahu makhraja. Siapa yang bertakwa kepada Allah maka Dia akan menjadikan untuknya jalan keluar.
-from same novel

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