La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

Usah Putus Asa  

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Pening kepala aku. Pagi2 buta kena marah. Over small things! Whatever I say is wrong and will be used against me. In the early morning tau... Some peace from Subuh prayers and then nag nag scold scold fight fight and the mood of the day is changed. Ishk. Can't we have patience in the house please. HELLO! I'm having term tests in a week's time, is some peace too much to ask for?? If I go out to study with my friends, you'll say I won't end up studying but talking instead. Ya ya, at least I get something into my head. And not like we talk rubbish. At home, I can hardly study. How to focus in this environment?? Understanding pls..

Hai... Got this from a website:

We shall test your faith by means of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and lives and crops, but give good tidings to those who endured with courage, who in hardship say, "To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return." - Qur'an, Al Baqara, Surah 2:155-56

O you who believe! Strengthen yourselves with resolution and prayer. Indeed Allah is with those who persevere in adversity. - Qur'an, Al-Baqara, Surah 2:153

No disaster, unless it has been preordained and recorded in the book of records, can ever befall the earth nor your own selves. Behold, all this is easy enough for Allah. Know this so that you may not despair for the good fortune you lost, nor exult unduly because of the blessings bestowed upon you. Allah does not love the arrogant and the boastful. - Qur'an, Al-Hadid, 57:22-23 Not one of the best website. I haven't even checked whether the ayat are correct but they give me some peace in the heart so I put them up here.

Anyway, another motivating song, 'Usah Putus Asa'...

Tak tahu disebalik suka dan duka
Ada hikmah yang disediakan olehNYa
Jangan berputus asa bila ia menimpa
Redha dan pasrah itulah lumrah

Mahukah kita semua terus terjatuh
Hingga tiada tempat untuk kita berlabuh
Bukanlah masa untuk kita mengeluh
Bukanlah waktu untuk asyik mengadu

Dari itu jangan berpaling haluan
Ke arah matlamat yang telah kita sasarkan
Masih banyak yang belum kita terokai
Di depan pasti bahagia menanti

Teruslah kau terus mencuba
Lupakan segala duka lara
Usah putus asa
Segala dugaan menimpa
Pastikan nanti ada hikmahnya
Usah putus asa

Putus asa bukanlah penyudahnya
Ayuh teruskan langkah serta berwaspada
Mungkin hari ini kita berdiri luka
Esok harap menjadi milik kita semula

Tulisan ini hanya luahan hati
Bukan aku menagih belas simpati
Biar apa pun kehidupan menanti
Sabar menerima ketentuan Ilahi

Kesilapan silam jadikan landasan
Hidup bukan seindah dimpikan
Terus melangkah jangan menoleh lagi
Segala yang dimpikan menjadi pasti

(ulang *)

Kita rentas bersama samudera
Layarkan bahtera harapan dan cita

(ulang *)

Itulah janji dari Ilahi
Jika kau susah diakan pasti
Teruskan mendaki puncak yang tinggi
Capailah impi lukisan hati
Cubalah engkau terus mencuba
Hingga kau tiba ke puncak jaya
Ingatlah kita semua di dunia
Bukan milik kita
Milik yang Esa
Ya milik yang Esa

I thought of puuting in bold the words that apply to me now, but I find that almost the whole song is relevant.

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