La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

Of Importance, Choices & Priority Part II  

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random: The songs that really capture me today (and yesterday night) are Syukur and Bismillah by Raihan on NI blog hehe.

Ok, I shall start with the uestions Ustaz posted while introducing Maqasid Syariah. (Adibah, it's Syar'iyyah actually ehk?)

1) Dalam kehidupan ini, bagaimana anda mengenalpasti samada suatu perkara itu penting untuk diri anda atau kurang penting?
English: In life, how do you determine whether something is importance to you or less important?

2) Jika perlu buat pilihan antara dua perkara bagaimana anda buat penilaian untuk menentukan pilihan anda?
English; If you have to decide between two matters, how do you analyse to determine your choice?

3) Bagaimana anda menyusun/mengatur urusan keutamaan dalam tugas/tanggungjawab?
English: How do you priotise your tasks/responsibilities?

Side question: Importance of islamic studies and what will happen if it is cast aside?

Take a time to reflect upon the questions... Everyone have their own answers.

I realise that answers flashing through my mind are textbook answers, what I SHOULD do, instead of practical answers, what I WOULD have done or HAS ALWAYS done.

Anyway, happy birthday Amalina! Wherever you are... I miss you y'know...

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