Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Exams are over; and after watching Sunkyunwan on KBS, chatting with Harizah, playing chess (which I lost 3 times in a row, and gonna lose more if I don't resign from the game) and reading abit of Harry Potter, I realise one thing as I start reading my notes for this Sunday's madrasah exam on Sejarah Pendidikan Islam (History of Islamic Education... Sounds chim eh? Macam History of Magic in HP :P) that is: I am very lucky and should be very grateful that I'm living in Singapore. I have such a thing as education (irregardless of the 1001 comments about the education system in Singapore) and even as my exams end, I am able to bathe myself in such luxury as watching tv, reading books and playing online games... How many people my age out there afford such luxury? For all my incompetency of getting into NTU, I'm so-called under MOE scholarship in NIE for a degree and that should count as something to be very grateful for... Alhamdulillah... Imagine if I were in some other parts of the world where I would probably have to work to support my family, or I'd be married with dunno how many kids to care for, or live in a fear-stricken environment as war rages... For all the little things that I complain about, I should very much be grateful for everything else...