La Tahzan La Tahzan La tahzan

Life is a university for us. Let's strive for all-round success. Hidup ini tarbiyah untuk kita. Ayuh usaha untuk kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

For some reason, I find it really hard to sleep today. Alot of things on my mind and how I wish to continue working non-stop till all are done, yet I know I MUST sleep and rest my mind and body.

Alhamdulillah, results are out and I guess they're satisfactory. I hope I can raise my GPA next sem to at least a Second Lower Class honours, all the better if I can get Second Upper Class but let's take it one sem at a time ok?

And I'm loving my madrasah results! Can't wait to grad and have the final transcript in my hands at the end of this year! Then, I'd have my weekends to fill with other things I've been wanting to do.

I have to pull my hat off to people who have goals and work hard towards accomplishing them. My goals waver and sometimes disappear. Yet, there are some goals that have been on my list and are still yet to be accomplished. Alhamdullillah, there're also a few that I've successfully accomplished.

Finally, after years I passed my driving test on my first try on 12 April with only 4 points. Right now, I want to be able to drive, and park, and fill in with petrol on my own. Let's not rush things and give me some time aye? Earliest probably before I start Year 3 in August and latest maybe by the end of this year? I think my dad meant well, but by asking me to get on the expressway as soon as I pass was daunting and kinda scared the wits out of me. Lemme stay within the neighbourhood first aye? Haha

I will be having 7 modules next sem. As much as I want to take Mandarin at NTU, I would have to travel all the way to HSS school which is like all the way across NTU compund from NIE... And the process to take a NTU elective is already so troublesome that it turns me off. On the other hand, I have no interest in any NIE elective modules... :( Hmm, I don't even know if I should take an elective this coming sem or the next...

I'm still exploring my options on what should I do when I graduate from DPIA. I've already requested to teach @live at Ghufran (and even if I can't get one at Ghufran, I can always request to teach at Istiqamah, just that it is abit far and travelling takes up time and costs $$$). But I still wanna learn as well. I'm considering either a part-time Arabic or Al-Qur'an course at Zuhri or take Arabic at Al-Markaz like Harizah and a couple of other friends who've been recommending the institute. Syafiqah also suggested taking A Levels in Islamic Knowledge. Hmmmmmmmmm....

I'm feeling motivated and spoilt for choice right now, all the more making me more awake.

I need to sleep! Alright, I shall go close my eyes and wait till sleep invites...

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